816 research outputs found

    Privacy-friendly appliance load scheduling in smart grids

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    Abstract—The massive integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid ecosystem with the aim of reducing carbon emissions must cope with their intrinsically intermittent and unpredictable nature. Therefore, the grid must improve its capability of controlling the energy demand by adapting the power consumption curve to match the trend of green energy generation. This could be done by scheduling the activities of deferrable electrical appliances. However, communicating the users ’ needs about the usage of the electrical appliances leaks sensitive information about habits and lifestyles of the customers, thus arising privacy concerns. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving framework to allow the coordination of energy con-sumption without compromising the privacy of the users: the ser-vice requests generated by the domestic appliances are diveded in crypto-shares using Shamir Secret Sharing scheme and collected through an anonymous routing protocol based on Crowds by a set of schedulers, which schedule the requests operating directly on the shares. We discuss the security guarantees provided by our proposed infrastructure and evaluate its performance, comparing it with the optimal scheduling obtained through an Integer Linear Programming formulation. I

    Privacy-Friendly Load Scheduling of Deferrable and Interruptible Domestic Appliances in Smart Grids

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    The massive integration of renewable energy sources in the power grid ecosystem with the aim of reducing carbon emissions must cope with their intrinsically intermittent and unpredictable nature. Therefore, the grid must improve its capability of controlling the energy demand by adapting the power consumption curve to match the trend of green energy generation. This could be done by scheduling the activities of deferrable and/or interruptible electrical appliances. However, communicating the users' needs about the usage of their appliances also leaks sensitive information about their habits and lifestyles, thus arising privacy concerns. This paper proposes a framework to allow the coordination of energy consumption without compromising the privacy of the users: the service requests generated by the domestic appliances are divided into crypto-shares using Shamir Secret Sharing scheme and collected through an anonymous routing protocol by a set of schedulers, which schedule the requests by directly operating on the shares. We discuss the security guarantees provided by our proposed infrastructure and evaluate its performance, comparing it with the optimal scheduling obtained by means of an Integer Linear Programming formulation

    Smart Grid Communications: Overview of Research Challenges, Solutions, and Standardization Activities

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    Optimization of energy consumption in future intelligent energy networks (or Smart Grids) will be based on grid-integrated near-real-time communications between various grid elements in generation, transmission, distribution and loads. This paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities of communications research in the areas of smart grid and smart metering. In particular, we focus on some of the key communications challenges for realizing interoperable and future-proof smart grid/metering networks, smart grid security and privacy, and how some of the existing networking technologies can be applied to energy management. Finally, we also discuss the coordinated standardization efforts in Europe to harmonize communications standards and protocols.Comment: To be published in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Enabling Privacy in a Distributed Game-Theoretical Scheduling System for Domestic Appliances

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    Demand side management (DSM) makes it possible to adjust the load experienced by the power grid while reducing the consumers' bill. Game-theoretic DSM is an appealing decentralized approach for collaboratively scheduling the usage of domestic electrical appliances within a set of households while meeting the users' preferences about the usage time. The drawback of distributed DSM protocols is that they require each user to communicate his/her own energy consumption patterns, which may leak sensitive information regarding private habits. This paper proposes a distributed privacy-friendly DSM system that preserves users' privacy by integrating data aggregation and perturbation techniques: users decide their schedule according to aggregated consumption measurements perturbed by means of additive white Gaussian noise. We evaluate the noise power and the number of users required to achieve a given privacy level, quantified by means of the increase of the information entropy of the aggregated energy consumption pattern. The performance of our proposed DSM system is compared to the one of a benchmark system that does not support privacy preservation in terms of total bill, peak demand, and convergence time. Results show that privacy can be improved at the cost of increasing the peak demand and the number of game iterations, whereas the total bill is only marginally incremented

    A privacy-friendly game-theoretic distributed scheduling system for domestic appliances

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    open3Game-theoretic Demand Side Management (DSM) systems have been investigated as a decentralized approach for the collaborative scheduling of the usage of domestic electrical appliances within a set of households. Such systems allow for the shifting of the starting time of deferrable devices according to the current energy price or power grid condition, in order to reduce the individual monthly bill or to adjust the power load experienced by the grid while meeting the users’ preferences about the time of use. The drawback of DSM distributed protocols is that they require each user to communicate his/her own energy consumption patterns to the other users, which may leak sensitive information regarding private habits. This paper proposes a distributed Privacy-Friendly DSM system which preserves users’ privacy by integrating data aggregation and perturbation techniques: users decide their schedule according to aggregated consumption measurements perturbed by means of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). We evaluate the noise power and the size of the set of users required to achieve a given privacy level, quantified by means of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The performance of our proposed DSM system are compared to the ones obtained by a benchmark system which does not support privacy preservation in terms of social cost, peak demand and convergence time. Results show that privacy can be preserved at the cost of increasing the peak demand and the number of game iterations, whereas social cost is only marginally incremented.C Rottondi; A Barbato; G VerticaleRottondi, CRISTINA EMMA MARGHERITA; Barbato, Antimo; Verticale, Giacom

    Data Analytics for Privacy in Smart Grids

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    The emergence of smart grids has allowed for integrating new technologies in the power grid, with information flowing across the system allowing for more efficient power delivery and event response. Demand response is a new technology enabled by smart grids, which is a program aiming to reduce or shift peak demand by varying the price of electricity or offering incentives for changing consumption habits.Despite demand response benefits, privacy advocates have raised concerns with information leakages allowed by the type of high-resolution data collected by smart meters, as it can reveal customer usage patterns and different parties can take advantage of that data. In this thesis, a utility vs. privacy framework is developed to maximize the utility of using smart meter data while also minimizing the privacy leakages from the smart meter.Two frameworks are developed, the first, a fault localization technique for radial distribution systems by using alarm processing through binary integer linear programming. The second, a power scheduling tool that uses renewables, a battery, and appliance scheduling to disguise the customer usage patterns by matching it to an average and the resulting collected data is not revealing of any characteristics the customer wants to hide.Fault localization was tested on two radial distribution systems, and locates the fault every time, with the variation in time till detection depending on system size, how the system is branched, fault location, and sampling rate. Power scheduling was tested using simulated home data, different scenarios are run by varying battery, solar, appliance, and privacy parameters, and results are compared for various sampling rates. Both frameworks were successful in hiding privacy leakages based their respective privacy metric.Future research on the fault localization could expand to find two faults simultaneously, along with implementing an emergency mode to find faults quicker in a sampling cycle. The power scheduling framework could expand to include thermostatically controlled load scheduling, by implementing deep learning algorithms on each home and factoring in variables such as historic data of weather, time of day, and day of week to determine how thermostatically controlled loads could fit into the scheduling problem

    Distributed demand side management with battery storage for smart home energy scheduling

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    Abstract: The role of Demand Side Management (DSM) with Distributed Energy Storage (DES) has been gaining attention in recent studies due to the impact of the latter on energy management in the smart grid. In this work, an Energy Scheduling and Distributed Storage (ESDS) algorithm is proposed to be installed into the smart meters of Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing consumers possessing in-home energy storage devices. Source of energy supply to the smart home appliances was optimized between the utility grid and the DES device depending on energy tariff and consumer demand satisfaction information. This is to minimize consumer energy expenditure and maximize demand satisfaction simultaneously. The ESDS algorithm was found to offer consumer-friendly and utility-friendly enhancements to the DSM program such as energy, financial, and investment savings, reduced/eliminated consumer dissatisfaction even at peak periods, Peak-to-Average-Ratio (PAR) demand reduction, grid energy sustainability, socio-economic benefits, and other associated benefits such as environmental-friendliness
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