931 research outputs found

    Investigation of multilayer magnetic domain lattice file

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    A theoretical and experimental investigation determined that current accessed self structured bubble memory devices have the potential of meeting projected data density and speed requirements. Device concepts analyzed include multilayer ferrimagnetic devices where the top layer contains a domain structure which defines the data location and the second contains the data. Current aperture and permalloy assisted current propagation devices were evaluated. Based on the result of this work more detailed device research was initiated. Detailed theoretical and experimental studies indicate that the difference in strip and threshold between a single bubble in the control layer and a double bubble which would exist in both the control layer and data layer is adequate to allow for detection of data. Detailed detector designs were investigated

    Investigation of multilayer magnetic domain lattice file

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    The feasibility of the self structured multilayered bubble domain memory as a mass memory medium for satellite applications is examined. Theoretical considerations of multilayer bubble supporting materials are presented, in addition to the experimental evaluation of current accessed circuitry for various memory functions. The design, fabrication, and test of four device designs is described, and a recommended memory storage area configuration is presented. Memory functions which were demonstrated include the current accessed propagation of bubble domains and stripe domains, pinning of stripe domain ends, generation of single and double bubbles, generation of arrays of coexisting strip and bubble domains in a single garnet layer, and demonstration of different values of the strip out field for single and double bubbles indicating adequate margins for data detection. All functions necessary to develop a multilayer self structured bubble memory device were demonstrated in individual experiments

    Memory system for a relational database processor

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    An associative memory for a relational database management system, with content addressing capability, is studied and analyzed. The system utilizes one level of indexing and the database is clustered. The logic-per-track approach is used for parallel processing of the data in a cylinder. The attributes and the tuples are allowed to have an arbitrary length and no encoding algorithm is used. The performance of the system is analyzed and it is demonstrated to have superior performance in comparison to software-based systems. The cost effectiveness of the system is also shown

    Data systems elements technology assessment and system specifications, issue no. 2

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    The ability to satisfy the objectives of future NASA Office of Applications programs is dependent on technology advances in a number of areas of data systems. The hardware and software technology of end-to-end systems (data processing elements through ground processing, dissemination, and presentation) are examined in terms of state of the art, trends, and projected developments in the 1980 to 1985 timeframe. Capability is considered in terms of elements that are either commercially available or that can be implemented from commercially available components with minimal development

    Signature Files: An Integrated Access Method for Formatted and Unformatted Databases

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    The signature file approach is one of the most powerful information storage and retrieval techniques which is used for finding the data objects that are relevant to the user queries. The main idea of all signature based schemes is to reflect the essence of the data items into bit pattern (descriptors or signatures) and store them in a separate file which acts as a filter to eliminate the non aualifvine data items for an information reauest. It provides an integrated access method for both formattid and formatted databases. A complative overview and discussion of the proposed signatnre generation methods and the major signature file organization schemes are presented. Applications of the signature techniques to formatted and unformatted databases, single and multiterm query cases, serial and paratlei architecture. static and dynamic environments are provided with a special emphasis on the multimedia databases where the pioneering prototype systems using signatnres yield highly encouraging results
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