1,826 research outputs found

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    SplitFS: Reducing Software Overhead in File Systems for Persistent Memory

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    We present SplitFS, a file system for persistent memory (PM) that reduces software overhead significantly compared to state-of-the-art PM file systems. SplitFS presents a novel split of responsibilities between a user-space library file system and an existing kernel PM file system. The user-space library file system handles data operations by intercepting POSIX calls, memory-mapping the underlying file, and serving the read and overwrites using processor loads and stores. Metadata operations are handled by the kernel PM file system (ext4 DAX). SplitFS introduces a new primitive termed relink to efficiently support file appends and atomic data operations. SplitFS provides three consistency modes, which different applications can choose from, without interfering with each other. SplitFS reduces software overhead by up-to 4x compared to the NOVA PM file system, and 17x compared to ext4-DAX. On a number of micro-benchmarks and applications such as the LevelDB key-value store running the YCSB benchmark, SplitFS increases application performance by up to 2x compared to ext4 DAX and NOVA while providing similar consistency guarantees

    Visualization for the Physical Sciences

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    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2007

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics

    Knowledge discovery in multi-relational graphs

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    Ante el reducido abanico de metodologías para llevar a cabo tareas de aprendizaje automático relacional, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es realizar un análisis de los métodos existentes, modificando u optimizando en la medida de lo posible algunos de ellos, y aportar nuevos métodos que proporcionen nuevas vías para abordar esta difícil tarea. Para ello, y sin nombrar objetivos relacionados con revisiones bibliográficas ni comparativas entre modelos e implementaciones, se plantean una serie de objetivos concretos a ser cubiertos: 1. Definir estructuras flexibles y potentes que permitan modelar fenómenos en base a los elementos que los componen y a las relaciones establecidas entre éstos. Dichas estructuras deben poder expresar de manera natural propiedades complejas (valores continuos o categóricos, vectores, matrices, diccionarios, grafos,...) de los elementos, así como relaciones heterogéneas entre éstos que a su vez puedan poseer el mismo nivel de propiedades complejas. Además, dichas estructuras deben permitir modelar fenómenos en los que las relaciones entre los elementos no siempre se dan de forma binaria (intervienen únicamente dos elementos), sino que puedan intervenir un número cualquiera de ellos. 2. Definir herramientas para construir, manipular y medir dichas estructuras. Por muy potente y flexible que sea una estructura, será de poca utilidad si no se poseen las herramientas adecuadas para manipularla y estudiarla. Estas herramientas deben ser eficientes en su implementación y cubrir labores de construcción y consulta. 3. Desarrollar nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje automático relacional de caja negra. En aquellas tareas en las que nuestro objetivo no es obtener modelos explicativos, podremos permitirnos utilizar modelos de caja negra, sacrificando la interpretabilidad a favor de una mayor eficiencia computacional. 4. Desarrollar nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje automático relacional de caja blanca. Cuando estamos interesados en una explicación acerca del funcionamiento de los sistemas que se analizan, buscaremos modelos de aprendizaje automático de caja blanca. 5. Mejorar las herramientas de consulta, análisis y reparación para bases de datos. Algunas de las consultas a larga distancia en bases de datos presentan un coste computacional demasiado alto, lo que impide realizar análisis adecuados en algunos sistemas de información. Además, las bases de datos en grafo carecen de métodos que permitan normalizar o reparar los datos de manera automática o bajo la supervisión de un humano. Es interesante aproximarse al desarrollo de herramientas que lleven a cabo este tipo de tareas aumentando la eficiencia y ofreciendo una nueva capa de consulta y normalización que permita curar los datos para un almacenamiento y una recuperación más óptimos. Todos los objetivos marcados son desarrollados sobre una base formal sólida, basada en Teoría de la Información, Teoría del Aprendizaje, Teoría de Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Teoría de Grafos. Esta base permite que los resultados obtenidos sean suficientemente formales como para que los aportes que se realicen puedan ser fácilmente evaluados. Además, los modelos abstractos desarrollados son fácilmente implementables sobre máquinas reales para poder verificar experimentalmente su funcionamiento y poder ofrecer a la comunidad científica soluciones útiles en un corto espacio de tiempo

