15 research outputs found

    Accelerating MPI collective communications through hierarchical algorithms with flexible inter-node communication and imbalance awareness

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    This work presents and evaluates algorithms for MPI collective communication operations on high performance systems. Collective communication algorithms are extensively investigated, and a universal algorithm to improve the performance of MPI collective operations on hierarchical clusters is introduced. This algorithm exploits shared-memory buffers for efficient intra-node communication while still allowing the use of unmodified, hierarchy-unaware traditional collectives for inter-node communication. The universal algorithm shows impressive performance results with a variety of collectives, improving upon the MPICH algorithms as well as the Cray MPT algorithms. Speedups average 15x - 30x for most collectives with improved scalability up to 65536 cores.^ Further novel improvements are also proposed for inter-node communication. By utilizing algorithms which take advantage of multiple senders from the same shared memory buffer, an additional speedup of 2.5x can be achieved. The discussion also evaluates special-purpose extensions to improve intra-node communication. These extensions return a shared memory or copy-on-write protected buffer from the collective, which reduces or completely eliminates the second phase of intra-node communication.^ The second part of this work improves the performance of MPI collective communication operations in the presence of imbalanced processes arrival times. High performance collective communications are crucial for the performance and scalability of applications, and imbalanced process arrival times are common in these applications. A micro-benchmark is used to investigate the nature of process imbalance with perfectly balanced workloads, and understand the nature of inter- versus intra-node imbalance. These insights are then used to develop imbalance tolerant reduction, broadcast, and alltoall algorithms, which minimize the synchronization delay observed by early arriving processes. These algorithms have been implemented and tested on a Cray XE6 using up to 32k cores with varying buffer sizes and levels of imbalance. Results show speedups over MPICH averaging 18.9x for reduce, 5.3x for broadcast, and 6.9x for alltoall in the presence of high, but not unreasonable, imbalance

    Automatic Energy Saving Schemes for Parallel Applications

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    Although high-performance computing traditionally focuses on the efficient execution of large-scale applications, both energy and power have become critical concerns when approaching exascale. Drastic increases in the power consumption of supercomputers affect significantly their operating costs and failure rates. In modern microprocessor architectures, equipped with dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and CPU clock modulation (throttling), the power consumption may be controlled in software. Additionally, network interconnect, such as Infiniband, may be exploited to maximize energy savings while the application performance loss and frequency switching overheads must be carefully balanced. This work first studies two important collective communication operations, all-to-all and allgather and proposes energy saving strategies on the per-call basis. Next, it targets point-to-point communications to group them into phases and apply frequency scaling to them to save energy by exploiting the architectural and communication stalls. Finally, it proposes an automatic runtime system which combines both collective and point-to-point communications into phases, and applies throttling to them apart from DVFS to maximize energy savings. The experimental results are presented for NAS parallel benchmark problems as well as for the realistic parallel electronic structure calculations performed by the widely used quantum chemistry package GAMESS. Close to the maximum energy savings were obtained with a substantially low performance loss on the given platform

    Towards Automatic and Adaptive Optimizations of MPI Collective Operations

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    Message passing is one of the most commonly used paradigms of parallel programming. Message Passing Interface, MPI, is a standard used in scientific and high-performance computing. Collective operations are a subset of MPI standard that deals with processes synchronization, data exchange and computation among a group of processes. The collective operations are commonly used and can be application performance bottleneck. The performance of collective operations depends on many factors, some of which are the input parameters (e.g., communicator and message size); system characteristics (e.g., interconnect type); the application computation and communication pattern; and internal algorithm parameters (e.g., internal segment size). We refer to an algorithm and its internal parameters as a method. The goal of this dissertation is a performance improvement of MPI collective operations and applications that use them. In our framework, during a collective call, a system-specific decision function is invoked to select the most appropriate method for the particular collective instance. This dissertation focuses on automatic techniques for system-specific decision function generation. Our approach takes the following steps: first, we collect method performance information on the system of interest; second, we analyze this information using parallel communication models, graphical encoding methods, and decision trees; third, based on the previous step, we automatically generate the system-specific decision function to be used at run-time. In situation when a detailed performance measurement is not feasible, method performance models can be used to supplement the measured method performance information. We build and evaluate parallel communication models of 35 different collective algorithms. These models are built on top of the three commonly used point-to-point communication models, Hockney, LogGP, and PLogP.We use the method performance information on a system to build quadtrees and C4.5 decision trees of variable sizes and accuracies. The collective method selection functions are then generated automatically from these trees. Our experiments show that quadtrees of three or four levels are often enough to approximate experimentally optimal decision with a small mean performance penalty (less than 10%). The C4.5 decision trees are even more accurate (with mean performance penalty of less than 5%). The size and accuracy of C4.5 decision trees can be further improved with use of appropriate composite attributes (such as “total message size”, or “even communicator size”.) Finally, we apply these techniques to tune the collective operations on the Grig cluster at the University of Tennessee and to improve an application performance on the Cray XT4 system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The tuned collective is able to achieve more than 40% mean performance improvement over the native broadcast implementation. Using the platform-specific reduce on Cray XT4 lead to 10% improvement in the overall application performance. Our results show that the methods we explored are both applicable and effective for the system-specific optimizations of collective operations and are a right step toward automatically tunable, adaptive, MPI collectives

