7 research outputs found

    Panorama sobre o Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo (CTPC) à luz das percepções dos estudantes

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    Obter informações sobre o uso das Tecnologias Digitais (TD) de professoresuniversitários representa um campo de investigação com elevado potencial porque vistopode constituir uma base teórica para orientar o currículo de formação inicial ou contínua de professores para integração eficaz da tecnologia em sala de aula. Este estudo, de abordagem qualitativa com paradigma interpretativo, objetiva descreve um panorama de como os graduandos em química (GQ) perceberam a integração das tecnologias na ação pedagógica de seus professores durante a pandemia de COVID-19 para ensinar a química. A construção dos dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário on-line composto por 21 itens distribuídos em uma escala Likert que foi respondido por 377 GQ das cinco regiões do Brasil. Os resultados apontam que os docentes mostraram domínio nos campos de Conhecimentos Científico e Tecnológico, não ocorrendo o mesmo para os campos de Conhecimentos que apresentam elementos Pedagógicos

    A 21. századi kompetenciák digitális technológiával támogatott fejlesztésének képessége: - pilot kutatás a TPACK21 skála adaptálásáról

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    Our research is a part of a comprehensive research project focusing on the impact of digital transformation on education, as a pilot project. We investigated the relationship between teachers' technological-pedagogical-content knowledge (TPACK) and their age, the goals and quantity of using digital tools, and their attitudes towards digital education. As part of the pilot research, an online questionnaire for teachers was conducted following a quantitative research strategy in order to test the TPACK21 scale. We translated a version of the scale developed by Valtonen et al. (2017) for measuring TPACK21, the scale for developing 21st century skills. Based on the KIR database, we administered the questionnaire to a randomly selected 5% of all schools (stratified by region and school type). The cleansed database contains 191 respondents. The results do not confirm that younger age is associated with higher TPACK21. However, a significant correlation between TPACK21 score and the set of purposes for using digital tools is found: those with higher TPACK21 scores reported a higher variety of educational purposes in using digital technologies and those with above-average TPACK21 scores have reported the use of digital tools to support individual learning pathways to a higher proportion. Results confirm that the TPACK21 scale is able to measure pedagogically-aware use of digital technologies. Furthermore, the study confirms that feelings of uncertainty and helplessness negatively influence the TPACK21 score, which brings the community aspects of continuous professional development in focus (Phillips, 2017). The results of our study, although limited in drawing generalisable conclusions, may contribute to the success of further research exploring the effects of digital transformation and to the identification of further opportunities.Kutatásunk egy, a digitális transzformáció hatásait vizsgáló átfogó kutatás részeként, annak pilot projektjeként valósult meg. Vizsgálatunk során arra kerestük a választ, milyen összefüggésben áll a pedagógusok technológiai- pedagógiai-szaktárgyi tudása (TPACK) a pályán eltöltött éveik számával, a digitális eszközhasználat céljaival és azok mennyiségével, valamint a digitális eszközökkel támogatott oktatással kapcsolatos attitűdjeikkel. A pilot kutatás keretében kvantitatív kutatási stratégiát követve online kérdőíves vizsgálatot végeztünk pedagógusok körében annak érdekében, hogy az átfogó kutatás számára teszteljük a TPACK21 skála működését. A kérdőívben a TPACK21 mérésére a Valtonen és munkatársai (2017) által kialakított skála 21. századi kompetenciák fejlesztésére irányuló verzióját fordítottuk magyarra. A KIR adatbázis alapján az összes feladatellátási hely (régió és iskolatípus szerint rétegezve) véletlenszerűen kiválasztott 5%-ának juttattuk el a kérdőívünket. A tisztított adatbázisban 191 kitöltő szerepel. Az eredmények alapján nem igazolható, hogy a fiatalabb életkor magasabb TPACK21 értéket jelent. A digitális eszközhasználat céljait tekintve azonban szignifikáns összefüggés állapítható meg a TPACK21 érték és a célok mennyisége között: azok, akik magasabb TPACK21 pontszámmal rendelkeznek, többféle oktatási célra használják a digitális technológiákat, továbbá az átlag feletti TPACK21 értékkel rendelkezők csoportjában kimutathatóan magasabb arányban használnak digitális eszközöket az egyéni tanulási utak támogatására, Az eredmények megerősítik, hogy a TPACK21 skála képes a pedagógiailag tudatos eszközhasználat mérésére. Továbbá a vizsgálat alapján megerősítést nyert, hogy a bizonytalanság és a tehetetlenség érzete negatív mértékben befolyásolja a TPACK21 értékét, ami előtérbe helyezi a folyamatos szakmai fejlődés közösségi aspektusait (Phillips, 2017). Kutatásunk eredményei – bár önmagukban általánosítható következtetés levonására korlátozottan alkalmasak – hozzájárulhatnak a digitális transzformáció hatásait feltáró további kutatások sikerességéhez és további lehetőségek feltérképezéséhez

