47,886 research outputs found

    Automated 3D generation and rendering of stylized building designs

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    Thesis (S.B. in Art and Design)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 29).The entertainment industry relies fairly heavily on computer-generated imagery to depict built environments in current films, video games, and other forms of simulated reality. These often involve highly complex geometries that take a long time to hand-model and are too difficult or costly for many productions' rendering capacities, both in computational costs as well as time. Procedural modeling and the automation of these geometries is one option to solve these problems. Many modeling programs involve a script or procedural modeling component. This thesis explores the use of CityEngine, a commercially available software that is specialized to generate geometries for buildings in urban environments. By using the CGA Shape Grammar built into CityEngine, this project seeks to generate geometries based on complex architectural precedents using a procedural modeling system based on shape grammar and computational design principles. Results are generated and discussed, as well as applications and future work.by Anisha V. Deshmane.S.B.in Art and Desig

    Virtual Campus for the University of Jaume I, CastellĂł, Spain: 3D Modelling of the Campus Buildings using CityEngine

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.The Virtual Smart Campus for the University of Jaume I – Visca Uji – is a project that aims to transform the University of Jaume I (UJi) into a “Smart Campus”. Several applications are part of the Smart Campus such as Uji Place Finder, Energy Consumption, Routes, Resources Management, and Indoor Mapping. Part of this project is the creation of the 3D model of the university buildings using Esri software — City Engine. This study analysed two 3D modeling approaches: procedural modeling language (CGA Shape) and manual modeling. The first, Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) shape is an extension of set grammars that have been applied in CG successfully over the years. And the second, CityEngine offers a set of shape creation and editing tools that allows a more intuitive and pragmatic 3D modeling technique. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, overall creating a 3D model by using procedural modelling language showed to be the more efficient and pragmatic method

    CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry

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    We present a neural architecture that takes as input a 2D or 3D shape and outputs a program that generates the shape. The instructions in our program are based on constructive solid geometry principles, i.e., a set of boolean operations on shape primitives defined recursively. Bottom-up techniques for this shape parsing task rely on primitive detection and are inherently slow since the search space over possible primitive combinations is large. In contrast, our model uses a recurrent neural network that parses the input shape in a top-down manner, which is significantly faster and yields a compact and easy-to-interpret sequence of modeling instructions. Our model is also more effective as a shape detector compared to existing state-of-the-art detection techniques. We finally demonstrate that our network can be trained on novel datasets without ground-truth program annotations through policy gradient techniques.Comment: Accepted at CVPR-201

    Proseduraalisen tietomallintamisen käyttöönotto kaupunkisuunnittelussa

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    This thesis examines procedural modeling as a tool for urban plan creation. Procedural modeling historically has been used for 3D visualization of natural features, but with the release of the soft-ware CityEngine in 2008 the technology can easily be adopted also in problem domains dealing with urban environments. The study begins with a requirement analysis conducted to explore the needs urban planning imposes on the technology, based on which a functional procedural modeling production system is built using the CityEngine platform and its Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) scripting language. A solution is presented to the problem of control in procedural generation methods by introducing the concept of a selectable “Level of Control” and how its implementation in the produced system enables the planner to flexibly assume the necessary amount of control over the generated model. The finished product is then compared against the presented requirements of accuracy, efficiency, ease of use, high visual qualities, and advanced analytical capabilities. The efficiency of the system measured as the ratio between user interactions (mouse clicks and keystrokes) and modeling output in the setting of the assessment is found out to be two to three times greater than the efficiency of a more established manual modeling software. The technology as demonstrated through the produced system is concluded to be especially suitable for preliminary land use studies estimating the building potentials of extensive land areas. Directions for future research with potential to expand the applicability of the technology are discussed.Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan proseduraalista mallintamista kaupunkisuunnittelun työvälineenä. Proseduraalista mallintamista on historiallisesti käytetty luonnonmuotojen 3D-visualisoimiseen, mutta vuonna 2008 julkaistu CityEngine-ohjelma mahdollistaa teknologian helpon käyttöönoton myös rakennettua ympäristöä koskevissa aihepiireissä. Tutkielma alkaa analyysillä kaupunkisuunnittelun teknologiaan kohdistamista vaatimuksista, joiden perusteella rakennetaan CityEngineen ja sen Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) ohjel-mointikieleen perustuva proseduraalinen mallinnusjärjestelmä. Ratkaisuna proseduraaliseen mallintamiseen liittyvään kontrollin problematiikkaan esitellään käsite valittavasta ”kontrollitasosta”, ja kuinka sen implementaatio toteutetussa järjestelmässä mahdollistaa suunnittelijan ottaa joustavasti tarpeellisen määrän kontrollia generoitavan mallin suhteen. Valmista tuotetta verrataan esitettyihin tarkkuuden, tehokkuuden, käytön helppouden, korkealaatuisen visuaalisuuden, sekä kehittyneen analytiikan vaatimuksiin. Järjestelmän tehokkuus mitattuna käyttäjäinteraktioiden (hiiren klikkaukset ja näppäimistön painallukset) ja tuotetun mallin suhteena mittauksen asetelmassa on kahdesta kolmeen kertaa suurempi kuin vakiintuneemman manuaalisen mallinnusohjelman tehokkuus. Proseduraalisen mallintamisen, sellaisena kuin se tuotetussa järjestelmässä on implementoitu, todetaan olevan erityisen sopiva alustavien rakentamisen määrää laajoille alueille haarukoivien maankäyttötarkastelujen tuottamiseen. Työn lopuksi käsitellään teknologian käyttöaluetta laajentavia tutkimussuuntia

    Advances in semantic representation for multiscale biosimulation: a case study in merging models

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    As a case-study of biosimulation model integration, we describe our experiences applying the SemSim methodology to integrate independently-developed, multiscale models of cardiac circulation. In particular, we have integrated the CircAdapt model (written by T. Arts for MATLAB) of an adapting vascular segment with a cardiovascular system model (written by M. Neal for JSim). We report on three results from the model integration experience. First, models should be explicit about simulations that occur on different time scales. Second, data structures and naming conventions used to represent model variables may not translate across simulation languages. Finally, identifying the dependencies among model variables is a non-trivial task. We claim that these challenges will appear whenever researchers attempt to integrate models from others, especially when those models are written in a procedural style (using MATLAB, Fortran, etc.) rather than a declarative format (as supported by languages like SBML, CellML or JSim’s MML)
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