917 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Assisted Data Analytics

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    Nowadays industries are collecting a massive and exponentially growing amount of data that can be utilized to extract useful insights for improving various aspects of our life. Data analytics (e.g., via the use of machine learning) has been extensively applied to make important decisions in various real world applications. However, it is challenging for resource-limited clients to analyze their data in an efficient way when its scale is large. Additionally, the data resources are increasingly distributed among different owners. Nonetheless, users\u27 data may contain private information that needs to be protected. Cloud computing has become more and more popular in both academia and industry communities. By pooling infrastructure and servers together, it can offer virtually unlimited resources easily accessible via the Internet. Various services could be provided by cloud platforms including machine learning and data analytics. The goal of this dissertation is to develop privacy-preserving cloud-assisted data analytics solutions to address the aforementioned challenges, leveraging the powerful and easy-to-access cloud. In particular, we propose the following systems. To address the problem of limited computation power at user and the need of privacy protection in data analytics, we consider geometric programming (GP) in data analytics, and design a secure, efficient, and verifiable outsourcing protocol for GP. Our protocol consists of a transform scheme that converts GP to DGP, a transform scheme with computationally indistinguishability, and an efficient scheme to solve the transformed DGP at the cloud side with result verification. Evaluation results show that the proposed secure outsourcing protocol can achieve significant time savings for users. To address the problem of limited data at individual users, we propose two distributed learning systems such that users can collaboratively train machine learning models without losing privacy. The first one is a differentially private framework to train logistic regression models with distributed data sources. We employ the relevance between input data features and the model output to significantly improve the learning accuracy. Moreover, we adopt an evaluation data set at the cloud side to suppress low-quality data sources and propose a differentially private mechanism to protect user\u27s data quality privacy. Experimental results show that the proposed framework can achieve high utility with low quality data, and strong privacy guarantee. The second one is an efficient privacy-preserving federated learning system that enables multiple edge users to collaboratively train their models without revealing dataset. To reduce the communication overhead, we select well-aligned and large-enough magnitude gradients for uploading which leads to quick convergence. To minimize the noise added and improve model utility, each user only adds a small amount of noise to his selected gradients, encrypts the noise gradients before uploading, and the cloud server will only get the aggregate gradients that contain enough noise to achieve differential privacy. Evaluation results show that the proposed system can achieve high accuracy, low communication overhead, and strong privacy guarantee. In future work, we plan to design a privacy-preserving data analytics with fair exchange, which ensures the payment fairness. We will also consider designing distributed learning systems with heterogeneous architectures

    DeepSecure: Scalable Provably-Secure Deep Learning

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    This paper proposes DeepSecure, a novel framework that enables scalable execution of the state-of-the-art Deep Learning (DL) models in a privacy-preserving setting. DeepSecure targets scenarios in which neither of the involved parties including the cloud servers that hold the DL model parameters or the delegating clients who own the data is willing to reveal their information. Our framework is the first to empower accurate and scalable DL analysis of data generated by distributed clients without sacrificing the security to maintain efficiency. The secure DL computation in DeepSecure is performed using Yao's Garbled Circuit (GC) protocol. We devise GC-optimized realization of various components used in DL. Our optimized implementation achieves more than 58-fold higher throughput per sample compared with the best-known prior solution. In addition to our optimized GC realization, we introduce a set of novel low-overhead pre-processing techniques which further reduce the GC overall runtime in the context of deep learning. Extensive evaluations of various DL applications demonstrate up to two orders-of-magnitude additional runtime improvement achieved as a result of our pre-processing methodology. This paper also provides mechanisms to securely delegate GC computations to a third party in constrained embedded settings

    Homomorphic Encryption for Machine Learning in Medicine and Bioinformatics

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    Machine learning techniques are an excellent tool for the medical community to analyzing large amounts of medical and genomic data. On the other hand, ethical concerns and privacy regulations prevent the free sharing of this data. Encryption methods such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) provide a method evaluate over encrypted data. Using FHE, machine learning models such as deep learning, decision trees, and naive Bayes have been implemented for private prediction using medical data. FHE has also been shown to enable secure genomic algorithms, such as paternity testing, and secure application of genome-wide association studies. This survey provides an overview of fully homomorphic encryption and its applications in medicine and bioinformatics. The high-level concepts behind FHE and its history are introduced. Details on current open-source implementations are provided, as is the state of FHE for privacy-preserving techniques in machine learning and bioinformatics and future growth opportunities for FHE

    On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a main data generation infrastructure for achieving better system intelligence. This paper considers the design and implementation of a practical privacy-preserving collaborative learning scheme, in which a curious learning coordinator trains a better machine learning model based on the data samples contributed by a number of IoT objects, while the confidentiality of the raw forms of the training data is protected against the coordinator. Existing distributed machine learning and data encryption approaches incur significant computation and communication overhead, rendering them ill-suited for resource-constrained IoT objects. We study an approach that applies independent Gaussian random projection at each IoT object to obfuscate data and trains a deep neural network at the coordinator based on the projected data from the IoT objects. This approach introduces light computation overhead to the IoT objects and moves most workload to the coordinator that can have sufficient computing resources. Although the independent projections performed by the IoT objects address the potential collusion between the curious coordinator and some compromised IoT objects, they significantly increase the complexity of the projected data. In this paper, we leverage the superior learning capability of deep learning in capturing sophisticated patterns to maintain good learning performance. Extensive comparative evaluation shows that this approach outperforms other lightweight approaches that apply additive noisification for differential privacy and/or support vector machines for learning in the applications with light data pattern complexities.Comment: 12 pages,IOTDI 201

    Exploring Privacy-Preserving Disease Diagnosis: A Comparative Analysis

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    In the healthcare sector, data is considered as a valuable asset, with enormous amounts generated in the form of patient records and disease-related information. Leveraging machine learning techniques enables the analysis of extensive datasets, unveiling hidden patterns in diseases, facilitating personalized treatments, and forecasting potential health issues. However, the flourish of online diagnosis and prediction still faces some challenges related to information security and privacy as disease diagnosis technologies utilizes a lot of clinical records and sensitive patient data. Hence, it becomes imperative to prioritize the development of innovative methodologies that not only advance the accuracy and efficiency of disease prediction but also ensure the highest standards of privacy protection. This requires collaborative efforts between researchers, healthcare practitioners, and policymakers to establish a comprehensive framework that addresses the evolving landscape of healthcare data while safeguarding individual privacy. Addressing this constraint, numerous researchers integrate privacy preservation measures with disease prediction techniques to develop a system capable of diagnosing diseases without compromising the confidentiality of sensitive information. The survey paper conducts a comparative analysis of privacy-preserving techniques employed in disease diagnosis and prediction. It explores existing methodologies across various domains, assessing their efficacy and trade-offs in maintaining data confidentiality while optimizing diagnostic accuracy. The review highlights the need for robust privacy measures in disease prediction, shortcomings related to existing techniques of privacy preserving disease diagnosis, and provides insights into promising directions for future research in this critical intersection of healthcare and privacy preservation