184 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures -- A Preliminary Taxonomy and Guide to Literature

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    This report briefly motivates current research on evolutionary design of neural architectures (EDNA) and presents a short overview of major research issues in this area. It also includes a preliminary taxonomy of research on EDNA and an extensive bibliography of publications on this topic. The taxonomy is an attempt to categorize current research on EDNA in terms of major research issues addressed and approaches pursued. It is our hope that this will help identify open research questions as well as promising directions for further research on EDNA. The report also includes an appendix that provides some suggestions for effective use of the electronic version of the bibliography

    Artificial Darwinism: an overview

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    Genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, and what is now called evolutionary algorithms, are stochastic optimisation techniques inspired by Darwin’s theory. We present here an overview of these techniques, while stressing on the extreme versatility of the artificial evolution concept. Their applicative framework is very large and is not limited to pure optimisation. Artifical evolution implementations are however computationally expensive: an efficient tuning of the components and parameter of these algorithms should be based on a clear comprehension of the evolutionary mechanisms. Moreover, it is noticeable that the killer-applications of the domain are for the most part based on hybridisation with other optimisation techniques. As a consequence, evolutionary algorithms are not to be considered in competition but rather in complement to the “classical ” optimisation techniques.Les algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques, la programmation gĂ©nĂ©tique, les stratĂ©gies d’évolution, et ce que l’on appelle maintenant en gĂ©nĂ©ral les algorithmes Ă©volutionnaires, sont des techniques d’optimisation stochastiques inspirĂ©es de la thĂ©orie de l’évolution selon Darwin. Nous donnons ici une vision globale de ces techniques, en insistant sur l’extrĂȘme flexibilitĂ© du concept d’évolution artificielle. Cet outil a un champ trĂšs vaste d’applications, qui ne se limite pas Ă  l’optimisation pure. Leur mise en oeuvre se fait cependant au prix d’un coĂ»t calculatoire important, d’oĂč la nĂ©cessitĂ© de bien comprendre ces mĂ©canismes d’évolution pour adapter et rĂ©gler efficacement les diffĂ©rentes composantes de ces algorithmes. Par ailleurs, on note que les applications-phares de ce domaine sont assez souvent fondĂ©es sur une hybridation avec d’autres techniques d’optimisation. Les algorithmes Ă©volutionnaires ne sont donc pas Ă  considĂ©rer comme une mĂ©thode d’optimisation concurrente des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation classiques, mais plutĂŽt comme une approche complĂ©mentaire

    Surface expressions of discontinuities, and the estimation of their 3-D orientations using combined LiDAR and optical imaging

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    The importance of the collection and analysis of data on discontinuities cannot be overemphasized. Problems which include sampling difficulties, risks, limited access to rock faces and exposures, and the delay in data collection has led to a high need for data collection tools and analysis techniques that can overcome these problems. Discontinuities manifest themselves as either traces or as facets. Traces are linear features that intersect with both the discontinuity and the rock cut. Facets are the actual discontinuity surfaces that are exposed in the rock cut. Facets can be natural or induced. Identifying a facet as either natural or induced can sometimes be very difficult and can affect analytical results. The orientation of facets can be estimated from LiDAR point cloud. The orientation of traces can be estimated from optical imaging methods. LiDAR scanning alone cannot measure traces, neither can optical imaging methods measure facets. This is complicated by the fact that both facets and \u27traces\u27 are often present in the same rock cut, making the selection of an appropriate methodology or tool very difficult if not impossible. The set of traces in a rock mass usually belong to a set of facets of the same rock mass. These set of traces and facets can be combined either by the use of stereonets or by the equation of the angle between two lines. This research has provided a simple method by which the orientation of facets can be estimated from LiDAR point cloud. It has also provided a simple method by which the orientation of traces could be estimated from 2-D images. Additionally, this research has provided a reasonable way by which professionals could differentiate between traces, natural, and induced facets. Finally, this research has provided a methodology by which traces from optical images can be combined to facets from point cloud data --Abstract, page iii

    Annual Report of the University, 1999-2000, Volumes 1-4

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    The Robert O. Anderson School and Graduate School of Management at The University of New Mexico Period of Report: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Submitted by Howard L. Smith, Dean The Anderson Schools of Management is divided into four distinct divisions- the Department of Accounting; the Department of Finance, International and Technology Management; the Department of Marketing, Information and Decision Sciences; and the Department of Organizational Studies. This structure provides an opportunity for The Anderson Schools to develop four distinct areas of excellence, proven by results reported here. I. Significant Developments During the Academic Year The Anderson Schools of Management ‱ As a result of the multi-year gift from the Ford Motor Company, completed renovation of The Schools\u27 Advisement and Placement Center, as well as all student organization offices. ‱ The Ford gift also provided for $100,000 to support faculty research, case studies and course development. ‱ The Schools revised the MBA curriculum to meet the changing needs of professional, advanced business education. ‱ The Schools updated computer laboratory facilities, with the addition of a 45-unit cluster for teaching and student work. ‱ The faculty and staff of The Schools furthered outreach in economic development activities by participating directly as committee members and leaders in the cluster workgroups of the Next Generation Economy Initiative. ‱ The faculty, staff and students of The Schools contributed to the development of the Ethics in Business Awards; particularly exciting was the fact that all nominee packages were developed by student teams from The Anderson Schools. ‱ The Schools continue to generate more credit hours per faculty member than any other division of the UNM community. The Accounting Department ‱ Preparation and presentation of a progress report to accrediting body, the AACSB. The Department of Finance, International and Technology Management ‱ The Department continued to focus on expansion of the Management of Technology program as a strategic strength of The Schools. The Department of Marketing. Information and Decision Sciences ‱ Generated 9022 credit hours, with a student enrollment of 3070. The Department of Organizational Studies ‱ Coordinated the 9th UNM Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) Mexico Student Exchange

    Spacelab Science Results Study

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    Beginning with OSTA-1 in November 1981 and ending with Neurolab in March 1998, a total of 36 Shuttle missions carried various Spacelab components such as the Spacelab module, pallet, instrument pointing system, or mission peculiar experiment support structure. The experiments carried out during these flights included astrophysics, solar physics, plasma physics, atmospheric science, Earth observations, and a wide range of microgravity experiments in life sciences, biotechnology, materials science, and fluid physics which includes combustion and critical point phenomena. In all, some 764 experiments were conducted by investigators from the U.S., Europe, and Japan. The purpose of this Spacelab Science Results Study is to document the contributions made in each of the major research areas by giving a brief synopsis of the more significant experiments and an extensive list of the publications that were produced. We have also endeavored to show how these results impacted the existing body of knowledge, where they have spawned new fields, and if appropriate, where the knowledge they produced has been applied

    From approximative to descriptive fuzzy models

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