740 research outputs found

    Processing and Linking Audio Events in Large Multimedia Archives: The EU inEvent Project

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    In the inEvent EU project [1], we aim at structuring, retrieving, and sharing large archives of networked, and dynamically changing, multimedia recordings, mainly consisting of meetings, videoconferences, and lectures. More specifically, we are developing an integrated system that performs audiovisual processing of multimedia recordings, and labels them in terms of interconnected “hyper-events ” (a notion inspired from hyper-texts). Each hyper-event is composed of simpler facets, including audio-video recordings and metadata, which are then easier to search, retrieve and share. In the present paper, we mainly cover the audio processing aspects of the system, including speech recognition, speaker diarization and linking (across recordings), the use of these features for hyper-event indexing and recommendation, and the search portal. We present initial results for feature extraction from lecture recordings using the TED talks. Index Terms: Networked multimedia events; audio processing: speech recognition; speaker diarization and linking; multimedia indexing and searching; hyper-events. 1

    QCompere @ REPERE 2013

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    International audienceWe describe QCompere consortium submissions to the REPERE 2013 evaluation campaign. The REPERE challenge aims at gathering four communities (face recognition, speaker identification, optical character recognition and named entity detection) towards the same goal: multimodal person recognition in TV broadcast. First, four mono-modal components are introduced (one for each foregoing community) constituting the elementary building blocks of our various submissions. Then, depending on the target modality (speaker or face recognition) and on the task (supervised or unsupervised recognition), four different fusion techniques are introduced: they can be summarized as propagation-, classifier-, rule- or graph-based approaches. Finally, their performance is evaluated on REPERE 2013 test set and their advantages and limitations are discussed

    QCompere @ REPERE 2013

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    International audienceWe describe QCompere consortium submissions to the REPERE 2013 evaluation campaign. The REPERE challenge aims at gathering four communities (face recognition, speaker identification, optical character recognition and named entity detection) towards the same goal: multimodal person recognition in TV broadcast. First, four mono-modal components are introduced (one for each foregoing community) constituting the elementary building blocks of our various submissions. Then, depending on the target modality (speaker or face recognition) and on the task (supervised or unsupervised recognition), four different fusion techniques are introduced: they can be summarized as propagation-, classifier-, rule- or graph-based approaches. Finally, their performance is evaluated on REPERE 2013 test set and their advantages and limitations are discussed

    Multimodal Automated Fact-Checking: A Survey

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    Misinformation is often conveyed in multiple modalities, e.g. a miscaptioned image. Multimodal misinformation is perceived as more credible by humans, and spreads faster than its text-only counterparts. While an increasing body of research investigates automated fact-checking (AFC), previous surveys mostly focus on text. In this survey, we conceptualise a framework for AFC including subtasks unique to multimodal misinformation. Furthermore, we discuss related terms used in different communities and map them to our framework. We focus on four modalities prevalent in real-world fact-checking: text, image, audio, and video. We survey benchmarks and models, and discuss limitations and promising directions for future researchComment: The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP): Finding

    Emotion Embeddings \unicode{x2014} Learning Stable and Homogeneous Abstractions from Heterogeneous Affective Datasets

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    Human emotion is expressed in many communication modalities and media formats and so their computational study is equally diversified into natural language processing, audio signal analysis, computer vision, etc. Similarly, the large variety of representation formats used in previous research to describe emotions (polarity scales, basic emotion categories, dimensional approaches, appraisal theory, etc.) have led to an ever proliferating diversity of datasets, predictive models, and software tools for emotion analysis. Because of these two distinct types of heterogeneity, at the expressional and representational level, there is a dire need to unify previous work on increasingly diverging data and label types. This article presents such a unifying computational model. We propose a training procedure that learns a shared latent representation for emotions, so-called emotion embeddings, independent of different natural languages, communication modalities, media or representation label formats, and even disparate model architectures. Experiments on a wide range of heterogeneous affective datasets indicate that this approach yields the desired interoperability for the sake of reusability, interpretability and flexibility, without penalizing prediction quality. Code and data are archived under https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7405327 .Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in the Development of Multimedia Corpus of Mezen Robinsons Texts

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    Objective: New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in creating a multimedia corpus of texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" aims to preserve the memory of an event that occurred in the 18th century and to study the history of Spitsbergen development. This article presents a multimedia corpus of Russian-language texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" written in 1766–2022. Observations show that the history of the survival of the Mezen hunters on Edge Island in 1743–1749 has repeatedly attracted the attention of specialists from various fields of knowledge: historians, archaeologists, publicists, professional writers, translators, etc. The corpus unites texts, audio, video, and multimedia resources. Methods: continuous sampling was used to collect the material; when analyzing and describing the data, we applied a descriptive method, a biographical method of studying literature, statistical data processing, philological analysis, observation, assessment, and corpus modeling methods. Findings: the methodology and technology of building an independent multimedia corpus, its architecture, and its design are described. Novelty: the multimedia corpus is a contribution to the development of a new approach to studying the subjectology of Russian literature. Practical significance:the findings can become the basis for studying the biographies and creativity of various authors who built their works on the plot of the Mezen industrialists and for further comparison of various interpretations of one event from the history of the development of the Arctic. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-07 Full Text: PD

    Supporting Newsrooms with Journalistic Knowledge Graph Platforms: Current State and Future Directions

