71 research outputs found

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 218)

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    This bibliography lists 469 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September, 1987

    Radiation protection programme. Progress report 1987. EUR 11464 DE/EN/FR

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    Klimawandel als Einwirkungsgröße auf die charakteristische Wasserqualität in Reservoiren in semiariden Regionen

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    In this work, a hydrodynamic and water quality model was developed for Lake Nubia based on a two-dimensional, laterally averaged and finite difference hydrodynamic and water quality code, CE-QUAL-W2. The model was calibrated and verified using data which were measured in the years of 2006 and 2007 during low flood periods, respectively. Measurements during the flood season are not available. The results of the presented model show a good agreement with the observed hydrodynamic and water quality records. Two water quality indices (WQIs), NSF WQI and CCME WQI, have been developed to assess the state of water quality in the investigated case study, Lake Nubia, during the first low flood period of January 2006. The CCME WQI has been modified to use the Egyptian standards (objectives) of raw water. Moreover, another two trophic status indices, Carlson TSI and LAWA TI, have been developed to evaluate the trophic status of Lake Nubia during the same period of January 2006. Results of the previously developed hydrodynamic and water quality model for Lake Nubia were used to validate the model. According to the developed water quality indices results, Lake Nubia has a good water quality state during the low flood period. The modified CCME WQI (based on measured data) indicates that the Lake Nubia water quality state is excellent according to the Egyptian standards of water quality for surface waterways. Results of the applied trophic status indices show that the Lake Nubia trophic status is eutrophic during the studied period. The effect of the global climate change on the hydrodynamic and water quality characteristics of Lake Nubia was conducted for the 21st century. To do that, the outputs of eleven global climate models for two global emissions scenarios combined with hydrological modeling were used. A theoretical process algorithm has been simplified, further developed and calibrated to modify the initial conditions of dissolved oxygen due to the global climate change effects. A sensitivity analysis has been conducted by using each of the predicted air temperature and inflow data separately in the model in order to investigate its effect on the characteristics of the hydrodynamic and water quality. Three hydrodynamic characteristics of the reservoir were investigated with respect to the climate change: water surface levels, evaporation water losses and thermal structure. In addition, eight water quality characteristics of the reservoir were investigated with respect to the climate change: dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, ortho-phosphate, nitrate-nitrite, ammonium, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids and potential of hydrogen (pH). Moreover, the climate change effects on the water quality and trophic status indices have been studied. The results of the climate change study show partially significant impacts on the examined hydrodynamic and water quality characteristics, while the water quality and trophic status indices are slightly affected by the climate change scenarios.Die Effekte des globalen Klimawandels bedingt durch die Emission von Treibhausgasen stehen derzeit auf der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen und politischen Agenda. Weltweite Beobachtungen zeigen eine Temperaturzunahme in Seen und Flüssen, mit Effekten auf die thermale und chemische Struktur. Derzeitige Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, die Wasserqualität auf dem jetzigen Stand beizubehalten oder zu verbessern. Der Betrieb von Reservoiren und deren Wasserqualitätsmanagement ist ein Schlüsselfaktor in Ländern mit hoher klimatischer Variabilität, wie z.B. Ägypten. Das Land ist in hohem Maße vom Fluss Nil abhängig, weitere Frischwasserquellen stehen dem Land kaum zur Verfügung. Durch den Bau des Assuan-Staudamms in den 1970er Jahren wurde eine komplette Kontrolle des Nilabflusses erreicht. Durch das Aufstauen des Nils entstand eines der größten, durch Menschenhand geschaffenen Reservoire der Erde. Das erklärte Ziel Ägyptens ist es, eine gleichbleibend gute Wasserqualität zu gewährleisten, da das Reservoir die einzige nennenswerte Frischwasserquelle des Landes ist. Die Längsausdehnung des Stausees beträgt 500 km, wobei 350 km auf ägyptischem Gebiet liegen (Nasser-See) und 150 km auf sudanesischem Gebiet liegen (Nubia-See). Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Analyse des Klimawandeleinflusses auf die Hydrodynamik und Wasserqualität des Nubia-Sees. Die Untersuchung wurde für den Zeitraum des 21. Jahrhunderts, unter Verwendung der Ergebnisse aus elf globalen Klimamodellen für zwei Emissionsszenarien, inklusive der Kopplung mit hydrologischen Modellen, durchgeführt. Die Analyse der Hydromechanik und Charakteristika der Wasserqualität in einer Wassersäule basiert auf einem zweidimensionalen Finite-Differenzen-Modell (CE-QUAL-W2). Sowohl die Kalibrierung, als auch die Validierung beruhen auf Messserien der Jahre 2006 und 2007. Es wurden drei hydrodynamischen Eigenschaften des Reservoirs, die als Indikator zur Ausweisung eines Klimawandels dienen, untersucht: Wasserstände, Wasserverluste durch Evaporation und thermische Schichtung. Folgende hydrochemische Parameter wurden ebenfalls in Abhängigkeit des Klimawandels untersucht: gelöster Sauerstoff, pH-Wert, Chlorophyll-A, Ortho-Phosphate, Nitrat / Nitrit, Ammonium, sowie Sedimentfrachten und Schwebstoffe. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen partiell signifikanten Einfluss des globalen Klimawandels in der Hydrodynamik und der Wasserqualität des Reservoirs. Die Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels auf zwei Wasserqualitätsindikatoren und zwei Trophieindikatoren im Nubia-See wurden in weiteren Untersuchungen belegt. Diese Ergebnisse weisen einen geringen Einfluss des globalen Klimawandels in Bezug auf Wasserqualität und Trophiegrad auf

    Strategic irrigation against apple scab (<em>Venturia inaequalis</em>)

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    The First Fleet Piano: Volume One and Two

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    During the late eighteenth century, a musical–cultural phenomenon swept the globe. The English square piano—invented in the early 1760s by an entrepreneurial German guitar maker in London—not only became an indispensable part of social life, but also inspired the creation of an expressive and scintillating repertoire. Square pianos reinforced music as life’s counterpoint, and were played by royalty, by musicians of the highest calibre and by aspiring amateurs alike. On Sunday, 13 May 1787, a square piano departed from Portsmouth on board the Sirius, the flagship of the First Fleet, bound for Botany Bay. Who made the First Fleet piano, and when was it made? Who owned it? Who played it, and who listened? What music did the instrument sound out, and within what contexts was its voice heard? What became of the First Fleet piano after its arrival on antipodean soil, and who played a part in the instrument’s subsequent history? Two extant instruments contend for the title ‘First Fleet piano’; which of these made the epic journey to Botany Bay in 1787–88? The First Fleet Piano: A Musician’s View answers these questions, and provides tantalising glimpses of social and cultural life both in Georgian England and in the early colony at Sydney Cove. The First Fleet piano is placed within the musical and social contexts for which it was created, and narratives of the individuals whose lives have been touched by the instrument are woven together into an account of the First Fleet piano’s conjunction with the forces of history. Note: Volume 1 and 2 are sold as a set ($120 for both) and cannot be purchased separately

    GSI Scientific Report 2004 [GSI Report 2005-1]

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    Compound Histories:Materials, Governance and Production, 1760-1840

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    Compound Histories: Materials, Governance and Production, 1760-1840 explores the intertwined realms of production, governance and materials, placing chemists and chemistry at the center of processes most closely identified with the construction of the modern world
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