71,163 research outputs found

    Privacy Preserving Data Publishing

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    Recent years have witnessed increasing interest among researchers in protecting individual privacy in the big data era, involving social media, genomics, and Internet of Things. Recent studies have revealed numerous privacy threats and privacy protection methodologies, that vary across a broad range of applications. To date, however, there exists no powerful methodologies in addressing challenges from: high-dimension data, high-correlation data and powerful attackers. In this dissertation, two critical problems will be investigated: the prospects and some challenges for elucidating the attack capabilities of attackers in mining individuals’ private information; and methodologies that can be used to protect against such inference attacks, while guaranteeing significant data utility. First, this dissertation has proposed a series of works regarding inference attacks laying emphasis on protecting against powerful adversaries with auxiliary information. In the context of genomic data, data dimensions and computation feasibility is highly challenging in conducting data analysis. This dissertation proved that the proposed attack can effectively infer the values of the unknown SNPs and traits in linear complexity, which dramatically improve the computation cost compared with traditional methods with exponential computation cost. Second, putting differential privacy guarantee into high-dimension and high-correlation data remains a challenging problem, due to high-sensitivity, output scalability and signal-to-noise ratio. Consider there are tens-of-millions of genomes in a human DNA, it is infeasible for traditional methods to introduce noise to sanitize genomic data. This dissertation has proposed a series of works and demonstrated that the proposed differentially private method satisfies differential privacy; moreover, data utility is improved compared with the states of the arts by largely lowering data sensitivity. Third, putting privacy guarantee into social data publishing remains a challenging problem, due to tradeoff requirements between data privacy and utility. This dissertation has proposed a series of works and demonstrated that the proposed methods can effectively realize privacy-utility tradeoff in data publishing. Finally, two future research topics are proposed. The first topic is about Privacy Preserving Data Collection and Processing for Internet of Things. The second topic is to study Privacy Preserving Big Data Aggregation. They are motivated by the newly proposed data mining, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity methods

    Secret charing vs. encryption-based techniques for privacy preserving data mining

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    Privacy preserving querying and data publishing has been studied in the context of statistical databases and statistical disclosure control. Recently, large-scale data collection and integration efforts increased privacy concerns which motivated data mining researchers to investigate privacy implications of data mining and how data mining can be performed without violating privacy. In this paper, we first provide an overview of privacy preserving data mining focusing on distributed data sources, then we compare two technologies used in privacy preserving data mining. The first technology is encryption based, and it is used in earlier approaches. The second technology is secret-sharing which is recently being considered as a more efficient approach

    Privacy-preserving publishing of hierarchical data

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    Many applications today rely on storage and management of semi-structured information, for example, XML databases and document-oriented databases. These data often have to be shared with untrusted third parties, which makes individuals’ privacy a fundamental problem. In this article, we propose anonymization techniques for privacy-preserving publishing of hierarchical data. We show that the problem of anonymizing hierarchical data poses unique challenges that cannot be readily solved by existing mechanisms. We extend two standards for privacy protection in tabular data (k-anonymity and ℓ-diversity) and apply them to hierarchical data. We present utility-aware algorithms that enforce these definitions of privacy using generalizations and suppressions of data values. To evaluate our algorithms and their heuristics, we experiment on synthetic and real datasets obtained from two universities. Our experiments show that we significantly outperform related methods that provide comparable privacy guarantees

    Verification in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing

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    Privacy preserving data publication is a major concern for both the owners of data and the data publishers. Principles like k-anonymity, l-diversity were proposed to reduce privacy violations. On the other side, no studies were found on verification on the anonymized data in terms of adversarial breach and anonymity levels. However, the anonymized data is still prone to attacks due to the presence of dependencies among quasi-identifiers and sensitive attributes. This paper presents a novel framework to detect the existence of those dependencies and a solution to reduce them. The advantages of our approach are i) privacy violations can be detected, ii) the extent of privacy risk can be measured and iii) re-anonymization can be done on vulnerable blocks of data. The work is further extended to show how the adversarial breach knowledge eventually increased when new tuples are added and an on the fly solution to reduce it is discussed. Experimental results are reported and analyzed

    Privacy Preserving of Collaborative Data Publishing WithM-Privacy

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    In this paper we focus on the collaborative data publishing. With this paper we present the collaborative data in anonymized form. We solve the problem of insider attack i.e. possibility of attack by the data providers themselves. Standard algorithms are used for encryption (RSA).The anonymization is performed by displaying only the needed data as per the constraints specified. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15029

    Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Data Publishing via Differential Privacy

