56 research outputs found

    Compressing Proteomes: The Relevance of Medium Range Correlations

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    We study the nonrandomness of proteome sequences by analysing the correlations that arise between amino acids at a short and medium range, more specifically, between amino acids located 10 or 100 residues apart; respectively. We show that statistical models that consider these two types of correlation are more likely to seize the information contained in protein sequences and thus achieve good compression rates. Finally, we propose that the cause for this redundancy is related to the evolutionary origin of proteomes and protein sequences

    Using semantic knowledge to improve compression on log files

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    With the move towards global and multi-national companies, information technology infrastructure requirements are increasing. As the size of these computer networks increases, it becomes more and more difficult to monitor, control, and secure them. Networks consist of a number of diverse devices, sensors, and gateways which are often spread over large geographical areas. Each of these devices produce log files which need to be analysed and monitored to provide network security and satisfy regulations. Data compression programs such as gzip and bzip2 are commonly used to reduce the quantity of data for archival purposes after the log files have been rotated. However, there are many other compression programs which exist - each with their own advantages and disadvantages. These programs each use a different amount of memory and take different compression and decompression times to achieve different compression ratios. System log files also contain redundancy which is not necessarily exploited by standard compression programs. Log messages usually use a similar format with a defined syntax. In the log files, all the ASCII characters are not used and the messages contain certain "phrases" which often repeated. This thesis investigates the use of compression as a means of data reduction and how the use of semantic knowledge can improve data compression (also applying results to different scenarios that can occur in a distributed computing environment). It presents the results of a series of tests performed on different log files. It also examines the semantic knowledge which exists in maillog files and how it can be exploited to improve the compression results. The results from a series of text preprocessors which exploit this knowledge are presented and evaluated. These preprocessors include: one which replaces the timestamps and IP addresses with their binary equivalents and one which replaces words from a dictionary with unused ASCII characters. In this thesis, data compression is shown to be an effective method of data reduction producing up to 98 percent reduction in filesize on a corpus of log files. The use of preprocessors which exploit semantic knowledge results in up to 56 percent improvement in overall compression time and up to 32 percent reduction in compressed size.TeXpdfTeX-1.40.

    A joint motion & disparity motion estimation technique for 3D integral video compression using evolutionary strategy

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    3D imaging techniques have the potential to establish a future mass-market in the fields of entertainment and communications. Integral imaging, which can capture true 3D color images with only one camera, has been seen as the right technology to offer stress-free viewing to audiences of more than one person. Just like any digital video, 3D video sequences must also be compressed in order to make it suitable for consumer domain applications. However, ordinary compression techniques found in state-of-the-art video coding standards such as H.264, MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 are not capable of producing enough compression while preserving the 3D clues. Fortunately, a huge amount of redundancies can be found in an integral video sequence in terms of motion and disparity. This paper discusses a novel approach to use both motion and disparity information to compress 3D integral video sequences. We propose to decompose the integral video sequence down to viewpoint video sequences and jointly exploit motion and disparity redundancies to maximize the compression. We further propose an optimization technique based on evolutionary strategies to minimize the computational complexity of the joint motion disparity estimation. Experimental results demonstrate that Joint Motion and Disparity Estimation can achieve over 1 dB objective quality gain over normal motion estimation. Once combined with Evolutionary strategy, this can achieve up to 94% computational cost saving

    Joint source-channel coding/decoding of 3D-ESCOT bitstreams

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    International audienceJoint source-channel decoding (JSCD) exploits residual redundancy in compressed bitstreams to improve the robustness to transmission errors of multimedia coding schemes. This paper proposes an architecture to introduce some additional side information in compressed streams to help JSCD. This architecture exploits a reference decoder already present or introduced at the encoder side. An application to the robust decoding of 3D-ESCOT encoded bitstreams generated within the Vidwav video coder is presented. The layered bitstream generated by this encoder allows SNR scalability, and moreover, when processed by a JSCD, provides increased robustness to transmission errors compared with a single layered bitstream

    Adaptive edge-based prediction for lossless image compression

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    Many lossless image compression methods have been suggested with established results hard to surpass. However there are some aspects that can be considered to improve the performance further. This research focuses on two-phase prediction-encoding method, separately studying each and suggesting new techniques.;In the prediction module, proposed Edge-Based-Predictor (EBP) and Least-Squares-Edge-Based-Predictor (LS-EBP) emphasizes on image edges and make predictions accordingly. EBP is a gradient based nonlinear adaptive predictor. EBP switches between prediction-rules based on few threshold parameters automatically determined by a pre-analysis procedure, which makes a first pass. The LS-EBP also uses these parameters, but optimizes the prediction for each pre-analysis assigned edge location, thus applying least-square approach only at the edge points.;For encoding module: a novel Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) inspired method is suggested, which performs better than applying the BWT directly on the images. We also present a context-based adaptive error modeling and encoding scheme. When coupled with the above-mentioned prediction schemes, the result is the best-known compression performance in the genre of compression schemes with same time and space complexity

    A new multistage lattice vector quantization with adaptive subband thresholding for image compression

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    Lattice vector quantization (LVQ) reduces coding complexity and computation due to its regular structure. A new multistage LVQ (MLVQ) using an adaptive subband thresholding technique is presented and applied to image compression. The technique concentrates on reducing the quantization error of the quantized vectors by "blowing out" the residual quantization errors with an LVQ scale factor. The significant coefficients of each subband are identified using an optimum adaptive thresholding scheme for each subband. A variable length coding procedure using Golomb codes is used to compress the codebook index which produces a very efficient and fast technique for entropy coding. Experimental results using the MLVQ are shown to be significantly better than JPEG 2000 and the recent VQ techniques for various test images

    The 1993 Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is described in terms of its data volume, data rate, and data distribution requirements. Opportunities for data compression in EOSDIS are discussed