    Identity transformation among returnee language teachers in China : a multidimensional analysis of the transformative process

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    Identity transformation has emerged as an increasingly significant research focus in the field of teacher education, including considerations relating to who teachers are and what they can/should do in a particular educational context. The sociocultural epistemology (Freeman & Johnson, 1998) proposes to study teachers as learners who develop their pedagogical knowledge through their teaching processes that are interdependent with the school context. At the background of education globalization and multilingualism, more language teachers are involved in overseas education and then work as returnee or mobile teachers. A study on these particular participants hopes to expand the intellectual space of teacher identity research. With social-ecology as the overarching framework, this research explores complexity in identity transformation of returnee language teachers (RLTs) as a form of organic change in an educational ecology. It addresses three interrelated agendas: 1) identity as an intra-personal perception; 2) identity transformation as a complex process embedded in spatial-temporal evolution; and 3) identity transformation as an active process of the ongoing interrelationship between human agency and the surrounding context. This thesis depicts RLTs as learners seeking to understand their identity as teachers within their teaching community. Three social learning theories are employed to analyse these dimensions. In addition, complexity theory is employed as the overarching theoretical framework governing the methodologies, data collection and analysis, and categorisation and interpretation of findings. As an ethnographic narrative inquiry, this cross-case qualitative research studied 17 returnees following their participation in an Australia-China language teacher education program. They are all teaching Chinese or English language in different institutions and were recruited using snowball sampling. Three categories of data were collected: purposive conversational interviews; school observations during interviews; and relevant documents including participants’ theses and related educational policies from public media and websites. The multi-theoretical and multi-dimensional research findings relating to RLTs’ identity transformation led to a holistic reinterpretation, from the perspective of complexity theory. The findings demonstrate that RLTs’ identity transformation embodies features of a complex system: dynamic, emergent, self-organising, nonlinear, self-similar, and interdependent

    Formación básica en procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje apoyados en recursos digitales dirigida a docentes de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    Trabajo final de graduación de 334 páginas en formato pdfEste documento presenta una propuesta piloto de formación básica en procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje mediados utilizando recursos digitales, dirigida a docentes universitarios y justificada en un vació de formación detectado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica en una investigación diagnóstica realizada en 2013 y 2015. Esta necesidad de formación se sustenta en la premisa de que los docentes que conforman la mayoría de las unidades académicas universitarias, son expertos en su área profesional pero carecen de formación en didáctica y docencia, por lo que podría ser válida en otras Escuelas y Facultades. Aprovechando la plataforma institucional “Mediación Virtual” y el marco ideológico del proyecto Docencia Multiversa, que persigue la construcción de espacios de transformación del aprendizaje por medio de la flexibilización, la innovación y la diversificación de entornos educativos, se construye un entorno virtual de aprendizaje (EVA) que pretende simultáneamente promover la formación de los docentes en entornos de aprendizaje poco explorados por ellos, conocer las oportunidades de la educación desde estos espacios y la exploración de algunas herramientas basadas en TIC que puedan favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiantado. El EVA fue evaluado por expertos en metodología y contenido, probada en piloto con docentes universitarios de diversas disciplinas y validada en un grupo de docentes de la población estudiada. La propuesta fue bien acogida y despertó en los participantes gran interés por estos espacios de formación, quienes consideraron en un 100% que el recurso cumplió su objetivo y valoraron la experiencia formativa 86% como muy buena y 14% como buena. Se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones recogidas con el fin de mejorar el EVA para que pueda ser utilizado como recurso de actualización y sirva como primer paso para desarrollar otros instrumentos que permitan la formación continua y permanente de docentes universitarios interesados

