458 research outputs found

    State of The Art and Hot Aspects in Cloud Data Storage Security

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    Along with the evolution of cloud computing and cloud storage towards matu- rity, researchers have analyzed an increasing range of cloud computing security aspects, data security being an important topic in this area. In this paper, we examine the state of the art in cloud storage security through an overview of selected peer reviewed publications. We address the question of defining cloud storage security and its different aspects, as well as enumerate the main vec- tors of attack on cloud storage. The reviewed papers present techniques for key management and controlled disclosure of encrypted data in cloud storage, while novel ideas regarding secure operations on encrypted data and methods for pro- tection of data in fully virtualized environments provide a glimpse of the toolbox available for securing cloud storage. Finally, new challenges such as emergent government regulation call for solutions to problems that did not receive enough attention in earlier stages of cloud computing, such as for example geographical location of data. The methods presented in the papers selected for this review represent only a small fraction of the wide research effort within cloud storage security. Nevertheless, they serve as an indication of the diversity of problems that are being addressed

    Preserving privacy in edge computing

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    Edge computing or fog computing enables realtime services to smart application users by storing data and services at the edge of the networks. Edge devices in the edge computing handle data storage and service provisioning. Therefore, edge computing has become a  new norm for several delay-sensitive smart applications such as automated vehicles, ambient-assisted living, emergency response services, precision agriculture, and smart electricity grids. Despite having great potential, privacy threats are the main barriers to the success of edge computing. Attackers can leak private or sensitive information of data owners and modify service-related data for hampering service provisioning in edge computing-based smart applications. This research takes privacy issues of heterogeneous smart application data into account that are stored in edge data centers. From there, this study focuses on the development of privacy-preserving models for user-generated smart application data in edge computing and edge service-related data, such as Quality-of-Service (QoS) data, for ensuring unbiased service provisioning. We begin with developing privacy-preserving techniques for user data generated by smart applications using steganography that is one of the data hiding techniques. In steganography, user sensitive information is hidden within nonsensitive information of data before outsourcing smart application data, and stego data are produced for storing in the edge data center. A steganography approach must be reversible or lossless to be useful in privacy-preserving techniques. In this research, we focus on numerical (sensor data) and textual (DNA sequence and text) data steganography. Existing steganography approaches for numerical data are irreversible. Hence, we introduce a lossless or reversible numerical data steganography approach using Error Correcting Codes (ECC). Modern lossless steganography approaches for text data steganography are mainly application-specific and lacks imperceptibility, and DNA steganography requires reference DNA sequence for the reconstruction of the original DNA sequence. Therefore, we present the first blind and lossless DNA sequence steganography approach based on the nucleotide substitution method in this study. In addition, a text steganography method is proposed that using invisible character and compression based encoding for ensuring reversibility and higher imperceptibility.  Different experiments are conducted to demonstrate the justification of our proposed methods in these studies. The searching capability of the stored stego data is challenged in the edge data center without disclosing sensitive information. We present a privacy-preserving search framework for stego data on the edge data center that includes two methods. In the first method, we present a keyword-based privacy-preserving search method that allows a user to send a search query as a hash string. However, this method does not support the range query. Therefore, we develop a range search method on stego data using an order-preserving encryption (OPE) scheme. In both cases, the search service provider retrieves corresponding stego data without revealing any sensitive information. Several experiments are conducted for evaluating the performance of the framework. Finally, we present a privacy-preserving service computation framework using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) based cryptosystem for ensuring the service provider's privacy during service selection and composition. Our contributions are two folds. First, we introduce a privacy-preserving service selection model based on encrypted Quality-of-Service (QoS) values of edge services for ensuring privacy. QoS values are encrypted using FHE. A distributed computation model for service selection using MapReduce is designed for improving efficiency. Second, we develop a composition model for edge services based on the functional relationship among edge services for optimizing the service selection process. Various experiments are performed in both centralized and distributed computing environments to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework using a synthetic QoS dataset

