6 research outputs found

    An expert system for diagnose of the heart valve diseases

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    In this paper, an expert diagnosis system is presented for interpretation of the Doppler signals of the heart valve diseases based on the pattern recognition. This paper especially deals with the feature extraction from measured Doppler signal waveforms at the heart valve using the Doppler Ultrasound. Wavelet transforms and short time Fourier transform methods are used to feature extract from the Doppler signals on the time鈥揻requency domain. Wavelet entropy method is applied to these features. The back-propagation neural network is used to classify the extracted features. The performance of the developed system has been evaluated in 215 samples. The test results showed that this system was effective to detect Doppler heart sounds. The correct classification rate was about 94% for normal subjects and 95.9% for abnormal subjects.We want to thank, the Cardiology Department of the Firat Medicine Center, Elazig, Turkey for providing the DHS signals to us. This work was supported by Firat University Research Fund. (Project No: 527)

    A New Hybrid Model Based on an Intelligent Optimization Algorithm and a Data Denoising Method to Make Wind Speed Predication

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    To mitigate the increase of anxiety resulting from the depletion of fossil fuels and destruction of the ecosystem, wind power, as the most common renewable energy, is a flourishing industry. Thus, accurate wind speed forecasting is critical for the efficient function of wind farms. However, affected by complicated influence factors in meteorology and volatile physical property, wind speed forecasting is difficult and challenging. Based on previous research efforts, an intelligent hybrid model was proposed in this paper in an attempt to tackle this difficult task. First, wavelet transform was utilized to extract the main components of the original wind speed data while eliminating noise. To make better use of the back-propagation artificial neural network, the initial parameters of the network are substituted with optimized ones, which are achieved by using the artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA), and the final combination model is employed to conduct wind speed forecasting. A series of data are collected from four different observation sites to test the validity of the proposed model. Through comprehensive comparison with the traditional models, the experiment results clearly indicate that the proposed hybrid model outperforms the traditional single models

    Estrategias de an谩lisis y exploraci贸n de datos como soporte a la operaci贸n y supervisi贸n deprocesos qu铆micos

