12 research outputs found

    The relationship between business process re-engineering (BPR) and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspective of Maqasid Al-Shariah

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspective of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah. BPR factors are operationalized by strategic alignment, management commitment, change management, customer focus, BPR project management and IT infrastructure. The questionnaires were sent directly to branches and collected by hand. Simple random sampling was used for sample selection. 63 questionnaires were sent to managers’ Islamic banking, 59 samples were returned but only 54 samples were used for data analysis. The data was analyzed using ‘Statistical Package for Social Science’ SPSS version 21. Collectively, the result shows that the BPR are able to influence the performance of Islamic banking in Kedah branches. The BPR are able to influence overall performance of Islamic banks and others three (3) dimension of performance (educating individual, establish justice and public interest). However, for individually, analysis using multiple regression analysis indicates that only management commitment, customer focus and BPR project management are able to influence overall Islamic banking performance. In term of dimension banks performance, customer focus and BPR project management are influences dimension of educating individual. While, in dimension of establish justice and public interest, only customer focus are able to influence. Therefore, the managerial of Islamic banking in Kedah branches should focus on the management commitment, customer focus and BPR project management in order to enhance the performance of their banks. The outcome of this study provides important insights to both managers and researchers for further understanding about BPR factors and Islamic banks performanc

    Business process reengineering: Is it relevant to the Islamic banks?

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    The emergence trends and the changing behavior of customers have led to the evolution of the Islamic finance. This has put high pressures for the Islamic banks to be competitive.The focus is no longer on cutting costs alone, but simultaneously improving services to customers. Owing to this fact, most banks have given special attention to the “processes” which able to produce values to the customers. One of the popular management tool, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), has been widely applied particularly in the manufacturing industries towards gaining significant improvement in organizational performances. Nevertheless, there is still lack of thorough empirical evidence of BPR impact on performance in Islamic bank services.It is still unsure whether BPR relevant and meaningful in enhancing the banks performance. Hence, this paper aims to explore the applications of the BPR factors in the Islamic banks and assess the effects towards the bank performance. Survey has been conducted on all banks and financial companies applied Islamic banking in Malaysia.The study received 65.6% feedback and successfully collected to be analyzed. . The overall result shows that the BPR factors and IT capability are able to influence overall performance of Islamic banking in Malaysia. However, for individually, the analysis using multiple regression analysis indicates that only Strategy alignment, Management Commitment, Information Technology (IT) Investment, Process redesign and Less Bureaucratic Structure have significant impact to performance of Islamic banking in Malaysia.The study provides meaningful insight for policy makers, banks practitioners and academicians on the bank performance enhancement

    Hubungan antara amalan operasi perkhidmatan dengan prestasi Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) : gaya kepimpinan sebagai moderasi

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    A study on delivery of services in the public sector in general and army in particular is insufficient. This study focuses on the level of service operations practices adopted by Malaysian Army and its relationship with performance. It aims to determine the relationship between the practice of service operations with the performance of the Malaysian Army in Peninsular Malaysia. In addition, this study also aims to identify whether leadership style acts as a moderator in the relationship between the practice of service operations with the performance of the Malaysian Army. Research method carried out was in the form of field study in which questionnaires were used as instrument. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, multiple regression and hierarchical regression analysis. 800 sets of questionnaires were sent to a unit in the organization of the Army of Malaysia with a return rate of 244 sets (30.5%). Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The findings show a significant relationship between the dimensions of the practice of some service operations such as leadership practice, relationship oriented, the process of delivering a uniform, customer participation with the performance of the Malaysian Army. In addition, variables moderation leadership style namely transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style also affect the relationship between the practice of service operations with the performance of the Malaysian Army. The results of this study may contribute to the development of theory and knowledge in influencing the performance of the Malaysian Army to the proliferation of knowledge related to the field of operations management, especially help the Malaysian Army in the implementation of the operational management more efficiently and effectively

    Recruitment Strategies, Matrices, and Techniques Used in Hiring Veterans

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    Successful transition to civilian employment is a challenge for veterans. The purpose of this single case study was to explore critical aspects of hiring managers\u27 decision-making process and to understand how these strategies and techniques affect the hiring of veterans. Tajfel and Turner\u27s social identity theory and Lewin\u27s organizational change model formed the conceptual framework for the study. The participants for this study were 8 hiring managers from a midsized company in the Upper Hudson Valley Region, New York. Data were collected using semistructured interviews. The data were analyzed and coded and 4 themes emerged: strategies used to fill open positions, specific recruitment and interview protocols, veterans\u27 skills from military training, and lack of experience with hiring veterans. The study results may contribute to veteran\u27s awareness of the skills that employers are seeking that veterans may be able to fulfill. The results of the study could create an opportunity for hiring managers to recognize that veterans represent a trained, ready-made talent pool. The social impact of the study could help hiring managers identify and design the required job description criteria to include the transferable skills of veterans

    Mathematical characterization of business process diagrams aimed at improving operational risk management

