6 research outputs found

    An Object-Oriented Framework for Designing Reusable and Maintainable DEVS Models using Design Patterns

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    Design patterns are well practices to share software development experiences. These patterns allow enhancing reusability, readability and maintainability of architecture and code of software applications. As simulation applies computerized models to produce traces in order to obtain results and conclusions, designers of simulation explored design patterns to make the simulation code more reusable, more readable and easy to maintain, in addition to design complex software oriented simulation modeling. In DEVS (Discrete Event System specification), the designers have successfully designed simulations, frameworks, tools, etc. However, some issues remain still open and should be explored like how a piece of code that implements a set of states, events and transitions may be reused to design a new DEVS model? How may a DEVS model be extended to a new formalism? Etc. In this paper, we address these issues and we propose a set of patterns that may serve as guidelines to designers of DEVS models and its extensions and may contribute to the design of an operational simulation framework. These patterns are inspired partly by the available designs of DEVS community and software engineering developers

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle to Vehicle and Infrastructure Communication in Realistic Large Scale Urban Area

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    During the last decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has progressed at a rapid rate, which aim to improve transportation activities in terms of safety and efficiency. Car to Car or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and Car/Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (I2V or V2I) communications are important components of the ITS architecture. Communication between cars is often referred to Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) and it has many advantages such as: reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions and etc. VANET architectures have been standardized in the IEEE-802.11p specification. For a closer look on V2V and V2I studies, the necessity of simulations is obvious. Network simulators can simulate the ad-hoc network but they cannot simulate the huge traffic of cities. In order to solve this problem, this thesis studies the Veins framework which is used to run a traffic (SUMO) and a network (OMNET++) simulator in parallel and simulates the realistic traffics of the city of Cologne, Germany, as an ad-hoc network. Several different simulations and performance analyses have been done to investigate the ability of different VANET applications. In the simulations, cars move in the real map of the city of Cologne and communicate with each other and also with RoadSideUnits with using IEEE 802.11p standard. Then, Probability of Beacons Delivery (PBD) in different area of a real city are calculated and also are compared with the analytical model. This study is the first research performed on calculating PBD of IEEE 802.11p in realistic large urban area. Then, the thesis focuses on modelling and analysis of the applications of the V2I in real city. In these sections, two different simulations of application of the VANET are done by developing the Veins framework and also by developing two new programs written in Python which are connected to SUMO and control the real traffic simulation. One program simulates a real city with intelligent traffic lights for decreasing response time of emergency vehicles by using V2I. The results show that using V2I communication based on 802.11p between emergency cars and traffic lights can decrease the response time of emergency cars up to 70%. Another program, simulates dynamic route planning in real traffic simulation which is used V2I and V2V communication. The result of this simulation show the capability of V2V and V2I to decrease the traveling time, fuel consumptions and emissions of the cars in the city

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle to Vehicle and Infrastructure Communication in Realistic Large Scale Urban Area

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    During the last decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has progressed at a rapid rate, which aim to improve transportation activities in terms of safety and efficiency. Car to Car or Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications and Car/Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (I2V or V2I) communications are important components of the ITS architecture. Communication between cars is often referred to Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) and it has many advantages such as: reducing cars accidents, minimizing the traffic jam, reducing fuel consumption and emissions and etc. VANET architectures have been standardized in the IEEE-802.11p specification. For a closer look on V2V and V2I studies, the necessity of simulations is obvious. Network simulators can simulate the ad-hoc network but they cannot simulate the huge traffic of cities. In order to solve this problem, this thesis studies the Veins framework which is used to run a traffic (SUMO) and a network (OMNET++) simulator in parallel and simulates the realistic traffics of the city of Cologne, Germany, as an ad-hoc network. Several different simulations and performance analyses have been done to investigate the ability of different VANET applications. In the simulations, cars move in the real map of the city of Cologne and communicate with each other and also with RoadSideUnits with using IEEE 802.11p standard. Then, Probability of Beacons Delivery (PBD) in different area of a real city are calculated and also are compared with the analytical model. This study is the first research performed on calculating PBD of IEEE 802.11p in realistic large urban area. Then, the thesis focuses on modelling and analysis of the applications of the V2I in real city. In these sections, two different simulations of application of the VANET are done by developing the Veins framework and also by developing two new programs written in Python which are connected to SUMO and control the real traffic simulation. One program simulates a real city with intelligent traffic lights for decreasing response time of emergency vehicles by using V2I. The results show that using V2I communication based on 802.11p between emergency cars and traffic lights can decrease the response time of emergency cars up to 70%. Another program, simulates dynamic route planning in real traffic simulation which is used V2I and V2V communication. The result of this simulation show the capability of V2V and V2I to decrease the traveling time, fuel consumptions and emissions of the cars in the city

    Improving Vehicular ad hoc Network Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios

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    La convergencia de las telecomunicaciones, la informática, la tecnología inalámbrica y los sistemas de transporte, va a facilitar que nuestras carreteras y autopistas nos sirvan tanto como plataforma de transporte, como de comunicaciones. Estos cambios van a revolucionar completamente cómo y cuándo vamos a acceder a determinados servicios, comunicarnos, viajar, entretenernos, y navegar, en un futuro muy cercano. Las redes vehiculares ad hoc (vehicular ad hoc networks VANETs) son redes de comunicación inalámbricas que no requieren de ningún tipo de infraestructura, y que permiten la comunicación y conducción cooperativa entre los vehículos en la carretera. Los vehículos actúan como nodos de comunicación y transmisores, formando redes dinámicas junto a otros vehículos cercanos en entornos urbanos y autopistas. Las características especiales de las redes vehiculares favorecen el desarrollo de servicios y aplicaciones atractivas y desafiantes. En esta tesis nos centramos en las aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad. Específicamente, desarrollamos y evaluamos un novedoso protocol que mejora la seguridad en las carreteras. Nuestra propuesta combina el uso de información de la localización de los vehículos y las características del mapa del escenario, para mejorar la diseminación de los mensajes de alerta. En las aplicaciones de seguridad para redes vehiculares, nuestra propuesta permite reducir el problema de las tormentas de difusión, mientras que se mantiene una alta efectividad en la diseminación de los mensajes hacia los vehículos cercanos. Debido a que desplegar y evaluar redes VANET supone un gran coste y una tarea dura, la metodología basada en la simulación se muestra como una metodología alternativa a la implementación real. A diferencia de otros trabajos previos, con el fin de evaluar nuestra propuesta en un entorno realista, en nuestras simulaciones tenemos muy en cuenta tanto la movilidad de los vehículos, como la transmisión de radio en entornos urbanos, especialmente cuando los edificios interfieren en la propagación de la señal de radio. Con este propósito, desarrollamos herramientas para la simulación de VANETs más precisas y realistas, mejorando tanto la modelización de la propagación de radio, como la movilidad de los vehículos, obteniendo una solución que permite integrar mapas reales en el entorno de simulación. Finalmente, evaluamos las prestaciones de nuestro protocolo propuesto haciendo uso de nuestra plataforma de simulación mejorada, evidenciando la importancia del uso de un entorno de simulación adecuado para conseguir resultados más realistas y poder obtener conclusiones más significativas.Martínez Domínguez, FJ. (2010). Improving Vehicular ad hoc Network Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/9195Palanci