32 research outputs found

    Scan to BIM for 3D reconstruction of the papal basilica of saint Francis in Assisi In Italy

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    The historical building heritage, present in the most of Italian cities centres, is, as part of the construction sector, a working potential, but unfortunately it requires planning of more complex and problematic interventions. However, policies to support on the existing interventions, together with a growing sensitivity for the recovery of assets, determine the need to implement specific studies and to analyse the specific problems of each site. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the methodology and the results obtained from integrated laser scanning activity in order to have precious architectural information useful not only from the cultural heritage point of view but also to construct more operative and powerful tools, such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) aimed to the management of this cultural heritage. The Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy are, in fact, characterized by unique and complex peculiarities, which require a detailed knowledge of the sites themselves to ensure visitor’s security and safety. For such a project, we have to take in account all the people and personnel normally present in the site, visitors with disabilities and finally the needs for cultural heritage preservation and protection. This aim can be reached using integrated systems and new technologies, such as Internet of Everything (IoE), capable of connecting people, things (smart sensors, devices and actuators; mobile terminals; wearable devices; etc.), data/information/knowledge and processes to reach the desired goals. The IoE system must implement and support an Integrated Multidisciplinary Model for Security and Safety Management (IMMSSM) for the specific context, using a multidisciplinary approach

    Integrated surveying for the archaeological documentation of a neolithic site

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    It has been tested the applicability of integrated surveys (remote sensing, digital photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)) in order to verify, through gradual and successive steps, how geomatic techniques can get 3D results with metric value combined with a quality content for an archaeological site. In particular, the data have been collected during the excavation campaign of Neolithic archaeological site in Taranto. The possibilities to scan articulated forms, in the presence of curve, concavity and convexity, and jutting parts rotate, characterized by alterations, through the acquisition of a dense points cloud makes the technique TLS needed in archaeology. Through the photogrammetric technique the laser data has been integrated concerning some details found on the site for which it has been required a higher degree of detail. The photogrammetric data has been acquired with the calibrated camera. The processing of the acquired data and their integration has been made possible to study an important archeological site, in its totality, from small scale (general site framework) to large scale (3D model with a high degree of detail) and to structure a multi-temporal database for simplified data management

    Imaging rover technology: characteristics, possibilities and possible improvements

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    The terrestrial photogrammetric survey allows to acquire geometric characteristics of objects quickly and with handy and inexpensive hardware. Traditionally, these measurements require some hours of time between the choice of the acquisition points, the setting up of the camera, the survey of the topographic support network and subsequent processing of the acquired data. The upcoming of advanced algorithms such as "structure from motion" (SFM) [1] and the recent availability of optical cameras with increasing resolution combined with increasing resources of mass storage [1], make it possible to create dedicated hardware with potentials not possible with these technologies so far. Of particular interest in this field is the coming of so-called "imaging rovers", i.e. cameras that allow simultaneous acquisition of multiple images, covering a 360-degree panorama and in some cases, directly positioned thanks to GPS/GNSS differential receivers with centimeter accuracy. The recent availability of these innovative techniques requires careful verification to assess their capabilities, accuracy, precision and possible limitations. This work presents the first systematic verification of one of these latest generation devices in different conditions and for different applications. It has been verified that in many cases it is possible to obtain three-dimensional surveys quickly with information contents comparable to those of more expensive and less handy instruments such as terrestrial laser scanning. The development of these techniques could lead to operational simplifications and greater efficiency also in complementarity with the reliefs from UAVs that, as it's well known, show some limitations in the so-called urban canyons

    Integrated survey for the reconstruction of the Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy

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    The Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy are characterized by unique and composite particularities that need an exhaustive knowledge of the sites themselves to guarantee visitor's security and safety, considering all the people and personnel normally present in the site, visitors with disabilities and finally the needs for cultural heritage preservation and protection. This aim can be reached using integrated systems and innovative technologies, such as Internet of Everything (IoE), which can connect people, things (smart sensors, devices and actuators; mobile terminals; wearable devices; etc.), data/information/knowledge and processes to reach the wanted objectives. The IoE system must implement and support an Integrated Multidisciplinary Model for Security and Safety Management (IMMSSM) for the specific context, using a multidisciplinary approach. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the integrated survey for the reconstruction of the considered site that was necessary to obtain all the necessary information to start to set up the considered IMMSSM and the related IoE based technological system

    Colloqui.AT.e 2019. Ingegno e costruzione nell'epoca della complessità. Volume degli Abstract