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    Rad ima nekoliko ciljeva: izraditi matematičku karakterizaciju dijagrama poslovnih procesa, definirati mjere kompleksnosti grafa i njegovih dijelova, na temelju mjera kompleksnosti opisati proces i identificirati aktivnosti koje bi mogle povećati rizik od neuspješnog izvršenja i prikazati metodologiju na primjeru. U prvom dijelu opisujemo motivaciju uvođenja nove metodologije koja može biti izvor novih informacija korisnih pri provođenju poslovnih procesa. U drugom dijelu rada se opisuju osnove upravljanja rizicima, kao područje u sklopu kojeg se razmatra uvođenje nove metodologije korisne za dobivanja informacija o rizicima u provođenju poslovnih procesa. U trećem dijelu osvrćemo se na modeliranje poslovnih procesa i ukratko opisujemo aktualne standarde modeliranja poslovnih procesa. U četvrtom dijelu predstavljamo osnove teorije grafova i navodimo problem strukturne ispravnosti modela poslovnih procesa te predlažemo način pretvaranja dijagrama poslovnog procesa u matematički graf. U petom dijelu definiramo mjere složenosti grafa i njegovih dijelova, pokazujemo izračune na primjerima i opisujemo korake metodologije dobivanja novih informacija za upravljanje rizicima. Na kraju rada provodimo analizu na tri poslovna procesa: poslovni proces odobravanja kredita, poslovni proces javne nabave i poslovni proces prijave teme doktorske disertacije. Rezultati provedenog rada mogu biti korisni iz više aspekata, a posebno jer pružaju pregled nekoliko standarda modeliranja poslovnih procesa i upravljanja rizicima, definiraju novu metodologiju za dobivanje informacija o poslovnom procesu i o upravljanju rizicima

    Mathematical characterization of business process diagrams aimed at improving operational risk management

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    Rad ima nekoliko ciljeva: izraditi matematičku karakterizaciju dijagrama poslovnih procesa, definirati mjere kompleksnosti grafa i njegovih dijelova, na temelju mjera kompleksnosti opisati proces i identificirati aktivnosti koje bi mogle povećati rizik od neuspješnog izvršenja i prikazati metodologiju na primjeru. U prvom dijelu opisujemo motivaciju uvođenja nove metodologije koja može biti izvor novih informacija korisnih pri provođenju poslovnih procesa. U drugom dijelu rada se opisuju osnove upravljanja rizicima, kao područje u sklopu kojeg se razmatra uvođenje nove metodologije korisne za dobivanja informacija o rizicima u provođenju poslovnih procesa. U trećem dijelu osvrćemo se na modeliranje poslovnih procesa i ukratko opisujemo aktualne standarde modeliranja poslovnih procesa. U četvrtom dijelu predstavljamo osnove teorije grafova i navodimo problem strukturne ispravnosti modela poslovnih procesa te predlažemo način pretvaranja dijagrama poslovnog procesa u matematički graf. U petom dijelu definiramo mjere složenosti grafa i njegovih dijelova, pokazujemo izračune na primjerima i opisujemo korake metodologije dobivanja novih informacija za upravljanje rizicima. Na kraju rada provodimo analizu na tri poslovna procesa: poslovni proces odobravanja kredita, poslovni proces javne nabave i poslovni proces prijave teme doktorske disertacije. Rezultati provedenog rada mogu biti korisni iz više aspekata, a posebno jer pružaju pregled nekoliko standarda modeliranja poslovnih procesa i upravljanja rizicima, definiraju novu metodologiju za dobivanje informacija o poslovnom procesu i o upravljanju rizicima

    Perceptions about change management at Blendco.

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    Master’s degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Change has not been always good and cannot solve all problems; however, for any organisation‟s survival and success, change is a necessity. Change has become essential in business due to an environment with high competition and many challenges. Most researchers suggest that 66.7% to 80% of attempted change efforts fail. Implementing change initiatives continues to be an issue in organisations and often still impacts on business costs due to project failures. This has raised a question as to what the issues are that cause change failures and how these failures can be avoided. These issues and failures can be explored by understanding the perceptions of those who are involved or affected by change. This research study on change perceptions in an organisation was conducted using Blendcor (Pty) Ltd to understand their current issues in change management. The organisation is in the process of transformation, using a five-year turnaround strategy with the aim of becoming one of the leading lubricants manufacturing plants in the world, as per the company vision. A quota sampling technique was used to collect data for the study. The response rate was good at 84%. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the collected data for the study. The study managed to identify that people in a change management process are top priority. After a thorough literature review, it was found that top key issues that need to be addressed on change management are communication of change, involvement of people, management support, planning, organisation culture, and sustainability of the process. The findings from the study supported the literature. The main findings of the study were lack of understanding and the importance of communication of change. It was also found that during change people are affected by stress and other emotional factors, which affect the execution of the change projects. Some of the recommendations from the study are to use proper communication channels during change; change management has to increase the interest of people through proper people management and apply talent management to sustain change management in an organisation

    Relationship Between Budget and Project Success Factors in the Ghanaian Building Construction Sector

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    In developing countries, 60% of project management professionals appear to lack knowledge that timely completion, budget fidelity, and high quality are critical success factors for completion of construction initiatives. Based on the theories of iron triangle, accident causation, scientific management, and strategic management, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between project budget and the independent variables of time, quality, safety, environmental impact, and site disputes in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. One hundred and sixteen project managers, randomly selected from the population of construction professionals in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, completed the survey entitled the Six Key Performance Indicators developed by Ngacho and Das (2014). The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicated a weak positive correlation exists between the independent variables (time, quality, safety, environmental impact, and site disputes) and project budget, F(1, 114) = 37.08, p \u3c 0.001. Time recorded the highest beta (β = .50) followed by site dispute (β = .29), environment (β = .22), quality (β = .06), and safety (β = .04). Attention to key performance indicators associated with time, dispute, and environmental impact could improve project outcomes in the Ghanaian construction sector. The study findings could be useful to improve the quality of projects and may benefit the lives of professionals and community members in the area