    How can multi-user virtual environments be designed for vocational education and training?

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    Polytechnics in New Zealand and abroad are mainly concerned with vocational education and training (VET); it is their mission to have graduates work ready. However, this is challenging for economic and practical reasons. Employers may not be able to accept liability particularly when the workplace is dangerous. Virtual environments that simulate these contexts have been successfully designed for gaming, but can such environments be systematically designed for VET? An authentic, vocational situation can be designed and coded into a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) to provide a simulated, immersive, vocational learning experience for a number of students. Using an avatar, each student can share their social presence in the MUVE, including voice communication and spatial movement. Within a MUVE, a student is able to practise without physical risk. In this way, MUVE-based learning could provide an opportunity to develop more work-ready graduates. However, there is little research into the design of MUVEs for VET. In addition, such virtual learning environments must continue to be updated and redesigned to fit the continual development of the vocation and the technology platforms. Therefore, there is a need for interdisciplinary educational and informatics research into the processes of designing MUVEs to fit education and training. While a number of MUVEs have been created and their implementation has been researched and documented, the processes of their design have not been studied. For example, for children in middle school in the United States, the River City MUVE and its following generation EcoMUVE (Dede, Grotzer, Kamarainen, & Metcalf, 2017a) adopted design based research (DBR) to produce, at large scale, a MUVE that simulated an authentic situation. These and other studies of MUVEs have only gathered evidence from implementing the interventions, but have not presented any findings in relation to the design and coding processes. In addition, while specific theoretical perspectives were included for some MUVEs, the way in which educational theory informed the design and development of the MUVEs have not been studied or described. The research presented in this thesis addresses the need to understand how educational theory can become intrinsic to the design and development of MUVEs and how it informs the design and development of the software for VET. Two case studies of MUVE design processes are presented in this thesis. Both vocational contexts involve some danger and risk: (1) temporary traffic management (TTM) and (2) communication on a ship’s bridge. The three phase study was informed by two theoretical frameworks; the legitimate peripheral participation theory (LPP) (Lave & Wenger, 1991) and the technological and pedagogical content knowledge framework (TPACK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). The first case study is of a hybrid DBR Agile methodology that was enacted to produce a MUVE for TTM. The methodology was further refined in the development of a MUVE for maritime ship’s bridge communication training in the second case study. Techniques from research in information systems (IS) software design and Agile software engineering methods were systematically integrated with those in educational research, including the participant researcher who had the additional roles of software developer, designer of virtual environments, and technician. In addition to students, the participants in the case studies included tertiary educators and professionals, such as, a civil engineer and a Master of a maritime vessel. Interviews and observations were recorded throughout the enactment of the hybrid DBR Agile software development process. The analysis included a novel swim approach that framed and reflected on the roles of participants in each MUVE project overall, and in the context of a particular classroom intervention. The swim framed the direct and indirect analyses of observations of the fit of the theoretical frameworks as they were applied. The swim narratives were complemented with recordings of the Agile tasks when they were added to backlogs for development. In summary, this doctoral study discovered a hybrid DBR for Agile software development (hDAS) methodology that inculcates educational theory with DBR and participant research in requirements-gathering for Agile software development and feedback to the software development process. It also presents two case studies of this process. This methodology is relevant to the production and updating of MUVEs to improve the design and implementation for the purposes of VET. Further research is also recommended