121 research outputs found

    Systematic literature review on user logging in virtual reality

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    In this systematic literature review, we study the role of user logging in virtual reality research. By categorizing literature according to data collection methods and identifying reasons for data collection, we aim to find out how popular user logging is in virtual reality research. In addition, we identify publications with detailed descriptions about logging solutions. Our results suggest that virtual reality logging solutions are relatively seldom described in detail despite that many studies gather data by body tracking. Most of the papers gather data to witness something about a novel functionality or to compare different technologies without discussing logging details. The results can be used for scoping future virtual reality research.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    The Role Sound Plays in Games : A Thematic Literature Study on Immersion, Inclusivity and Accessibility in Game Sound Research

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    As technologies and the sophistication of games evolve, so do the possibilities to immerse players in multi-sensorial experiences for different purposes and in different ways. The design and development of the auditory components of video games play an increasingly relevant immersive and inclusionary role within (and outside of) games. Sounds enable a deeper and more meaningful immersion, but also facilitate inclusion of and accessibility to people with different physical and psychological abilities. Sounds also provide a vehicle to challenge or overcome gender or even heritage stereotypes. Recognizing this potential, designers have often explored different means to facilitate accessibility, inclusion or sometimes intentionally challenging auditory experiences to users as, for example, seen in recent game releases where designers created a perceived mismatch between a character's voice and gender for inclusion beyond immersion. The present study aims to identify and thematically review relevant academic literature (47 studies), summarizing the perceived role of game sound design, its impact on immersion, and the way sound design enables (or hampers) inclusivity and accessibility within games. Our findings indicate that although there is research on how audio-related technology enhances immersion in games, studies about its use for increasingly relevant inclusive purposes (in terms of accessibility and social aspects like gender) are relatively scarce.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Healthcare gamification: Science mapping the body of literature

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    Healthcare gamification is a research topic being investigated in numerous contexts. As it is an interdisciplinary subject, it is hard for researchers to keep up with the research published in these venues. This paper aims to unveil the intellectual structure of the healthcare gamification research field through a systematic literature review. We apply a science map strategy to a 520- document database. This database was analyzed to build an evolutionary map revealing the most co-cited authors, their publications, and the theories used. Results evidence that referenced research can be classified into six research traditions. Finally, research opportunities are presented