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    Over the past decade, the collection of data by individuals, businesses and government agencies has increased tremendously. Due to the widespread of mobile computing and the advances in location-acquisition techniques, an immense amount of data concerning the mobility of moving objects have been generated. The movement data of an object (e.g. individual) might include specific information about the locations it visited, the time those locations were visited, or both. While it is beneficial to share data for the purpose of mining and analysis, data sharing might risk the privacy of the individuals involved in the data. Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) provides techniques that utilize several privacy models for the purpose of publishing useful information while preserving data privacy. The objective of this thesis is to answer the following question: How can a data owner publish trajectory data while simultaneously safeguarding the privacy of the data and maintaining its usefulness? We propose an algorithm for anonymizing and publishing trajectory data that ensures the output is differentially private while maintaining high utility and scalability. Our solution comprises a twofold approach. First, we generalize trajectories by generalizing and then partitioning the timestamps at each location in a differentially private manner. Next, we add noise to the real count of the generalized trajectories according to the given privacy budget to enforce differential privacy. As a result, our approach achieves an overall epsilon-differential privacy on the output trajectory data. We perform experimental evaluation on real-life data, and demonstrate that our proposed approach can effectively answer count and range queries, as well as mining frequent sequential patterns. We also show that our algorithm is efficient w.r.t. privacy budget and number of partitions, and also scalable with increasing data size

    Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing

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    With the advances of data analytics, preserving privacy in publishing data about individuals becomes an important task. The data publishing process includes two phases: (i) data collection phase, and (ii) data publishing phase. In the data collection phase companies, organizations, and government agencies collect data from individuals through different means (such as surveys, polls, and questionnaires). Subsequently, in the data publishing phase, the data publisher or data holder publishes the collected data and information for analysis and research purposes which are later used to inform policy decision making. Given the private nature of collected data about individuals, releasing such data may raise privacy concerns, and there has been much interest to devise privacy-preserving mechanisms for data analysis. Moreover, preserving privacy of an individual while enhancing utility of published data is one of the most challenging problems in data privacy, requiring well-designed privacy-preserving mechanisms for data publishing. In recent years, differential privacy has emerged as one formal notion of privacy. To publish data under the guarantees of differential privacy, there is a need for preserving data utility, along with data privacy. However, the utility of published data under differential privacy is often limited, due to the amount of noise needed to achieve differential privacy. One of the key challenges in differentially private data publishing mechanisms is to simultaneously preserve data privacy while enhancing data utility. This thesis undertakes this challenge and introduces novel privacy-preserving mechanisms under the privacy guarantee of differential privacy to publish individuals' data while enhancing published data utility for different data structures. In this thesis, I explore both relational data publishing and graph data publishing. The first part of this thesis will consider the problem of generating differentially private datasets by integrating microaggregation into the relational data publishing methods in order to enhance published data utility. The second part of this thesis will consider graph data publishing. When applying differential privacy to network data, two interpretations of differential privacy exist: \emph{edge differential privacy} (edge-DP) and \emph{node differential privacy} (node-DP). Under edge-DP, I propose a microaggregation-based framework for graph anonymization which preserves the topological structures of an original graph at different levels of granularity through adding controlled perturbation to its edges. Under node-DP, I study the problem of publishing higher-order network statistics. Furthermore, I consider personalization to achieve personal data protection under personalized (edge or node) differential privacy while enhancing network data utility. To this extent, four approaches are proposed to handle the personal privacy requirements of individuals. I have conducted extensive experiments using real-world datasets to verify the utility enhancement and privacy guarantee of the proposed frameworks against existing state-of-the-art methods to publish relational and graph data

    Misusability Measure Based Sanitization of Big Data for Privacy Preserving MapReduce Programming

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    Leakage and misuse of sensitive data is a challenging problem to enterprises. It has become more serious problem with the advent of cloud and big data. The rationale behind this is the increase in outsourcing of data to public cloud and publishing data for wider visibility. Therefore Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP), Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) and Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining (PPDM) are crucial in the contemporary era. PPDP and PPDM can protect privacy at data and process levels respectively. Therefore, with big data privacy to data became indispensable due to the fact that data is stored and processed in semi-trusted environment. In this paper we proposed a comprehensive methodology for effective sanitization of data based on misusability measure for preserving privacy to get rid of data leakage and misuse. We followed a hybrid approach that caters to the needs of privacy preserving MapReduce programming. We proposed an algorithm known as Misusability Measure-Based Privacy serving Algorithm (MMPP) which considers level of misusability prior to choosing and application of appropriate sanitization on big data. Our empirical study with Amazon EC2 and EMR revealed that the proposed methodology is useful in realizing privacy preserving Map Reduce programming