    On the Burstiness of Distributed Machine Learning Traffic

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    Traffic from distributed training of machine learning (ML) models makes up a large and growing fraction of the traffic mix in enterprise data centers. While work on distributed ML abounds, the network traffic generated by distributed ML has received little attention. Using measurements on a testbed network, we investigate the traffic characteristics generated by the training of the ResNet-50 neural network with an emphasis on studying its short-term burstiness. For the latter we propose metrics that quantify traffic burstiness at different time scales. Our analysis reveals that distributed ML traffic exhibits a very high degree of burstiness on short time scales, exceeding a 60:1 peak-to-mean ratio on time intervals as long as 5~ms. We observe that training software orchestrates transmissions in such a way that burst transmissions from different sources within the same application do not result in congestion and packet losses. An extrapolation of the measurement data to multiple applications underscores the challenges of distributed ML traffic for congestion and flow control algorithms

    Optimizing computation-communication overlap in asynchronous task-based programs

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    Asynchronous task-based programming models are gaining popularity to address the programmability and performance challenges in high performance computing. One of the main attractions of these models and runtimes is their potential to automatically expose and exploit overlap of computation with communication. However, we find that inefficient interactions between these programming models and the underlying messaging layer (in most cases, MPI) limit the achievable computation-communication overlap and negatively impact the performance of parallel programs. We address this challenge by exposing and exploiting information about MPI internals in a task-based runtime system to make better task-creation and scheduling decisions. In particular, we present two mechanisms for exchanging information between MPI and a task-based runtime, and analyze their trade-offs. Further, we present a detailed evaluation of the proposed mechanisms implemented in MPI and a task-based runtime. We show performance improvements of up to 16.3% and 34.5% for proxy applications with point-to-point and collective communication, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving the performance of parallel scientific applications using cache injection

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    Cache injection is a viable technique to improve the performance of data-intensive parallel applications. This dissertation characterizes cache injection of incoming network data in terms of parallel application performance. My results show that the benefit of this technique is dependent on: the ratio of processor speed to memory speed, the cache injection policy, and the application\u27s communication characteristics. Cache injection addresses the memory wall for I/O by writing data into a processor\u27s cache directly from the I/O bus. This technique, unlike data prefetching, reduces the number of reads served by the memory unit. This reduction is significant for data-intensive applications whose performance is dominated by compulsory cache misses and cannot be alleviated by traditional caching systems. Unlike previous work on cache injection which focused on reducing host network stack overhead incurred by memory copies, I show that applications can directly benefit from this technique based on their temporal and spatial locality in accessing incoming network data. I also show that the performance of cache injection is directly proportional to the ratio of processor speed to memory speed. In other words, systems with a memory wall can provide significantly better performance with cache injection and an appropriate injection policy. This result implies that multi-core and many-core architectures would benefit from this technique. Finally, my results show that the application\u27s communication characteristics are key to cache injection performance. For example, cache injection can improve the performance of certain collective communication operations by up to 20% as a function of message size

    Task Packing: Efficient task scheduling in unbalanced parallel programs to maximize CPU utilization