    The Rise of Free-to-Play: How the Revenue Model Changed Games and Playing

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    Ilmaispelit ovat mullistaneet pelialan. Pelin tarjoaminen ilmaiseksi ja tulojen kerääminen vapaaehtoisilla pelinsisäisillä maksuilla on osoittautunut tuottavimmaksi tavaksi ansaita peleillä. Mallin ansiosta pelejä pelataan nyt enemmän kuin koskaan, ja niiden taloudellinen merkitys on moninkertaistunut. Samaan aikaan ilmaispelit ovat saaneet osakseen kritiikkiä, jonka mukaan ne tarjoavat heikompia pelikokemuksia ja käyttävät hyväkseen pelaajia manipuloiden nämä pelaamaan ja maksamaan. Kritiikistä ja pelikokemusten muutoksista huolimatta ilmaispelien tutkimus on edelleen pitkälti keskittynyt tarkastelemaan taloudellisia näkökulmia tavoitteena tuottojen maksimointi ja parhaiden toteutustapojen löytäminen. Pelaajien näkökulmia tarkastellaan pääasiassa lokitietojen ja määrällisten kyselyjen avulla, ja eksploratiivinen, laadullinen tutkimus on ollut vähemmistössä. Ilmaispelien merkityksiä ja yhteyksiä pelikulttuuriimme ja yhteiskuntaamme ei ole juuri tutkittu. Tämä väitöskirja tarttuu haasteeseen tutkimalla ilmaispelejä useista näkökulmista ja useilla, laadullisiin lähestymistapoihin keskittyvillä menetelmillä. Työ luo laajaa ymmärrystä siitä, miten ja miksi ilmaispelit nousivat suosioon, miten ne ovat muuttaneet pelejä ja mitä ongelmallisia piirteitä niihin liittyy. Väitöksen päähuomiot liittyvät viiteen kohtaan: 1) ilmaispelien aliarvostukseen, 2) rahan ja pelikokemuksen välisiin ainutlaatuisiin haasteisiin, 3) reiluuden erilaisiin kehyksiin, 4) läpinäkyvyyden ja lainsäädännön tarpeeseen ja 5) ilmaispelien mullistavaan voimaan muuttaa pelien kulutusta ja tuotantoa. Tulokset osoittavat, että suuresta suosiostaan huolimatta ilmaispelejä arvostetaan muita pelejä vähemmän. Tämä koskee erityisesti mobiili- ja kasuaalipelejä ja kuvaa sitä, miten arvioimme ja arvotamme pelejä. Arvostuksen puute liittyy osaltaan ilmaispelien luonteeseen. Ne ovat usein päättymättömiä ja hidastempoisia ja tarjoavat muista peleistä poikkeavia haasteita. Niiden tarjoamat kokemukset eroavat perinteisistä, meritokraattisista arvoista, jotka tyypillisesti liitetään peleihin, ja erityisesti rahaa maksamalla eteneminen on ristiriidassa näiden arvojen kanssa. Arvostuksen puute taas näkyy esimerkiksi siinä, miten peleistä keskustellaan, miten niitä arvioidaan (tai ei arvioida lainkaan) pelimediassa ja miten niitä tutkitaan. Ilmaispelien pelaajia voidaan myös sulkea pelaajayhteisöistä tai pelaajaidentiteeteistä. Samalla ansaintamallin haasteet ovat tuoneet esiin uusia, luovia suunnitteluratkaisuja, jotka lisäävät pelikokemusten monimuotoisuutta ja tarjoavat joustavampaa pelaamista laajemmille yleisöille. Ilmaispeleihin liittyvät eettiset ongelmat tulee ottaa vakavasti. Läpinäkyvyyden puutteeseen, ongelmapelaamiseen, samankaltaisuuteen uhkapelien kanssa, alaikäisille markkinointiin ja yksityisyyteen liittyvät kysymykset nostavat esiin tärkeitä huolia. Samalla kun ilmaispeliyhtiöiden tulee antaa pelaajille tarpeeksi tietoa ja rakentaa työkaluja vahinko-ostosten ja ongelmapelaamisen estämiseksi, peliala tarvitsee myös ulkoapäin tulevaa säätelyä. Jotta lainsäädäntö olisi reilu ja toimiva, tarvitsemme tutkijoiden ja teollisuuden asiantuntemusta lakiasäätävissä elimissä. Haasteista ja aliarvostuksesta huolimatta ilmaispelien vaikutus peliteollisuuteen ja pelien kulutukseen on sekä merkittävä että peruuttamaton. Siten ne ansaitsevat huomiomme ja kriittisen tarkastelun oikeutettuna osana pelikulttuuriamme. Jos ei tunne ilmaispelejä, ei tunne pelejä.Free-to-play games have permanently transformed the game industry. Offering a game for free and gaining income through voluntary purchases during gameplay have proven to be the most successful way to gain revenue. Due to the model, more people than ever before play games, and the economic significance of games as business has multiplied. Simultaneously, the model has received a backlash for offering inferior, imbalanced game experiences that take advantage of players, manipulating them into playing and paying. Despite the criticism and changes in game experiences, the research on free-to-play games is still heavily focused on economic aspects, with the goal to maximize revenue and find the best practices by which to implement the model. The voices of players are measured mostly through log data or quantitative surveys, while exploratory, qualitative research has been in the minority. The significance of free-to-play games and their connection to our game culture and society are still lacking critical inspection. This dissertation takes up the challenge by studying free-to-play games from various perspectives through multiple methods, concentrating on qualitative approaches. The work shows the broad view of how and why free-to-play games have become so successful, how they have transformed games, and what problematic aspects are connected to them. The main claims of this dissertation are connected to: 1) the undervaluation of free-to-play games; 2) the unique challenges between money and gameplay experience; 3) the different framings of fairness and equality; 4) the need for transparency and legislation; and 5) the transformative power of free-to-play games on the consumption and creation of games. The results show that while free-to-play games are played extensively, they are less valued than other games. This is especially true with mobile or casual free-to-play games and is descriptive of how we appraise and evaluate games. The lack of appreciation is connected to the nature of many free-to-play games, which are often never-ending and slow-paced, and offer challenges that differ from other games. The experiences that these games offer are different from the traditional, meritocratic values we have come to expect from games, and especially allowing advancement with money is in direct conflict with these values. The devaluation is shown in how the games are discussed, how they are reviewed (or not reviewed at all) by game journalists, and how they are studied. The players who engage with these games can also be excluded from gaming communities and gaming identities. At the same time, the challenges of the revenue model have resulted in new, creative solutions that bring diversity into game experiences and offer flexible playing for wider audiences. The ethical issues connected to free-to-play games do need to be taken seriously. Problems connected to a lack of transparency, problematic playing, a resemblance to gambling, marketing to under-aged players, and privacy issues raise valid concerns. While free-to-play companies need to be especially mindful in giving players enough information and to implement tools to prevent accidental purchases and problematic playing, the industry also needs regulation that comes from outside itself. Thus, to create fair and functional legislation, we need academic and industry expertise in the committees doing the legislative work. Despite the challenges and undervaluation that free-to-play games encounter, it is an indisputable fact that their impact on the game industry and on game consumption is both formidable and irreversible. They therefore deserve our attention and a critical exploration as a legitimate part of game culture. If you do not know free-to-play games, you do not know games

    Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch

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    Gamification for Brand Value Co-Creation:A Systematic Literature Review