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    Increasing competition and loss of revenues force newsrooms to explore new digital solutions. The new solutions employ artificial intelligence and big data techniques such as machine learning and knowledge graphs to manage and support the knowledge work needed in all stages of news production. The result is an emerging type of intelligent information system we have called the Journalistic Knowledge Platform (JKP). In this paper, we analyse for the first time knowledge graph-based JKPs in research and practice. We focus on their current state, challenges, opportunities and future directions. Our analysis is based on 14 platforms reported in research carried out in collaboration with news organisations and industry partners and our experiences with developing knowledge graph-based JKPs along with an industry partner. We found that: (a) the most central contribution of JKPs so far is to automate metadata annotation and monitoring tasks; (b) they also increasingly contribute to improving background information and content analysis, speeding-up newsroom workflows and providing newsworthy insights; (c) future JKPs need better mechanisms to extract information from textual and multimedia news items; (d) JKPs can provide a digitalisation path towards reduced production costs and improved information quality while adapting the current workflows of newsrooms to new forms of journalism and readers’ demands.publishedVersio

    Exploring the possibilities of Thomson’s fourth paradigm transformation—The case for a multimodal approach to digital oral history?

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    This article seeks to reorientate ‘digital oral history’ towards a new research paradigm, Multimodal Digital Oral History (MDOH), and in so doing it seeks to build upon Alistair Thomson’s (Thomson, A., 2007, Four paradigm transformations in oral history. Oral History Review, 34(1): 49–70.) characterization of a ‘dizzying digital revolution’ and paradigmatic transformation in oral history (OH). Calling for a recalibration of the current dominance of the textual transcript, and for active engagement with the oral, aural, and sonic affordances of both retro-digitized and born digital OH (DOH) collections, we call for a re-orientation of the digital from passive to generative and self-reflexive in the human–machine study of spoken word recordings. First, we take stock of the field of DOH as it is currently conceived and the ways in which it has or has not answered calls for a return to the orality of the interview by digital means. Secondly, we address the predominant trend of working with transcriptions in digital analysis of spoken word recordings and the tools being used by oral historians. Thirdly, we ask about the emerging possibilities—tools and experimental methodologies—for sonic analysis of spoken word collections within and beyond OH, looking to intersections with digital humanities, sociolinguistics, and sound studies. Lastly, we consider ethical questions and practicalities concomitant with data-driven methods, analyses and technologies like AI for the study of sonic research artefacts, reflections that dovetail with digital hermeneutics and digital tool criticism and point towards a new MDOH departure, a sub-field that has potential to inform the many fields that seek patterns in audio, audio-visual, and post-textual materials, serially and at scale

    Multimodal sentiment analysis in real-life videos

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    This thesis extends the emerging field of multimodal sentiment analysis of real-life videos, taking two components into consideration: the emotion and the emotion's target. The emotion component of media is traditionally represented as a segment-based intensity model of emotion classes. This representation is replaced here by a value- and time-continuous view. Adjacent research fields, such as affective computing, have largely neglected the linguistic information available from automatic transcripts of audio-video material. As is demonstrated here, this text modality is well-suited for time- and value-continuous prediction. Moreover, source-specific problems, such as trustworthiness, have been largely unexplored so far. This work examines perceived trustworthiness of the source, and its quantification, in user-generated video data and presents a possible modelling path. Furthermore, the transfer between the continuous and discrete emotion representations is explored in order to summarise the emotional context at a segment level. The other component deals with the target of the emotion, for example, the topic the speaker is addressing. Emotion targets in a video dataset can, as is shown here, be coherently extracted based on automatic transcripts without limiting a priori parameters, such as the expected number of targets. Furthermore, alternatives to purely linguistic investigation in predicting targets, such as knowledge-bases and multimodal systems, are investigated. A new dataset is designed for this investigation, and, in conjunction with proposed novel deep neural networks, extensive experiments are conducted to explore the components described above. The developed systems show robust prediction results and demonstrate strengths of the respective modalities, feature sets, and modelling techniques. Finally, foundations are laid for cross-modal information prediction systems with applications to the correction of corrupted in-the-wild signals from real-life videos

    European Language Grid

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    This open access book provides an in-depth description of the EU project European Language Grid (ELG). Its motivation lies in the fact that Europe is a multilingual society with 24 official European Union Member State languages and dozens of additional languages including regional and minority languages. The only meaningful way to enable multilingualism and to benefit from this rich linguistic heritage is through Language Technologies (LT) including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Speech Technologies and language-centric Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The European Language Grid provides a single umbrella platform for the European LT community, including research and industry, effectively functioning as a virtual home, marketplace, showroom, and deployment centre for all services, tools, resources, products and organisations active in the field. Today the ELG cloud platform already offers access to more than 13,000 language processing tools and language resources. It enables all stakeholders to deposit, upload and deploy their technologies and datasets. The platform also supports the long-term objective of establishing digital language equality in Europe by 2030 – to create a situation in which all European languages enjoy equal technological support. This is the very first book dedicated to Language Technology and NLP platforms. Cloud technology has only recently matured enough to make the development of a platform like ELG feasible on a larger scale. The book comprehensively describes the results of the ELG project. Following an introduction, the content is divided into four main parts: (I) ELG Cloud Platform; (II) ELG Inventory of Technologies and Resources; (III) ELG Community and Initiative; and (IV) ELG Open Calls and Pilot Projects