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    Il Volume degli Abstract può essere interpretato secondo differenti livelli di lettura - strettamente correlati tra loro - che restituiscono da un lato i criteri generali di selezione e le scelte di articolazione interpretativa operate dai curatori, dall’altro un panorama sull’aggiornamento disciplinare dell’Architettura Tecnica, in continuo dialogo con le altre discipline scientifiche e con il mondo professionale. Il livello di lettura più immediato è di carattere formale e riguarda la struttura del volume. Il testo è articolato in tre sezioni, una per ogni topic principale: A. Construction History and Preservation; B. Construction and Building Performance; C. Design and Building Technologies. Operando invece su un piano speculativo, il Volume degli Abstract si rivela essere un interessante strumento per avviare alcune riflessioni sulle attuali linee di ricerca teorica e applicativa su cui si polarizzano i temi più sentiti dalla nostra comunità scientifica. Se l’ossatura in tre topic principali rappresenta una costante di ogni congresso Colloqui.AT.e e riflette sostanzialmente le tre ‘anime’ disciplinari dell’Architettura Tecnica, la declinazione dei sub-topic, affidata tradizionalmente alla scelta autonoma della sede ospitante, ha il compito di promuovere l’avvio di una riflessione teorica comune sulle nuove frontiere della ricerca per rispondere alle sfide più urgenti. L’analisi della collocazione degli abstract rispetto alla struttura dei topic e dei sub-topic rispecchia in un certo qual modo come i componenti della comunità scientifica e i diversi attori che con essa dialogano, hanno risposto alla sollecitazione presentata e fa emergere anche una fisionomia abbastanza precisa dell’attività di ricerca, nell’attuale momento storico

    Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques"

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    The Seventh International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques (Livorno, Italy June 19-20-21, 2018) was organized by the CNR-IBIMET in collaboration with the City of Livorno, the LEM Foundation, the FCS Foundation and the Compagnia dei Portuali di Livorno, with the patronage by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, The University of Florence, the Tuscany Region and the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority. The Symposium, in which scholars from all over the Mediterranean basin participated, was an opportunity to illustrate new proposals and to promote actions to protect the Mediterranean coastal marine environment. In particular, the event was characterized by the search for technical and instrumental solutions to problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, human influence on coastal landscape

    De-Sign Environment Landscape City Atti

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    La VI Conferenza Internazionale sul Disegno, De_Sign Environment Landscape City_Genova 2020 tratta di: Rilievo e Rappresentazione dell’Architettura e dell’Ambiente; Il Disegno per il paesaggio; Disegni per il Progetto: tracce - visioni e pre-visioni; I margini i segni della memoria e la città in progress; Cultura visiva e comunicazione dall’idea al progetto; Le emergenze architettoniche; Il colore e l’ambiente; Percezione e identità territoriale; Patrimonio iconografico culturale paesaggistico: arte, letteratura e ricadute progettuali; Segni e Disegni per il Design e Rappresentazione avanzata. Federico Babina, architetto e graphic designer presenta ARCHIVISION, e Eduardo Carazo Lefort, Docente dell’Università di Valladolid e Targa d’Oro dell’Unione Italiana Disegno la Lectio Magistralis. The VI International Conference on Drawing, De_Sign Environment Landscape City_Genoa 2020, deals with: Survey and Representation of Architecture and the Environment; Drawing for the landscape; De-signs for the Project: traces-visions and previews; Margins, signs of memory and the city in progress; Visual culture and communication from idea to project; Architectural emergencies; The color and the environment; Perception and territorial identity; Landscape cultural iconographic heritage: art, literature and design implications; Signs and Drawings for Design and Advanced Representation. Federico Babina, architect and graphic designer presents ARCHIVISION, and Professor Eduardo Carazo Lefort-University of Valladolid and Gold Plate of the Italian Design Union presents his Lectio Magistralis

    Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques"

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    The Seventh International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques (Livorno, Italy June 19-20-21, 2018) was organized by the CNR-IBIMET in collaboration with the City of Livorno, the LEM Foundation, the FCS Foundation and the Compagnia dei Portuali di Livorno, with the patronage by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, The University of Florence, the Tuscany Region and the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority. The Symposium, in which scholars from all over the Mediterranean basin participated, was an opportunity to illustrate new proposals and to promote actions to protect the Mediterranean coastal marine environment. In particular, the event was characterized by the search for technical and instrumental solutions to problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, human influence on coastal landscape