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    Gamification, commonly defined as the use of game elements in non-game contexts, is a relatively novel term, yet it has been gaining popularity across a wide range of academic and industrial disciplines. In the marketing field, companies are increasingly gamifying their mobile apps and online platforms to enrich their customers’ digital experiences. Whilst there has been a number of systematic studies examining the influence of gamification on user engagement across different fields, none has reviewed its role in brand value co-creation. Following a systematic literature review procedure via the online research platform EBSCOhost, this paper is the first to survey a set of empirical studies examining the role and impact of gamification on brand value co-creation. A final pool of 32 empirical studies implies the existence of four types of activities that are co-created by online users and positively influenced by gamification, namely: customer service, insights sharing, word-of-mouth, and random task. Moreover, this paper highlights the major game dynamics driving these activities, the key findings of each of the covered studies and their main theoretical underpinnings. Lastly, a set of noteworthy research directions for future related studies are suggested, comprising the exploration of novel game elements, and new co-creation activities related to corporate social responsibilities and physical commercial operations

    Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING)

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    Background: In health care, the use of game-based interventions to increase motivation, engagement, and overall sustainability of health behaviors is steadily becoming more common. The most prevalent types of game-based interventions in health care research are gamification and serious games. Various researchers have discussed substantial conceptual differences between these 2 concepts, supported by empirical studies showing differences in the effects on specific health behaviors. However, researchers also frequently report cases in which terms related to these 2 concepts are used ambiguously or even interchangeably. It remains unclear to what extent existing health care research explicitly distinguishes between gamification and serious games and whether it draws on existing conceptual considerations to do so. Objective: This study aims to address this lack of knowledge by capturing the current state of conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care research. Furthermore, we aim to provide tools for researchers to disambiguate the reporting of game-based interventions. Methods: We used a 2-step research approach. First, we conducted a systematic literature review of 206 studies, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journals, containing terms related to gamification, serious games, or both. We analyzed their conceptualizations of gamification and serious games, as well as the distinctions between the two concepts. Second, based on the literature review findings, we developed a set of guidelines for researchers reporting on game-based interventions and evaluated them with a group of 9 experts from the field. Results: Our results show that less than half of the concept mentions are accompanied by an explicit definition. To distinguish between the 2 concepts, we identified four common approaches: implicit distinction, synonymous use of terms, serious games as a type of gamified system, and distinction based on the full game dimension. Our Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING) consist of 25 items grouped into four topics: conceptual focus, contribution, mindfulness about related concepts, and individual concept definitions. Conclusions: Conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care literature are strongly heterogeneous, leading to conceptual ambiguity. Following the GAMING can support authors in rigorous reporting on study results of game-based interventions

    Immersive Journalism as Storytelling

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    "This book sets out cutting-edge new research and examines future prospects on 360-degree video, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) in journalism, analyzing and discussing virtual world experiments from a range of perspectives. Featuring contributions from a diverse range of scholars, Immersive Journalism as Storytelling highlights both the opportunities and the challenges presented by this form of storytelling. The book discusses how immersive journalism has the potential to reach new audiences, change the way stories are told, and provide more interactivity within the news industry. Aside from generating deeper emotional reactions and global perspectives, the book demonstrates how it can also diversify and upskill the news industry. Further contributions address the challenges, examining how immersive storytelling calls for reassessing issues of journalism ethics and truthfulness, transparency, privacy, manipulation, and surveillance, and questioning what it means to cover reality when a story is told in virtual reality. Chapters are grounded in empirical data such as content analyses and expert interviews, alongside insightful case studies that discuss Euronews, Nonny de la Peña’s Project Syria, and The New York Times’ NYTVR application. This book is written for journalism teachers, educators, and students, as well as scholars, politicians, lawmakers, and citizens with an interest in emerging technologies for media practice.

    Immersive Journalism as Storytelling

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    "This book sets out cutting-edge new research and examines future prospects on 360-degree video, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) in journalism, analyzing and discussing virtual world experiments from a range of perspectives. Featuring contributions from a diverse range of scholars, Immersive Journalism as Storytelling highlights both the opportunities and the challenges presented by this form of storytelling. The book discusses how immersive journalism has the potential to reach new audiences, change the way stories are told, and provide more interactivity within the news industry. Aside from generating deeper emotional reactions and global perspectives, the book demonstrates how it can also diversify and upskill the news industry. Further contributions address the challenges, examining how immersive storytelling calls for reassessing issues of journalism ethics and truthfulness, transparency, privacy, manipulation, and surveillance, and questioning what it means to cover reality when a story is told in virtual reality. Chapters are grounded in empirical data such as content analyses and expert interviews, alongside insightful case studies that discuss Euronews, Nonny de la Peña’s Project Syria, and The New York Times’ NYTVR application. This book is written for journalism teachers, educators, and students, as well as scholars, politicians, lawmakers, and citizens with an interest in emerging technologies for media practice.
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