14 research outputs found

    3D chromatin architecture and transcription regulation in cancer

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    Chromatin has distinct three-dimensional (3D) architectures important in key biological processes, such as cell cycle, replication, differentiation, and transcription regulation. In turn, aberrant 3D structures play a vital role in developing abnormalities and diseases such as cancer. This review discusses key 3D chromatin structures (topologically associating domain, lamina-associated domain, and enhancer–promoter interactions) and corresponding structural protein elements mediating 3D chromatin interactions [CCCTC-binding factor, polycomb group protein, cohesin, and Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted Sites (BORIS) protein] with a highlight of their associations with cancer. We also summarise the recent development of technologies and bioinformatics approaches to study the 3D chromatin interactions in gene expression regulation, including crosslinking and proximity ligation methods in the bulk cell population (ChIA-PET and HiChIP) or single-molecule resolution (ChIA-drop), and methods other than proximity ligation, such as GAM, SPRITE, and super-resolution microscopy techniques

    Detection of 3D Genome Folding at Multiple Scales

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    Understanding 3D genome structure is crucial to learn how chromatin folds and how genes are regulated through the spatial organization of regulatory elements. Various technologies have been developed to investigate genome architecture. These technologies include ligation-based 3C Methodologies such as Hi-C and Micro-C, ligation-based pull-down methods like Proximity Ligation-Assisted ChIP-seq (PLAC Seq) and Paired-end tag sequencing (ChIA PET), and ligation-free methods like Split-Pool Recognition of Interactions by Tag Extension (SPRITE) and Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM). Although these technologies have provided great insight into chromatin organization, a systematic evaluation of these technologies is lacking. Among these technologies, Hi-C has been one of the most widely used methods to map genome-wide chromatin interactions for over a decade. To understand how the choice of experimental parameters determines the ability to detect and quantify the features of chromosome folding, we have first systematically evaluated two critical parameters in the Hi-C protocol: cross-linking and digestion of chromatin. We found that different protocols capture distinct 3D genome features with different efficiencies depending on the cell type (Chapter 2). Use of the updated Hi-C protocol with new parameters, which we call Hi-C 3.0, was subsequently evaluated and found to provide the best loop detection compared to all previous Hi-C protocols as well as better compartment quantification compared to Micro-C (Chapter 3). Finally, to understand how the aforementioned technologies (Hi-C, Micro-C, PLAC-Seq, ChIA-PET, SPRITE, GAM) that measure 3D organization could provide a comprehensive understanding of the genome structure, we have performed a comparison of these technologies. We found that each of these methods captures different aspects of the chromatin folding (Chapter 4). Collectively, these studies suggest that improving the 3D methodologies and integrative analyses of these methods will reveal unprecedented details of the genome structure and function

    Helmholtz Portfolio Theme Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA)

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    The Helmholtz Association funded the "Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis" portfolio theme from 2012-2016. Four Helmholtz centres, six universities and another research institution in Germany joined to enable data-intensive science by optimising data life cycles in selected scientific communities. In our Data Life cycle Labs, data experts performed joint R&D together with scientific communities. The Data Services Integration Team focused on generic solutions applied by several communities

    Topology Reconstruction of Dynamical Networks via Constrained Lyapunov Equations

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    The network structure (or topology) of a dynamical network is often unavailable or uncertain. Hence, we consider the problem of network reconstruction. Network reconstruction aims at inferring the topology of a dynamical network using measurements obtained from the network. In this technical note we define the notion of solvability of the network reconstruction problem. Subsequently, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which the network reconstruction problem is solvable. Finally, using constrained Lyapunov equations, we establish novel network reconstruction algorithms, applicable to general dynamical networks. We also provide specialized algorithms for specific network dynamics, such as the well-known consensus and adjacency dynamics.Comment: 8 page

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Higher-order interactions in single-cell gene expression: towards a cybergenetic semantics of cell state