    OS2: Oblivious similarity based searching for encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted domain

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    © 2017 Pervez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Public cloud storage services are becoming prevalent and myriad data sharing, archiving and collaborative services have emerged which harness the pay-as-you-go business model of public cloud. To ensure privacy and confidentiality often encrypted data is outsourced to such services, which further complicates the process of accessing relevant data by using search queries. Search over encrypted data schemes solve this problem by exploiting cryptographic primitives and secure indexing to identify outsourced data that satisfy the search criteria. Almost all of these schemes rely on exact matching between the encrypted data and search criteria. A few schemes which extend the notion of exact matching to similarity based search, lack realism as those schemes rely on trusted third parties or due to increase storage and computational complexity. In this paper we propose Oblivious Similarity based Search (OS2) for encrypted data. It enables authorized users to model their own encrypted search queries which are resilient to typographical errors. Unlike conventional methodologies, OS2 ranks the search results by using similarity measure offering a better search experience than exact matching. It utilizes encrypted bloom filter and probabilistic homomorphic encryption to enable authorized users to access relevant data without revealing results of search query evaluation process to the untrusted cloud service provider. Encrypted bloom filter based search enables OS2 to reduce search space to potentially relevant encrypted data avoiding unnecessary computation on public cloud. The efficacy of OS2 is evaluated on Google App Engine for various bloom filter lengths on different cloud configurations

    The Potential for Machine Learning Analysis over Encrypted Data in Cloud-based Clinical Decision Support - Background and Review

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    This paper appeared at the 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2015), Sydney, Australia, January 2015. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 164, Anthony Maeder and Jim Warren, Ed. Reproduction for academic, not-for profit purposes permitted provided this text is includedIn an effort to reduce the risk of sensitive data exposure in untrusted networks such as the public cloud, increasing attention has recently been given to encryption schemes that allow specific computations to occur on encrypted data, without the need for decryption. This relies on the fact that some encryption algorithms display the property of homomorphism, which allows them to manipulate data in a meaningful way while still in encrypted form. Such a framework would find particular relevance in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications deployed in the public cloud. CDS applications have an important computational and analytical role over confidential healthcare information with the aim of supporting decision-making in clinical practice. This review paper examines the history and current status of homomoprhic encryption and its potential for preserving the privacy of patient data underpinning cloud-based CDS applications

    A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes: Theory and Implementation

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    Legacy encryption systems depend on sharing a key (public or private) among the peers involved in exchanging an encrypted message. However, this approach poses privacy concerns. Especially with popular cloud services, the control over the privacy of the sensitive data is lost. Even when the keys are not shared, the encrypted material is shared with a third party that does not necessarily need to access the content. Moreover, untrusted servers, providers, and cloud operators can keep identifying elements of users long after users end the relationship with the services. Indeed, Homomorphic Encryption (HE), a special kind of encryption scheme, can address these concerns as it allows any third party to operate on the encrypted data without decrypting it in advance. Although this extremely useful feature of the HE scheme has been known for over 30 years, the first plausible and achievable Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, which allows any computable function to perform on the encrypted data, was introduced by Craig Gentry in 2009. Even though this was a major achievement, different implementations so far demonstrated that FHE still needs to be improved significantly to be practical on every platform. First, we present the basics of HE and the details of the well-known Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE) and Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SWHE), which are important pillars of achieving FHE. Then, the main FHE families, which have become the base for the other follow-up FHE schemes are presented. Furthermore, the implementations and recent improvements in Gentry-type FHE schemes are also surveyed. Finally, further research directions are discussed. This survey is intended to give a clear knowledge and foundation to researchers and practitioners interested in knowing, applying, as well as extending the state of the art HE, PHE, SWHE, and FHE systems.Comment: - Updated. (October 6, 2017) - This paper is an early draft of the survey that is being submitted to ACM CSUR and has been uploaded to arXiv for feedback from stakeholder
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