241 research outputs found

    The Forecasting Toolbox of the MATLAB-Toolbox SciXMine

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    New Data-Driven Probabilistic Forecasting Methods with Applications in Energy Systems

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    Proceedings. 26. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 24. - 25. November 2016

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    Dieser Tagungsband enthält die Beiträge des 26. Workshops Computational Intelligence. Die Schwerpunkte sind Methoden, Anwendungen und Tools für Fuzzy-Systeme, Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Data-Mining-Verfahren sowie der Methodenvergleich anhand von industriellen und Benchmark-Problemen

    Probabilistic forecasts of the distribution grid state using data-driven forecasts and probabilistic power flow

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    The uncertainty associated with renewable energies creates challenges in the operation of distribution grids. One way for Distribution System Operators to deal with this is the computation of probabilistic forecasts of the full state of the grid. Recently, probabilistic forecasts have seen increased interest for quantifying the uncertainty of renewable generation and load. However, individual probabilistic forecasts of the state defining variables do not allow the prediction of the probability of joint events, for instance, the probability of two line flows exceeding their limits simultaneously. To overcome the issue of estimating the probability of joint events, we present an approach that combines data-driven probabilistic forecasts (obtained more specifically with quantile regressions) and probabilistic power flow. Moreover, we test the presented method using data from a real-world distribution grid that is part of the Energy Lab 2.0 of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and we implement it within a state-of-the-art computational framework

    Quantifying Forecast Uncertainty in the Energy Domain

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    This dissertation focuses on quantifying forecast uncertainties in the energy domain, especially for the electricity and natural gas industry. Accurate forecasts help the energy industry minimize their production costs. However, inaccurate weather forecasts, unusual human behavior, sudden changes in economic conditions, unpredictable availability of renewable sources (wind and solar), etc., represent uncertainties in the energy demand-supply chain. In the current smart grid era, total electricity demand from non-renewable sources influences by the uncertainty of the renewable sources. Thus, quantifying forecast uncertainty has become important to improve the quality of forecasts and decision making. In the natural gas industry, the task of the gas controllers is to guide the hourly natural gas flow in such a way that it remains within a certain daily maximum and minimum flow limits to avoid penalties. Due to inherent uncertainties in the natural gas forecasts, setting such maximum and minimum flow limits a day or more in advance is difficult. Probabilistic forecasts (cumulative distribution functions), which quantify forecast uncertainty, are a useful tool to guide gas controllers to make such tough decisions. Three methods (parametric, semi-parametric, and non-parametric) are presented in this dissertation to generate 168-hour horizon probabilistic forecasts for two real utilities (electricity and natural gas) in the US. Probabilistic forecasting is used as a tool to solve a real-life problem in the natural gas industry. A benchmark was created based on the existing solution, which assumes forecast error is normal. Two new probabilistic forecasting methods are implemented in this work without the normality assumption. There is no single popular evaluation technique available to assess probabilistic forecasts, which is one reason for people’s lack of interest in using probabilistic forecasts. Existing scoring rules are complicated, dataset dependent, and provide less emphasis on reliability (empirical distribution matches with observed distribution) than sharpness (the smallest distance between any two quantiles of a CDF). A graphical way to evaluate probabilistic forecasts along with two new scoring rules are offered in this work. The non-parametric and semi-parametric probabilistic forecasting methods outperformed the benchmark method during unusual days (difficult days to forecast) as well as on other days

    Short-term electricity price point and probabilistic forecasts

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    Accurate short-term electricity price forecasts are essential to all electricity market participants. Generation companies adopt price forecasts to hedge generation shortage risks; load serving entities use price forecasts to purchase energy with low cost; and trading companies utilize price forecasts to arbitrage between markets. Currently, researches on point forecast mainly focus on exploring periodic patterns of electricity price in time domain. However, frequency domain enables us to identify more information within price data to facilitate forecast. Besides, price spike forecast has not been fully studied in the existing works. Therefore, we propose a short-term electricity price forecast framework that analyzes price data in frequency domain and consider price spike predictions. First, the variational mode decomposition is adopted to decompose price data into multiple band-limited modes. Then, the extended discrete Fourier transform is used to transform the decomposed price mode into frequency domain and perform normal price forecasts. In addition, we utilize the enhanced structure preserving oversampling and synthetic minority oversampling technique to oversample price spike cases to improve price spike forecast accuracy. In addition to point forecasts, market participants also need probabilistic forecasts to quantify prediction uncertainties. However, there are several shortcomings within current researches. Although wide prediction intervals satisfy reliability requirement, the over-width intervals incur market participants to derive conservative decisions. Besides, although electricity price data follow heteroscedasticity distribution, to reduce computation burden, many researchers assume that price data follow normal distribution. Therefore, to handle the above-mentioned deficiencies, we propose an optimal prediction interval method. 1) By considering both reliability and sharpness, we ensure the prediction interval has a narrow width without sacrificing reliability. 2) To avoid distribution assumptions, we utilize the quantile regression to estimate the bounds of prediction intervals. 3) Exploiting the versatile abilities, the extreme learning machine method is adopted to forecast prediction intervals. The effectiveness of proposed point and probabilistic forecast methods are justified by using actual price data from various electricity markets. Comparing with the predictions derived from other researches, numerical results show that our methods could provide accurate and stable forecast results under different market situations

