1,753 research outputs found

    Income differentiation of households in the CR

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    The Czech Republic has recently experienced phases of economic growth and periods of economic crisis, this fact affects the standard of living and household behaviour and affects the formation of life-style. This paper deals with the income situation of households. The main source of data is EU SILC survey from the years 2005 to 2008. The result of the enquiry and processing of primary data is information about the average income per household member, the poverty level and the number of households at risk of poverty. For the formulation of income differentiation is used Gini coefficient. Attention is paid to factors that affect income inequality (the number of household members, social group, age). Information, about the income situation of households, is amended by following indicators of material deprivation. The paper also analyses the impact of social transfers on income inequality. The analysis and subsequent solving of the problem of income inequality may be contributed with further analysis of empirical data of this type.income differentiation of households, poverty level, material deprivation, social transfers

    Predicting diurnal variability of fine inorganic aerosols and their gas-phase precursors near downtown Mexico City

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    International audiencePartitioning of semi-volatile nitrate and ammonium between the gas and particulate phases is studied combining two thermodynamic models that explicitly include crustal elements and simulate both branches (deliquescence, efflorescence) of aerosol behavior and measurements taken near downtown Mexico City during a field campaign conducted in February?March, 2005. Overall, no significant differences between model predictions (within 30% of error) are observed for particulate ammonium (PM2.5, PM1). In cases of moderate to high RH (40?70%), mostly occurring during the 1st and 2nd daily sampling periods (06:00?10:00 h, 10:00?14:00 h, LST), 4 h PM2.5 nitrate measurements are predicted within 30%. When RH drops below 30%, characteristic of the afternoon sampling periods (14:00-18:00 h), the efflorescence branch is most consistent with observed PM nitrate. Residual error analysis of these low RH cases suggest that aerosol nitrate loading or sulfate-to-nitrate molar ratio control phase behavior, hence the partitioning of semi-volatile PM2.5 nitrate in gas and particulate phases. Finally, inclusion of crustal elements in the modeling framework reduces the error in predicted PM2.5 ammonium by 25%. These findings, if generally applicable, can help improve air quality modeling in nitrate deficient environments

    Ground idle performance improvement of a double-annular combustor by using simulated variable combustor geometry

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    A test program was undertaken to determine if variable combustor geometry could be used to reduce exhaust emissions of a low-pressure-ratio jet engine operating at ground idle conditions. Three techniques for varying combustor geometry were simulated. Other techniques evaluated were radial fuel staging and the use of preheated fuel. When simulated variable combustor geometry was employed with radial fuel staging, combustion efficiency at a fuel-air ratio of 0.01 was increased from 77 to 95 percent, and exhaust emissions of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide were significantly reduced

    The scientific evaluation of music content analysis systems: Valid empirical foundations for future real-world impact

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    We discuss the problem of music content analysis within the formal framework of experimental design

    Residential College Student Activities Management System (RCSAMS)

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    The title of the project IS Residential College Students Activities Management System (RCSAMS). This system mainly about having a system development of helping students in having an organized system to make cafe complaints, room defect complaints and meeting room booking. All these are under residential college students activities. The problem of current system is that they are having or doing it manually. With large amount of data, the probability of making mistakes is higher, the data might loss, consume a lot of time, space, and money. Students are busy with classes everyday on office hours, so it will be a little bit time wasting to go to the residential office only for complaints or booking. Sometimes they need to do it because it is urgent. If one meeting room in certain residential village is already occupied, the students need to go to another residential village only for booking. The scope of study includes on research on current system that being used by University Technology Petronas Residential College (UTPRC) management. It also includes the advantages and disadvantages of having the current manual system and the impact of having the system online. Research also includes possible tools that will be used in developing the system, the database, progranJming language and user acceptance of the system. This is done during FYP 1. During FYP 2, the development of the system will be started. The methodology used for the system is Prototyping based development from the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Other than that, the author used the method of interviewing the RC staffs besides conducting a survey for the students. This is to see how important and relevant the system is towards the students. The surveys had been analyzed and attained encouraging result towards the system itself. The sample of survey conducted limited to thirty (30) students with few related questionnaires. Twenty- six (26) out of thirty (30) students agreed that the system needs to be developed

    IRIS Biological Experiments Annual Report, Apr. 1970 - Apr. 1971

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    Examination of data to be obtained by Mariner Mars 1971 infrared interferometer spectrometer experiment for inferential information on Mars surface biot

    Playing with universality classes of Barkhausen avalanches

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    Many systems crackle, from earthquakes and financial market to Barkhausen effect in ferromagnetic materials. Despite the diversity in essence, the noise emitted in these dynamical systems consists of avalanche-like events with broad range of sizes and durations, characterized by power-law avalanche distributions and typical average avalanche shape that are signatures dependent on the universality class of the underlying dynamics. Here we focus on the crackling noise in ferromagnets and scrutinize the traditional statistics of Barkhausen avalanches in polycrystalline and amorphous ferromagnetic films having different thicknesses. We show how scaling exponents and average shape of the avalanches evolve with the structural character of the materials and film thickness. We find quantitative agreement between experiment and theoretical predictions of models for the magnetic domain wall dynamics, and then elucidate the universality classes of Barkhausen avalanches in ferromagnetic films. Thereby, we observe for the first time the dimensional crossover in the domain wall dynamics, and the outcomes of the interplay between system dimensionality and range of interactions governing the domain wall dynamics on Barkhausen avalanches.Comment: 6 figures, 2 table


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