1,705 research outputs found

    Lift-off dynamics in a simple jumping robot

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    We study vertical jumping in a simple robot comprising an actuated mass-spring arrangement. The actuator frequency and phase are systematically varied to find optimal performance. Optimal jumps occur above and below (but not at) the robot's resonant frequency f0f_0. Two distinct jumping modes emerge: a simple jump which is optimal above f0f_0 is achievable with a squat maneuver, and a peculiar stutter jump which is optimal below f0f_0 is generated with a counter-movement. A simple dynamical model reveals how optimal lift-off results from non-resonant transient dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review Letters, in press (2012

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 1992-1993

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    In-home and remote use of robotic body surrogates by people with profound motor deficits

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    By controlling robots comparable to the human body, people with profound motor deficits could potentially perform a variety of physical tasks for themselves, improving their quality of life. The extent to which this is achievable has been unclear due to the lack of suitable interfaces by which to control robotic body surrogates and a dearth of studies involving substantial numbers of people with profound motor deficits. We developed a novel, web-based augmented reality interface that enables people with profound motor deficits to remotely control a PR2 mobile manipulator from Willow Garage, which is a human-scale, wheeled robot with two arms. We then conducted two studies to investigate the use of robotic body surrogates. In the first study, 15 novice users with profound motor deficits from across the United States controlled a PR2 in Atlanta, GA to perform a modified Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) and a simulated self-care task. Participants achieved clinically meaningful improvements on the ARAT and 12 of 15 participants (80%) successfully completed the simulated self-care task. Participants agreed that the robotic system was easy to use, was useful, and would provide a meaningful improvement in their lives. In the second study, one expert user with profound motor deficits had free use of a PR2 in his home for seven days. He performed a variety of self-care and household tasks, and also used the robot in novel ways. Taking both studies together, our results suggest that people with profound motor deficits can improve their quality of life using robotic body surrogates, and that they can gain benefit with only low-level robot autonomy and without invasive interfaces. However, methods to reduce the rate of errors and increase operational speed merit further investigation.Comment: 43 Pages, 13 Figure

    A Game-theoretic Formulation of the Homogeneous Self-Reconfiguration Problem

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    In this paper we formulate the homogeneous two- and three-dimensional self-reconfiguration problem over discrete grids as a constrained potential game. We develop a game-theoretic learning algorithm based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that solves the self-reconfiguration problem in a globally optimal fashion. Both a centralized and a fully distributed algorithm are presented and we show that the only stochastically stable state is the potential function maximizer, i.e. the desired target configuration. These algorithms compute transition probabilities in such a way that even though each agent acts in a self-interested way, the overall collective goal of self-reconfiguration is achieved. Simulation results confirm the feasibility of our approach and show convergence to desired target configurations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 algorithm

    A Model that Predicts the Material Recognition Performance of Thermal Tactile Sensing

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    Tactile sensing can enable a robot to infer properties of its surroundings, such as the material of an object. Heat transfer based sensing can be used for material recognition due to differences in the thermal properties of materials. While data-driven methods have shown promise for this recognition problem, many factors can influence performance, including sensor noise, the initial temperatures of the sensor and the object, the thermal effusivities of the materials, and the duration of contact. We present a physics-based mathematical model that predicts material recognition performance given these factors. Our model uses semi-infinite solids and a statistical method to calculate an F1 score for the binary material recognition. We evaluated our method using simulated contact with 69 materials and data collected by a real robot with 12 materials. Our model predicted the material recognition performance of support vector machine (SVM) with 96% accuracy for the simulated data, with 92% accuracy for real-world data with constant initial sensor temperatures, and with 91% accuracy for real-world data with varied initial sensor temperatures. Using our model, we also provide insight into the roles of various factors on recognition performance, such as the temperature difference between the sensor and the object. Overall, our results suggest that our model could be used to help design better thermal sensors for robots and enable robots to use them more effectively.Comment: This article is currently under review for possible publicatio