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    Load imbalance in parallel systems can be generated by external factors to the currently running applications like operating system noise or the underlying hardware like a heterogeneous cluster. HPC applications working on irregular data structures can also have difficulties to balance their computations across the parallel tasks. In this article we extend, improve and evaluate more deeply the Task Packing mechanism proposed in a previous work. The main idea of the mechanism is to concentrate the idle cycles of unbalanced applications in such a way that one or more CPUs are freed from execution. To achieve this, CPUs are stressed with just useful work of the parallel application tasks, provided performance is not degraded. The packing is solved by an algorithm based on the Knapsack problem, in a minimum number of CPUs and using oversubscription. We design and implement a more efficient version of such mechanism. To that end, we perform the Task Packing “in place”, taking advantage of idle cycles generated at synchronization points of unbalanced applications. Evaluations are carried out on a heterogeneous platform using FT and miniFE benchmarks. Results showed that our proposal generates low overhead. In addition the amount of freed CPUs are related to a load imbalance metric which can be used as a prediction for it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A protocol reconfiguration and optimization system for MPI

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    Modern high performance computing (HPC) applications, for example adaptive mesh refinement and multi-physics codes, have dynamic communication characteristics which result in poor performance on current Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementations. The degraded application performance can be attributed to a mismatch between changing application requirements and static communication library functionality. To improve the performance of these applications, MPI libraries should change their protocol functionality in response to changing application requirements, and tailor their functionality to take advantage of hardware capabilities. This dissertation describes Protocol Reconfiguration and Optimization system for MPI (PRO-MPI), a framework for constructing profile-driven reconfigurable MPI libraries; these libraries use past application characteristics (profiles) to dynamically change their functionality to match the changing application requirements. The framework addresses the challenges of designing and implementing the reconfigurable MPI libraries, which include collecting and reasoning about application characteristics to drive the protocol reconfiguration and defining abstractions required for implementing these reconfigurations. Two prototype reconfigurable MPI implementations based on the framework - Open PRO-MPI and Cactus PRO-MPI - are also presented to demonstrate the utility of the framework. To demonstrate the effectiveness of reconfigurable MPI libraries, this dissertation presents experimental results to show the impact of using these libraries on the application performance. The results show that PRO-MPI improves the performance of important HPC applications and benchmarks. They also show that HyperCLaw performance improves by approximately 22% when exact profiles are available, and HyperCLaw performance improves by approximately 18% when only approximate profiles are available

    Optimizing Communication for Massively Parallel Processing

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    The current trends in high performance computing show that large machines with tens of thousands of processors will soon be readily available. The IBM Bluegene-L machine with 128k processors (which is currently being deployed) is an important step in this direction. In this scenario, it is going to be a significant burden for the programmer to manually scale his applications. This task of scaling involves addressing issues like load-imbalance and communication overhead. In this thesis, we explore several communication optimizations to help parallel applications to easily scale on a large number of processors. We also present automatic runtime techniques to relieve the programmer from the burden of optimizing communication in his applications. This thesis explores processor virtualization to improve communication performance in applications. With processor virtualization, the computation is mapped to virtual processors (VPs). After one VP has finished computation and is waiting for responses to its messages, another VP can compute, thus overlapping communication with computation. This overlap is only effective if the processor overhead of the communication operation is a small fraction of the total communication time. Fortunately, with network interfaces having co-processors, this happens to be true and processor virtualization has a natural advantage on such interconnects. The communication optimizations we present in this thesis, are motivated by applications such as NAMD (a classical molecular dynamics application) and CPAIMD (a quantum chemistry application). Applications like NAMD and CPAIMD consume a fair share of the time available on supercomputers. So, improving their performance would be of great value. We have successfully scaled NAMD to 1TF of peak performance on 3000 processors of PSC Lemieux, using the techniques presented in this thesis. We study both point-to-point communication and collective communication (specifically all-to-all communication). On a large number of processors all-to-all communication can take several milli-seconds to finish. With synchronous collectives defined in MPI, the processor idles while the collective messages are in flight. Therefore, we demonstrate an asynchronous collective communication framework, to let the CPU compute while the all-to-all messages are in flight. We also show that the best strategy for all-to-all communication depends on the message size, number of processors and other dynamic parameters. This suggests that these parameters can be observed at runtime and used to choose the optimal strategy for all-to-all communication. In this thesis, we demonstrate adaptive strategy switching for all-to-all communication. The communication optimization framework presented in this thesis, has been designed to optimize communication in the context of processor virtualization and dynamic migrating objects. We present the streaming strategy to optimize fine grained object-to-object communication. In this thesis, we motivate the need for hardware collectives, as processor based collectives can be delayed by intermediate that processors busy with computation. We explore a next generation interconnect that supports collectives in the switching hardware. We show the performance gains of hardware collectives through synthetic benchmarks