13,742 research outputs found

    Compiling knowledge-based systems from KEE to Ada

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    The dominant technology for developing AI applications is to work in a multi-mechanism, integrated, knowledge-based system (KBS) development environment. Unfortunately, systems developed in such environments are inappropriate for delivering many applications - most importantly, they carry the baggage of the entire Lisp environment and are not written in conventional languages. One resolution of this problem would be to compile applications from complex environments to conventional languages. Here the first efforts to develop a system for compiling KBS developed in KEE to Ada (trademark). This system is called KATYDID, for KEE/Ada Translation Yields Development Into Delivery. KATYDID includes early prototypes of a run-time KEE core (object-structure) library module for Ada, and translation mechanisms for knowledge structures, rules, and Lisp code to Ada. Using these tools, part of a simple expert system was compiled (not quite automatically) to run in a purely Ada environment. This experience has given us various insights on Ada as an artificial intelligence programming language, potential solutions of some of the engineering difficulties encountered in early work, and inspiration on future system development

    Pendampingan Penulisan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Guru Mi Miftahul Ulum Di Tumpeng Bondowoso

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    ABSTRAKBanyaknya permasalahan yang dihadapi guru baik berupa nilai peserta didik yang tidak sesuai, inovasi pembelajaran yang belum bisa diterima peserta didik, permaslahan sosial yang dialami peserta didik dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Pengabdian kelompok merupakan suatu program yang mencoba dan mengatasi kendala yang ada. Melalui pendampingan pembuatan karya ilmiah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas maka dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru di MI Miftahul Ulum Tumpeng Bondowoso. Adapun kegiatan pendampingan yang dilakukan dimulai ari kegiatan workshop penyusunan Pelitian Tindakan Kelas, pendampingan pembuatan proposal, pengaplikasiaan proposal dan menyusnan analisis data yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pendampingan. Secara keseluruhan dari kegiatan pendampingan penyusunan penelitian tindakan kelas di MI Miftahul Ulum di Tumpeng Bondowoso dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. Kegiatan di mulai dari workshop pemberian materi penelitian tindakan kelas kemudian dilankutkan dengan analisis problematika yang ada di dalam kelas dan dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan proposal penelitian tindakan kelas setelah penyusunan proposal selesai dilanjutkan dengan penerapan penelitian tindakan kelas di dalam kelas dan penyusunan analisis data yang diperoleh di dalam kelas.  Dengan adanya kegiatan pendampingan ini guru menjadi paham dan mengerti akan kegiatan penelitian tindakan kelas yang ada di dalam kelas. Dengan menerapkan penelitian tindakan kelas dapat mengatasi problematika yanga ada di dalam kelas dengan dukungan teori dan jurnal.Kata Kunci: Pendampingan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas  ABTRACTThere are many problems faced by teachers in the form of students' scores that are not suitable, learning innovations that cannot be accepted by students, social problems experienced by students and many others. Group service is a program that tries and overcomes existing obstacles. By assisting the making of Classroom Action Research scientific papers, it can improve the professionalism of teachers at MI Miftahul Ulum Tumpeng Bondowoso. The mentoring activities carried out began with a workshop on the preparation of Classroom Action Research, assistance in making proposals, application of proposals and compiling data analysis obtained from mentoring activities. Overall, the assistance activities for the preparation of classroom action research at MI Miftahul Ulum in Tumpeng Bondowoso can run smoothly and well. Activities started from workshops providing classroom action research material then continued with problematic analysis in the classroom and continued with the preparation of classroom action research proposals after the proposal preparation was completed, continued with the application of classroom action research in the classroom and compiling analysis of data obtained in class. . With this mentoring activity, the teacher understands and understands classroom action research activities in the classroom. By applying classroom action research, it can solve problems in the classroom with the support of theories and journals.Keywords: mentoring, classroom action research

    The computerization of programming: Ada (R) lessons learned

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    One of the largest systems yet written in Ada has been constructed. This system is the Intermetrics Ada compiler. Many lessons have been learned during the implementation of this Ada compiler. Some of these lessons, concentrating on those lessons relevant to large system implementations are described. The characteristics of the Ada compiler implementation project at Intermetrics are also described. Some specific experiences during the implementation are pointed out

    Ada and the rapid development lifecycle

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    JPL is under contract, through NASA, with the US Army to develop a state-of-the-art Command Center System for the US European Command (USEUCOM). The Command Center System will receive, process, and integrate force status information from various sources and provide this integrated information to staff officers and decision makers in a format designed to enhance user comprehension and utility. The system is based on distributed workstation class microcomputers, VAX- and SUN-based data servers, and interfaces to existing military mainframe systems and communication networks. JPL is developing the Command Center System utilizing an incremental delivery methodology called the Rapid Development Methodology with adherence to government and industry standards including the UNIX operating system, X Windows, OSF/Motif, and the Ada programming language. Through a combination of software engineering techniques specific to the Ada programming language and the Rapid Development Approach, JPL was able to deliver capability to the military user incrementally, with comparable quality and improved economies of projects developed under more traditional software intensive system implementation methodologies

    A study of the portability of an Ada system in the software engineering laboratory (SEL)

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    A particular porting effort is discussed, and various statistics on analyzing the portability of Ada and the total staff months (overall and by phase) required to accomplish the rehost, are given. This effort is compared to past experiments on the rehosting of FORTRAN systems. The discussion includes an analysis of the types of errors encountered during the rehosting, the changes required to rehost the system, experiences with the Alsys IBM Ada compiler, the impediments encountered, and the lessons learned during this study

    Next generation software environments : principles, problems, and research directions

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    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of research and development in software environments. Conferences have been devoted to the topic of practical environments, journal papers produced, and commercial systems sold. Given all the activity, one might expect a great deal of consensus on issues, approaches, and techniques. This is not the case, however. Indeed, the term "environment" is still used in a variety of conflicting ways. Nevertheless substantial progress has been made and we are at least nearing consensus on many critical issues.The purpose of this paper is to characterize environments, describe several important principles that have emerged in the last decade or so, note current open problems, and describe some approaches to these problems, with particular emphasis on the activities of one large-scale research program, the Arcadia project. Consideration is also given to two related topics: empirical evaluation and technology transition. That is, how can environments and their constituents be evaluated, and how can new developments be moved effectively into the production sector

    An approach to distributed execution of Ada programs

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    Intelligent control of the Space Station will require the coordinated execution of computer programs across a substantial number of computing elements. It will be important to develop large subsets of these programs in the form of a single program which executes in a distributed fashion across a number of processors. A translation strategy for distributed execution of Ada programs in which library packages and subprograms may be distributed is described. A preliminary version of the translator is operational. Simple data objects (no records or arrays as yet), subprograms, and static tasks may be referenced remotely