12 research outputs found


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    Online fashion retailers in Oman are facing challenges such as high competition from traditional retailers and moderate customer interest in making online purchase. The present study investigated this issue with the aim to identify and test the factors which can influence customer online purchase intention. Based on customer-oriented and technology-oriented perspectives, we tested the influence of four factors namely trust, perceived risk, shopping enjoyment, and web-site design quality on customer’s online purchase intention. We utilized quantitative approach and convenience based non-random sampling to collect data from customers who are engaged in online transactions (n=170). Our findings indicate that trust (Beta=.255, P<.05); perceived risk (Beta=-.276, P<.05); and website design quality (Beta=.118, P<.05) exert significant influence on customer’s online purchase intention. The four factors together explain 58% variation in the dependent variable of customer online purchase intention. Based on these results, we concluded that both customer as well as technology related factors are important in online context.  Keywords: Trust, Risk, Shopping Enjoyment, Website Quality, Purchase Intentions, Online, Fashion, Oman

    Cyber Security Applications in the Modern Tourism Industry

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    The main objective of the study is to demonstrate the importance of cyber security in the applications of the modern tourism industry, and to study the most important safe practices in the preservation of digital databases in all aspects of the modern tourism industry, including airlines, travel & tourism offices, and facilities of hospitality. It aims to enhance the security of the electronic information policy, both Descriptive and Spatial, securing digital networks, and providing possible tools and means for the sustainable preservation of digital databases, in order to achieve all the competitive and comparative advantages of all parties to the modern tourism industry, through helping decision makers to understand the importance of adopting cybersecurity in all inputs of the tourism and hospitality industry in the current century, in light of the enormous expansion in the concepts of smart tourism. The study found out the importance of cybersecurity along with physical security in tourism, which is the most important key in the process of development, marketing and management of tourist sites at the time being. Keywords: E-Tourism, Cyber Security, Cyber Space, Cyber Governance, Cloud Computing, Cyber Risks. DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/43-05 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Trust and Perceived Risks in High School Students' Online Learning Behaviour During Covid19 Pandemic

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    This study explores online learning by Indonesian high school students during the Covid19 Pandemic. Many high schools in Indonesia use online learning technology in Google Classroom and Google Meet. The sudden and forced switch from a conventional classroom to a fully online one caught many off guards. This study looks at the behavior of Indonesian high school students in facing sudden changes in study mode from offline or hybrid to full online due to the Covid19 Pandemic. Theory of Planned Behaviour is used and extended by adding Perceived Risks dan Trust to develop a questionnaire. Trust in this study is differentiated between Trust Toward Application and Trust Toward Organization. The survey was distributed to 1986 students from three private high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. As many as 462 responses were received, representing a 23.26% response rate. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The analysis of survey results confirms that TPB, Perceived Risks, and Trust could explain the use of Online Learning by Indonesian high school students. Furthermore, Trust is also influenced, albeit in a small percentage, Perceived Risks.This study explores online learning by Indonesian high school students during the Covid19 Pandemic. Many high schools in Indonesia use online learning technology in Google Classroom and Google Meet. The sudden and forced switch from a conventional classroom to a fully online one caught many off guards. This study looks at the behavior of Indonesian high school students in facing sudden changes in study mode from offline or hybrid to full online due to the Covid19 Pandemic. Theory of Planned Behaviour is used and extended by adding Perceived Risks dan Trust to develop a questionnaire. Trust in this study is differentiated between Trust Toward Application and Trust Toward Organization. The survey was distributed to 1986 students from three private high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. As many as 462 responses were received, representing a 23.26% response rate. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The analysis of survey results confirms that TPB, Perceived Risks, and Trust could explain the use of Online Learning by Indonesian high school students. Furthermore, Trust is also influenced, albeit in a small percentage, Perceived Risks

    Designing the digital presence of the new ISEG merchandising store : a consulting project

