8,744 research outputs found

    Process Realizability

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    We develop a notion of realizability for Classical Linear Logic based on a concurrent process calculus.Comment: Appeared in Foundations of Secure Computation: Proceedings of the 1999 Marktoberdorf Summer School, F. L. Bauer and R. Steinbruggen, eds. (IOS Press) 2000, 167-18

    Realizability Toposes from Specifications

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    We investigate a framework of Krivine realizability with I/O effects, and present a method of associating realizability models to specifications on the I/O behavior of processes, by using adequate interpretations of the central concepts of `pole' and `proof-like term'. This method does in particular allow to associate realizability models to computable functions. Following recent work of Streicher and others we show how these models give rise to triposes and toposes

    Bar recursion in classical realisability : dependent choice and continuum hypothesis

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    This paper is about the bar recursion operator in the context of classical realizability. After the pioneering work of Berardi, Bezem & Coquand [1], T. Streicher has shown [10], by means of their bar recursion operator, that the realizability models of ZF, obtained from usual models of λ\lambda-calculus (Scott domains, coherent spaces, . . .), satisfy the axiom of dependent choice. We give a proof of this result, using the tools of classical realizability. Moreover, we show that these realizability models satisfy the well ordering of R\mathbb{R} and the continuum hypothesis These formulas are therefore realized by closed λc\lambda_c-terms. This allows to obtain programs from proofs of arithmetical formulas using all these axioms.Comment: 11 page

    Machine-Checked Proofs For Realizability Checking Algorithms

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    Virtual integration techniques focus on building architectural models of systems that can be analyzed early in the design cycle to try to lower cost, reduce risk, and improve quality of complex embedded systems. Given appropriate architectural descriptions, assume/guarantee contracts, and compositional reasoning rules, these techniques can be used to prove important safety properties about the architecture prior to system construction. For these proofs to be meaningful, each leaf-level component contract must be realizable; i.e., it is possible to construct a component such that for any input allowed by the contract assumptions, there is some output value that the component can produce that satisfies the contract guarantees. We have recently proposed (in [1]) a contract-based realizability checking algorithm for assume/guarantee contracts over infinite theories supported by SMT solvers such as linear integer/real arithmetic and uninterpreted functions. In that work, we used an SMT solver and an algorithm similar to k-induction to establish the realizability of a contract, and justified our approach via a hand proof. Given the central importance of realizability to our virtual integration approach, we wanted additional confidence that our approach was sound. This paper describes a complete formalization of the approach in the Coq proof and specification language. During formalization, we found several small mistakes and missing assumptions in our reasoning. Although these did not compromise the correctness of the algorithm used in the checking tools, they point to the value of machine-checked formalization. In addition, we believe this is the first machine-checked formalization for a realizability algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Existential witness extraction in classical realizability and via a negative translation

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    We show how to extract existential witnesses from classical proofs using Krivine's classical realizability---where classical proofs are interpreted as lambda-terms with the call/cc control operator. We first recall the basic framework of classical realizability (in classical second-order arithmetic) and show how to extend it with primitive numerals for faster computations. Then we show how to perform witness extraction in this framework, by discussing several techniques depending on the shape of the existential formula. In particular, we show that in the Sigma01-case, Krivine's witness extraction method reduces to Friedman's through a well-suited negative translation to intuitionistic second-order arithmetic. Finally we discuss the advantages of using call/cc rather than a negative translation, especially from the point of view of an implementation.Comment: 52 pages. Accepted in Logical Methods for Computer Science (LMCS), 201

    On the generalization of linear least mean squares estimation to quantum systems with non-commutative outputs

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the problem of generalizing the Belavkin-Kalman filter to the case where the classical measurement signal is replaced by a fully quantum non-commutative output signal. We formulate a least mean squares estimation problem that involves a non-commutative system as the filter processing the non-commutative output signal. We solve this estimation problem within the framework of non-commutative probability. Also, we find the necessary and sufficient conditions which make these non-commutative estimators physically realizable. These conditions are restrictive in practice.Comment: 31 page

    Interactive Learning-Based Realizability for Heyting Arithmetic with EM1

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    We apply to the semantics of Arithmetic the idea of ``finite approximation'' used to provide computational interpretations of Herbrand's Theorem, and we interpret classical proofs as constructive proofs (with constructive rules for ∨,∃\vee, \exists) over a suitable structure \StructureN for the language of natural numbers and maps of G\"odel's system \SystemT. We introduce a new Realizability semantics we call ``Interactive learning-based Realizability'', for Heyting Arithmetic plus \EM_1 (Excluded middle axiom restricted to Σ10\Sigma^0_1 formulas). Individuals of \StructureN evolve with time, and realizers may ``interact'' with them, by influencing their evolution. We build our semantics over Avigad's fixed point result, but the same semantics may be defined over different constructive interpretations of classical arithmetic (Berardi and de' Liguoro use continuations). Our notion of realizability extends intuitionistic realizability and differs from it only in the atomic case: we interpret atomic realizers as ``learning agents''

    A Local Logic for Realizability in Web Service Choreographies

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    Web service choreographies specify conditions on observable interactions among the services. An important question in this regard is realizability: given a choreography C, does there exist a set of service implementations I that conform to C ? Further, if C is realizable, is there an algorithm to construct implementations in I ? We propose a local temporal logic in which choreographies can be specified, and for specifications in the logic, we solve the realizability problem by constructing service implementations (when they exist) as communicating automata. These are nondeterministic finite state automata with a coupling relation. We also report on an implementation of the realizability algorithm and discuss experimental results.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2014, arXiv:1409.229
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