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    Finding and understanding patterns in gene expression guides our understanding of living organisms, their development, and diseases, but is a challenging and high-dimensional problem as there are many molecules involved. One way to learn about the structure of a gene regulatory network is by studying the interdependencies among its constituents in transcriptomic data sets. These interdependencies could be arbitrarily complex, but almost all current models of gene regulation contain pairwise interactions only, despite experimental evidence existing for higher-order regulation that cannot be decomposed into pairwise mechanisms. I set out to capture these higher-order dependencies in single-cell RNA-seq data using two different approaches. First, I fitted maximum entropy (or Ising) models to expression data by training restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). On simulated data, RBMs faithfully reproduced both pairwise and third-order interactions. I then trained RBMs on 37 genes from a scRNA-seq data set of 70k astrocytes from an embryonic mouse. While pairwise and third-order interactions were revealed, the estimates contained a strong omitted variable bias, and there was no statistically sound and tractable way to quantify the uncertainty in the estimates. As a result I next adopted a model-free approach. Estimating model-free interactions (MFIs) in single-cell gene expression data required a quasi-causal graph of conditional dependencies among the genes, which I inferred with an MCMC graph-optimisation algorithm on an initial estimate found by the Peter-Clark algorithm. As the estimates are model-free, MFIs can be interpreted either as mechanistic relationships between the genes, or as substructures in the cell population. On simulated data, MFIs revealed synergy and higher-order mechanisms in various logical and causal dynamics more accurately than any correlation- or information-based quantities. I then estimated MFIs among 1,000 genes, at up to seventh-order, in 20k neurons and 20k astrocytes from two different mouse brain scRNA-seq data sets: one developmental, and one adolescent. I found strong evidence for up to fifth-order interactions, and the MFIs mostly disambiguated direct from indirect regulation by preferentially coupling causally connected genes, whereas correlations persisted across causal chains. Validating the predicted interactions against the Pathway Commons database, gene ontology annotations, and semantic similarity, I found that pairwise MFIs contained different but a similar amount of mechanistic information relative to networks based on correlation. Furthermore, third-order interactions provided evidence of combinatorial regulation by transcription factors and immediate early genes. I then switched focus from mechanism to population structure. Each significant MFI can be assigned a set of single cells that most influence its value. Hierarchical clustering of the MFIs by cell assignment revealed substructures in the cell population corresponding to diverse cell states. This offered a new, purely data-driven view on cell states because the inferred states are not required to localise in gene expression space. Across the four data sets, I found 69 significant and biologically interpretable cell states, where only 9 could be obtained by standard approaches. I identified immature neurons among developing astrocytes and radial glial cells, D1 and D2 medium spiny neurons, D1 MSN subtypes, and cell-cycle related states present across four data sets. I further found evidence for states defined by genes associated to neuropeptide signalling, neuronal activity, myelin metabolism, and genomic imprinting. MFIs thus provide a new, statistically sound method to detect substructure in single-cell gene expression data, identifying cell types, subtypes, or states that can be delocalised in gene expression space and whose hierarchical structure provides a new view on the semantics of cell state. The estimation of the quasi-causal graph, the MFIs, and inference of the associated states is implemented as a publicly available Nextflow pipeline called Stator

    Inference in systems biology: modelling approaches and applications

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    The main topic of this thesis is the study of biological regulatory systems using different computational modelling approaches in order to gain new insights into not yet completely understood biological processes. In "systems biology", mathematical models represent a powerful tool to study biological processes. Models are abstractions of reality always including some degree of simplification: an important ingredient of the modelling process, having a major role in suggesting the appropriate level of abstraction and simplification, is the purpose of the model, that is the question they have to answer. This thesis is focused on the analysis of how models of different complexity appropriately describe the available data to achieve a given purpose. Such analysis guides the choice of the most appropriate degree of simplification of the system under study that allows neglecting some aspects without compromising the results of the model. Three levels of detail for inference and modelling are analyzed in this thesis depending on the system under consideration. The first level is the network level, where molecules are nodes connected by edges and the interest is in the inference of the topology of connections at large scale. In the second level the network is interpreted as a mean to produce qualitative simulations and predictions which can be compared with experimental data. The third level of detail consist in a more mechanistic dynamic description of the system using ordinary differential equations but limiting the analysis to small subsystems. For each level of detail, appropriate approaches have been developed and applied to in silico and real data of different biological systems. Finally, different modelling appraches have been integrated to analyze insulin signalling pathway on different levels of simplification using a novel experimental dataset collected specifically for this purpos