    Security Engineering of Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems in Peer-to-Peer Environments: Systematic Review

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    Background: Patient-centered health care information systems (PHSs) enable patients to take control and become knowledgeable about their own health, preferably in a secure environment. Current and emerging PHSs use either a centralized database, peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, or distributed ledger technology for PHS deployment. The evolving COVID-19 decentralized Bluetooth-based tracing systems are examples of disease-centric P2P PHSs. Although using P2P technology for the provision of PHSs can be flexible, scalable, resilient to a single point of failure, and inexpensive for patients, the use of health information on P2P networks poses major security issues as users must manage information security largely by themselves. Objective: This study aims to identify the inherent security issues for PHS deployment in P2P networks and how they can be overcome. In addition, this study reviews different P2P architectures and proposes a suitable architecture for P2P PHS deployment. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) reporting guidelines. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. We searched the following databases: IEEE Digital Library, PubMed, Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, Scopus, and Semantic Scholar. The search was conducted on articles published between 2008 and 2020. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System was used as a guide for rating security issues. Results: Our findings are consolidated into 8 key security issues associated with PHS implementation and deployment on P2P networks and 7 factors promoting them. Moreover, we propose a suitable architecture for P2P PHSs and guidelines for the provision of PHSs while maintaining information security. Conclusions: Despite the clear advantages of P2P PHSs, the absence of centralized controls and inconsistent views of the network on some P2P systems have profound adverse impacts in terms of security. The security issues identified in this study need to be addressed to increase patients\u27 intention to use PHSs on P2P networks by making them safe to use

    Digital fabrication of custom interactive objects with rich materials

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    As ubiquitous computing is becoming reality, people interact with an increasing number of computer interfaces embedded in physical objects. Today, interaction with those objects largely relies on integrated touchscreens. In contrast, humans are capable of rich interaction with physical objects and their materials through sensory feedback and dexterous manipulation skills. However, developing physical user interfaces that offer versatile interaction and leverage these capabilities is challenging. It requires novel technologies for prototyping interfaces with custom interactivity that support rich materials of everyday objects. Moreover, such technologies need to be accessible to empower a wide audience of researchers, makers, and users. This thesis investigates digital fabrication as a key technology to address these challenges. It contributes four novel design and fabrication approaches for interactive objects with rich materials. The contributions enable easy, accessible, and versatile design and fabrication of interactive objects with custom stretchability, input and output on complex geometries and diverse materials, tactile output on 3D-object geometries, and capabilities of changing their shape and material properties. Together, the contributions of this thesis advance the fields of digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, and ubiquitous computing towards the bigger goal of exploring interactive objects with rich materials as a new generation of physical interfaces.Computer werden zunehmend in Geräten integriert, mit welchen Menschen im Alltag interagieren. Heutzutage basiert diese Interaktion weitgehend auf Touchscreens. Im Kontrast dazu steht die reichhaltige Interaktion mit physischen Objekten und Materialien durch sensorisches Feedback und geschickte Manipulation. Interfaces zu entwerfen, die diese Fähigkeiten nutzen, ist allerdings problematisch. Hierfür sind Technologien zum Prototyping neuer Interfaces mit benutzerdefinierter Interaktivität und Kompatibilität mit vielfältigen Materialien erforderlich. Zudem sollten solche Technologien zugänglich sein, um ein breites Publikum zu erreichen. Diese Dissertation erforscht die digitale Fabrikation als Schlüsseltechnologie, um diese Probleme zu adressieren. Sie trägt vier neue Design- und Fabrikationsansätze für das Prototyping interaktiver Objekte mit reichhaltigen Materialien bei. Diese ermöglichen einfaches, zugängliches und vielseitiges Design und Fabrikation von interaktiven Objekten mit individueller Dehnbarkeit, Ein- und Ausgabe auf komplexen Geometrien und vielfältigen Materialien, taktiler Ausgabe auf 3D-Objektgeometrien und der Fähigkeit ihre Form und Materialeigenschaften zu ändern. Insgesamt trägt diese Dissertation zum Fortschritt der Bereiche der digitalen Fabrikation, des Rapid Prototyping und des Ubiquitous Computing in Richtung des größeren Ziels, der Exploration interaktiver Objekte mit reichhaltigen Materialien als eine neue Generation von physischen Interfaces, bei