    Classification of load forecasting studies by forecasting problem to select load forecasting techniques and methodologies

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    The key contribution of this paper is to propose a classification into two dimensions of the load forecasting studies to decide which forecasting tools to use in which case. This classification aims to provide a synthetic view of the relevant forecasting techniques and methodologies by forecasting problem. In addition, the key principles of the main techniques and methodologies used are summarized along with the reviews of these papers. The classification process relies on two couples of parameters that define a forecasting problem. Each article is classified with key information about the dataset used and the forecasting tools implemented: the forecasting techniques (probabilistic or deterministic) and methodologies, the data cleansing techniques, and the error metrics. The process to select the articles reviewed in this paper was conducted into two steps. First, a set of load forecasting studies was built based on relevant load forecasting reviews and forecasting competitions. The second step consisted in selecting the most relevant studies of this set based on the following criteria: the quality of the description of the forecasting techniques and methodologies implemented, the description of the results, and the contributions. This paper can be read in two passes. The first one by identifying the forecasting problem of interest to select the corresponding class into one of the four classification tables. Each one references all the articles classified across a forecasting horizon. They provide a synthetic view of the forecasting tools used by articles addressing similar forecasting problems. Then, a second level composed of four Tables summarizes key information about the forecasting tools and the results of these studies. The second pass consists in reading the key principles of the main techniques and methodologies of interest and the reviews of the articles.arXiv versio

    Scheduling of energy storage using probabilistic forecasts and energy-based aggregated models

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    The use of computational intelligence techniques for mid-term electricity price forecasting

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementWe currently live in a world ruled by large amounts of data. Organizations’ success is highly determined by the way they foresee and assess changes occurring in the future. Predictive data analytics is the art of building and using models that create forecasts based on patterns extracted from historical data. So, it is a process of making projections about a specific event which the outcome is still unknown in the present. One of the main applications is price prediction (Kelleher, Namee, & D’Arcy, 2015). Price prediction can be applied in innumerous types of business, including the energy sector. Additionally, Big Data has created opportunities for development of new energy services and bears a promise of better energy management and conservation (Grolinger, L’Heureux, Capretz, & Seewald, 2016). Whenever prediction deals with time-series data, it can be designated as forecasting. The electricity spot prices (ESP) represent the result of the market bidding prices outcome, in the electric wholesale market. Predicting these prices is an important and impactful task for market participants, like producers, consumers and retailers, since the principal objective for such players is to achieve the lowest cost in comparison with competitors. ESP play a huge role in energy market’s decision making. It is important both for developing proper bidding strategies as well as for making conscient and sustainable investment decisions (Keynia & Heydari, 2019). Additionally, it impacts the decision of the technologies to use, for example, choosing between renewable energy generators or classic gas turbines. Furthermore, the topic of electricity prices forecasting is extremely relevant for both developed and developing countries. Developed countries search for their economic prospect’s improvement. Electric energy efficiency is a crucial metric for that improvement. Electric energy efficiency can decrease the electricity prices thanks to the reduction of consumption, thus decreasing the need of having new expensive power generation and diminishing the pressure on energy resources. Therefore, ESP behavior is an important factor in their economy. Regarding developing economies, which have faced problems to take the populations out of poverty, the electricity sector restructuring has been fundamental for helping increase the levels of economic development (Ebrahimian, Barmayoon, Mohammadi, & Ghadimi, 2018)

    The impact of macroeconomic leading indicators on inventory management

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    Forecasting tactical sales is important for long term decisions such as procurement and informing lower level inventory management decisions. Macroeconomic indicators have been shown to improve the forecast accuracy at tactical level, as these indicators can provide early warnings of changing markets while at the same time tactical sales are sufficiently aggregated to facilitate the identification of useful leading indicators. Past research has shown that we can achieve significant gains by incorporating such information. However, at lower levels, that inventory decisions are taken, this is often not feasible due to the level of noise in the data. To take advantage of macroeconomic leading indicators at this level we need to translate the tactical forecasts into operational level ones. In this research we investigate how to best assimilate top level forecasts that incorporate such exogenous information with bottom level (at Stock Keeping Unit level) extrapolative forecasts. The aim is to demonstrate whether incorporating these variables has a positive impact on bottom level planning and eventually inventory levels. We construct appropriate hierarchies of sales and use that structure to reconcile the forecasts, and in turn the different available information, across levels. We are interested both at the point forecast and the prediction intervals, as the latter inform safety stock decisions. Therefore the contribution of this research is twofold. We investigate the usefulness of macroeconomic leading indicators for SKU level forecasts and alternative ways to estimate the variance of hierarchically reconciled forecasts. We provide evidence using a real case study