22,164 research outputs found

    Symbolic Execution for Randomized Programs

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    We propose a symbolic execution method for programs that can draw random samples. In contrast to existing work, our method can verify randomized programs with unknown inputs and can prove probabilistic properties that universally quantify over all possible inputs. Our technique augments standard symbolic execution with a new class of \emph{probabilistic symbolic variables}, which represent the results of random draws, and computes symbolic expressions representing the probability of taking individual paths. We implement our method on top of the \textsc{KLEE} symbolic execution engine alongside multiple optimizations and use it to prove properties about probabilities and expected values for a range of challenging case studies written in C++, including Freivalds' algorithm, randomized quicksort, and a randomized property-testing algorithm for monotonicity. We evaluate our method against \textsc{Psi}, an exact probabilistic symbolic inference engine, and \textsc{Storm}, a probabilistic model checker, and show that our method significantly outperforms both tools.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, to appear at OOPSLA 202

    Symbolic Semantics for Probabilistic Programs

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    We present a new symbolic execution semantics of probabilistic programs that include observe statements and sampling from continuous distributions. Building on Kozen’s seminal work, this symbolic semantics consists of a countable collection of measurable functions, along with a partition of the state space. We use the new semantics to provide a full correctness proof of symbolic execution for probabilistic programs. We also implement this semantics in the tool symProb, and illustrate its use on examples

    Exact and Approximate Probabilistic Symbolic Execution

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    Probabilistic software analysis seeks to quantify the likelihood of reaching a target event under uncertain environments. Recent approaches compute probabilities of execution paths using symbolic execution, but do not support nondeterminism. Nondeterminism arises naturally when no suitable probabilistic model can capture a program behavior, e.g., for multithreading or distributed systems. In this work, we propose a technique, based on symbolic execution, to synthesize schedulers that resolve nondeterminism to maximize the probability of reaching a target event. To scale to large systems, we also introduce approximate algorithms to search for good schedulers, speeding up established random sampling and reinforcement learning results through the quantification of path probabilities based on symbolic execution. We implemented the techniques in Symbolic PathFinder and evaluated them on nondeterministic Java programs. We show that our algorithms significantly improve upon a state-of- the-art statistical model checking algorithm, originally developed for Markov Decision Processes

    Statistical Symbolic Execution with Informed Sampling

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    Symbolic execution techniques have been proposed recently for the probabilistic analysis of programs. These techniques seek to quantify the likelihood of reaching program events of interest, e.g., assert violations. They have many promising applications but have scalability issues due to high computational demand. To address this challenge, we propose a statistical symbolic execution technique that performs Monte Carlo sampling of the symbolic program paths and uses the obtained information for Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing with respect to the probability of reaching the target events. To speed up the convergence of the statistical analysis, we propose Informed Sampling, an iterative symbolic execution that first explores the paths that have high statistical significance, prunes them from the state space and guides the execution towards less likely paths. The technique combines Bayesian estimation with a partial exact analysis for the pruned paths leading to provably improved convergence of the statistical analysis. We have implemented statistical symbolic execution with in- formed sampling in the Symbolic PathFinder tool. We show experimentally that the informed sampling obtains more precise results and converges faster than a purely statistical analysis and may also be more efficient than an exact symbolic analysis. When the latter does not terminate symbolic execution with informed sampling can give meaningful results under the same time and memory limits

    On the probabilistic symbolic analysis of programs

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    Recently we have proposed symbolic execution techniques for the probabilistic analysis of programs. These techniques seek to quan- tify the probability of a program to satisfy a property of interest under a relevant usage profile. We describe recent advances in prob- abilistic symbolic analysis including handling of complex floating- point constraints and nondeterminism, and the use of statistical techniques for increased scalability

    Computational Soundness for Dalvik Bytecode

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    Automatically analyzing information flow within Android applications that rely on cryptographic operations with their computational security guarantees imposes formidable challenges that existing approaches for understanding an app's behavior struggle to meet. These approaches do not distinguish cryptographic and non-cryptographic operations, and hence do not account for cryptographic protections: f(m) is considered sensitive for a sensitive message m irrespective of potential secrecy properties offered by a cryptographic operation f. These approaches consequently provide a safe approximation of the app's behavior, but they mistakenly classify a large fraction of apps as potentially insecure and consequently yield overly pessimistic results. In this paper, we show how cryptographic operations can be faithfully included into existing approaches for automated app analysis. To this end, we first show how cryptographic operations can be expressed as symbolic abstractions within the comprehensive Dalvik bytecode language. These abstractions are accessible to automated analysis, and they can be conveniently added to existing app analysis tools using minor changes in their semantics. Second, we show that our abstractions are faithful by providing the first computational soundness result for Dalvik bytecode, i.e., the absence of attacks against our symbolically abstracted program entails the absence of any attacks against a suitable cryptographic program realization. We cast our computational soundness result in the CoSP framework, which makes the result modular and composable.Comment: Technical report for the ACM CCS 2016 conference pape
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