    Probabilistic Models of Motor Production

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    N. Bernstein defined the ability of the central neural system (CNS) to control many degrees of freedom of a physical body with all its redundancy and flexibility as the main problem in motor control. He pointed at that man-made mechanisms usually have one, sometimes two degrees of freedom (DOF); when the number of DOF increases further, it becomes prohibitively hard to control them. The brain, however, seems to perform such control effortlessly. He suggested the way the brain might deal with it: when a motor skill is being acquired, the brain artificially limits the degrees of freedoms, leaving only one or two. As the skill level increases, the brain gradually "frees" the previously fixed DOF, applying control when needed and in directions which have to be corrected, eventually arriving to the control scheme where all the DOF are "free". This approach of reducing the dimensionality of motor control remains relevant even today. One the possibles solutions of the Bernstetin's problem is the hypothesis of motor primitives (MPs) - small building blocks that constitute complex movements and facilitite motor learnirng and task completion. Just like in the visual system, having a homogenious hierarchical architecture built of similar computational elements may be beneficial. Studying such a complicated object as brain, it is important to define at which level of details one works and which questions one aims to answer. David Marr suggested three levels of analysis: 1. computational, analysing which problem the system solves; 2. algorithmic, questioning which representation the system uses and which computations it performs; 3. implementational, finding how such computations are performed by neurons in the brain. In this thesis we stay at the first two levels, seeking for the basic representation of motor output. In this work we present a new model of motor primitives that comprises multiple interacting latent dynamical systems, and give it a full Bayesian treatment. Modelling within the Bayesian framework, in my opinion, must become the new standard in hypothesis testing in neuroscience. Only the Bayesian framework gives us guarantees when dealing with the inevitable plethora of hidden variables and uncertainty. The special type of coupling of dynamical systems we proposed, based on the Product of Experts, has many natural interpretations in the Bayesian framework. If the dynamical systems run in parallel, it yields Bayesian cue integration. If they are organized hierarchically due to serial coupling, we get hierarchical priors over the dynamics. If one of the dynamical systems represents sensory state, we arrive to the sensory-motor primitives. The compact representation that follows from the variational treatment allows learning of a motor primitives library. Learned separately, combined motion can be represented as a matrix of coupling values. We performed a set of experiments to compare different models of motor primitives. In a series of 2-alternative forced choice (2AFC) experiments participants were discriminating natural and synthesised movements, thus running a graphics Turing test. When available, Bayesian model score predicted the naturalness of the perceived movements. For simple movements, like walking, Bayesian model comparison and psychophysics tests indicate that one dynamical system is sufficient to describe the data. For more complex movements, like walking and waving, motion can be better represented as a set of coupled dynamical systems. We also experimentally confirmed that Bayesian treatment of model learning on motion data is superior to the simple point estimate of latent parameters. Experiments with non-periodic movements show that they do not benefit from more complex latent dynamics, despite having high kinematic complexity. By having a fully Bayesian models, we could quantitatively disentangle the influence of motion dynamics and pose on the perception of naturalness. We confirmed that rich and correct dynamics is more important than the kinematic representation. There are numerous further directions of research. In the models we devised, for multiple parts, even though the latent dynamics was factorized on a set of interacting systems, the kinematic parts were completely independent. Thus, interaction between the kinematic parts could be mediated only by the latent dynamics interactions. A more flexible model would allow a dense interaction on the kinematic level too. Another important problem relates to the representation of time in Markov chains. Discrete time Markov chains form an approximation to continuous dynamics. As time step is assumed to be fixed, we face with the problem of time step selection. Time is also not a explicit parameter in Markov chains. This also prohibits explicit optimization of time as parameter and reasoning (inference) about it. For example, in optimal control boundary conditions are usually set at exact time points, which is not an ecological scenario, where time is usually a parameter of optimization. Making time an explicit parameter in dynamics may alleviate this

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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