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    En esta tesis se presenta un conjunto de metodolog铆as que intentan facilitar la tarea de explotaci贸n de la informaci贸n contenida en los datos hist贸ricos de proceso y como reaprovecharlos de modo de producir un impacto positivo en la operaci贸n del proceso.Se comienza por atacar el problema de asegurar la calidad de los datos. Se hace una revisi贸n de los m茅todos de filtraci贸n univariable, en especial los basados en t茅cnicas wavelets, ya que estos 煤ltimos se han mostrado en la literatura particularmente ventajosos para el filtrado de datos. Se establece, mediante experimentos, cuales son las funciones wavelets m谩s apropiadas para el filtrado de diversos patrones de se帽ales. Luego, se propone una mejora a los m茅todos actuales de filtraci贸n con wavelets por a帽adir un paso previo de estimaci贸n del nivel de descomposici贸n que afecta a la aplicaci贸n de las wavelets. Lo anterior ayuda a una mayor autonom铆a en la aplicaci贸n en l铆nea de estos m茅todos, a la vez que aseguran precisi贸n en la estimaci贸n de los filtrados resultantes. Adicionalmente, se propone una estrategia que combina varias wavelets para intentar dar respuesta en aplicaciones en-l铆nea a la pregunta de cual wavelets utilizar.El problema de la calidad de los datos tambi茅n se estudia a trav茅s del enfoque de Reconciliaci贸n de Datos (RD). Se intenta contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias para casos din谩micos y lineales, uno de los retos actuales de la RD. La propuesta desarrollada combina un paso inicial de extracci贸n de tendencias mediante filtrado basado en wavelets con la posterior reconciliaci贸n de las tendencias con una t茅cnica RD basada en la representaci贸n polin贸mica del modelo del proceso. Las propuestas se muestran mejor que las estrategias actuales, en t茅rminos de precisi贸n de los estimados obtenidos. Adicionalmente, se propone una primera extensi贸n del m茅todo para procesos altamente no lineales, obteni茅ndose resultados satisfactorios.En el 谩rea de supervisi贸n se presenta un an谩lisis comparativo de diversas estrategias de monitorizaci贸n basada en An谩lisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) y para el caso de procesos afectados frecuentemente por perturbaciones de lenta aparici贸n. Se propone una variante basada en filtrado wavelets con ACP que logra obtener respuestas competitivas con los m茅todos actuales para la detecci贸n de este tipo de perturbaciones pero que, adicionalmente, reduce dr谩sticamente la generaci贸n de alarmas falsas.En otro bloque de trabajos de supervisi贸n se presenta el an谩lisis de estrategias que combina ACP con t茅cnicas de Clustering, para la supervisi贸n de procesos multioperacionales. En una primera parte se presenta una comparaci贸n de diversas combinaciones ACP-clustering. Esta comparaci贸n permite establecer cual de ellas brinda un mejor manejo de aspectos como la identificaci贸n de clusters de formas diversas 贸 el tratamiento de outliers. En la comparaci贸n se a帽aden leves extensiones a algunas de las t茅cnicas existentes que conducen a un mejor manejo de todos los aspectos mencionados anteriormente. Adicionalmente, se establecen alternativas de c贸mo usar las t茅cnicas para casos en que se tiene poco 贸 ning煤n conocimiento previo de los grupos de operaci贸n. A continuaci贸n, se propone una integraci贸n TEM-clustering con modelos ACP multigrupos para la supervisi贸n de procesos multi-operacionales. A diferencia de las estrategias existentes en la literatura, se introduce el tratamiento de las transiciones durante la etapa de dise帽o del sistema de monitorizaci贸n, como soporte al operador durante un cambio de operaciones y/o para ayudarle a reducir r谩pidamente el espejo de posibles causas de anormalidades tras la ocurrencia de un fallo. Finalmente, las estrategias anteriores se adaptan al an谩lisis de procesos afectados por decaimiento en la operaci贸n. La estrategia resultante se muestra potencialmente 煤til tanto para profundizar en el conocimiento del proceso como para asistir en su supervisi贸n, planificaci贸n y mantenimiento.This thesis presents a set of new methodologies that tries to exploit the information embedded in process historical data and effectively support process analysis and supervision tasks.The data rectification problem was considered in first place. The adequacy of some type of wavelet for univariate filtering of different signal patterns was studied. Then, a strategy to determine the best decomposition level was proposed and consequently, an initial step to improve current wavelet filtering approaches was found. The obtained results expand the applicability and reliability of existing filtering schemes with wavelets for on-line applications without losing of accuracy on signal estimation. Additionally, an alternative strategy was proposed to solve the problem of which wavelet to choose. This last strategy consist on a weighted combination of different wavelets functions with only one output. The data rectification problem was also studied through a Data Reconciliation (DR) approach. The focus was set on DR developments for Dynamics and Linear Systems. The proposed strategy consists on first applying a trend extraction step, to identify measured process variables trends and then reconciling these trends to make them consistent with the dynamic process model studied. For the trend extraction step, filtering using wavelets was adopted. To reconcile the estimated variables trends, a extended polynomial approach was used. The comparison with existing RD approaches shows promising results in terms of accuracy and computing efficiency. Further extensions that contemplate nonlinear cases were also introduced, showing also satisfactory results.Process Supervision problems were considered in second place. Primarily, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) based monitoring strategies for treatment of processes frequently affected by slowly appearing disturbances or small relative shifts were compared. This comparison included some new proposals combining wavelets filtering approaches and PCA. One of the proposed approaches was capable of handling the detection of small disturbances as good as other existing approaches, but dramatically reducing the problem of false alarms generation.Multioperational process supervision strategies were also considered and studied. First, a comparison of different strategies from literature was considered. The aim was to determine the strategy that produced better results in front of issues like identification of clusters with different forms or its performance facing outliers. The considered strategies are based on the combination of PCA with clustering techniques (PCA-clustering). Not only existing approaches were studied but also some extensions of them were also considered. Finally it was shown how new modified strategies lead to improve handling of all the considered issues. In addition, cluster number estimation problem was studied and some successfully strategies were proposed to perform it.Finally, the integration of the above PCA-clustering strategies with multigroup PCA for supervising of multioperational process was proposed and evaluated. The aim was to allow good process supervision capabilities for handling operating changes situations and to facilitate fault diagnosis tasks together with additional capabilities like data transitions treatment. Additionally, an extension of the above-integrated strategy for analysis and supervision of process with decaying performance was evaluated. The resulting strategy was shown as potentially useful to extract useful knowledge from data and to support supervising, planning and maintenance process tasks