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    Mestrado Bolonha em ManagementO ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management reuniu, no âmbito do desenvolvimento de um projeto de consultoria para a Loja de Merchandising, um grupo de alunos de MiM – Masters in Management. O objetivo do cliente é único: expandir a marca ISEG, criando notoriedade e reputação junto não só da comunidade Iseguiana, mas sim de todos nós. Para enfrentar o projeto, os consultores segmentaram-no em quatro seções principais e distintas: Operações; Portfólio; Marketing; e Digital, todas subdesenvolvidas ou até mesmo inexistentes, até à data, no instituto. Este relatório, orientado para o Digital, centra-se na análise detalhada de outras prestigiadas marcas, com presença online. Neste mesmo, é recomendada a forma como a loja online deve funcionar: a sua estrutura e organização. Aqui, é, ainda, fomentada a criação da loja, com o objetivo de fortalecer e enaltecer a marca ISEG, apresentando um layout atrativo para os consumidores, de modo a abranger todo o mundo.ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, assembled a group of MiM students to consult on the development of a Merchandising Store for the institution. The client’s goal is to expand the ISEG brand, creating awareness within the population. To tackle the project, the consultants segmented the project into four core sections: Operations; Portfolio; Marketing; and Digital, all of which were either under-developed or even non-existent. This Digital oriented report focused on analysing other major brands with an online presence to address ISEG’s major shortcoming of not having one. It is recommended how the online store should be assembled and how it should be organized and how to reach out, similar to major world-renowned brands to strengthen the ISEG brand. The aim of the project is to present a more attractive layout to captivate users and reach the whole worldinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Making public concerns tangible : an empirical study of German and UK citizens’ perception of data protection and data security

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    Digitisation processes in the public sector have led to an increase in innovative approaches for better service delivery using information and communication technology. Citizens, however, often have reservations towards e-government efforts due to concerns regarding data protection (DP) and data security (DS). This article is based on a mixed-methods design consisting of a media analysis and an online survey of 1000 respondents from the UK and Germany, which investigates the conception of DP and DS from the citizens’ point of view. Results demonstrate that citizens do not fully understand the terminology used in newspaper articles concerning DP and DS. Moreover, findings show that DP and DS are of great importance to citizens. However, the perceived relevance of DP and DS varies between services, being strongest for online banking. Compared to the German citizens surveyed, the UK citizens displayed greater concerns about disclosing personal data online. Despite some differences, however, findings across both samples indicate a common lack of understanding of the two concepts DP and DS. The resulting citizen concept of DP and DS can help to mediate between politics, technology and the public in the discourse of e-government initiatives and the requirements for DP and DS. We argue that citizens’ understanding of DP and DS is a prerequisite for governments to adequately address citizens’ concerns regarding e-government initiatives

    Empirical Assessment of the Role of Technology-Related Factors and Organization-Related Factors in Electronic Medical Records Implementation Success

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    The objective of this research was to investigate if certain technology-related and organization-related factors that have most often been associated with successful IT/MIS implementations in other information technology and information science domains are also associated with successful Electronic Medical Records (EMR) implementations. This research uncovered a unique set of technology-related factors and organization-related factors associated with successful EMR implementations from the perspective of healthcare enablers and healthcare providers. Specific technology-related factors considered in this research were the innovativeness of EMR (measured with respect to the relative advantage, compatibility and complexity of EMR), privacy and security attributes of EMR, and usefulness of EMR. Specific organization-related factors considered were the readiness of the organization for change and the !eve! of product/process innovation in the organization where the EMR was implemented

    Análise da percepção do consumidor em relação aos canais de compra online

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    Os consumidores da era digital são seres engajados que além de promover discussões, estimulam tendências e otimizam processos na busca pelas melhores experiências nos canais de compra do ambiente online. De uma forma geral, cada consumidor, além de apresentar características próprias que o tornam único num processo de decisão de compra, contribui com perspectivas que se relacionam à variáveis e elementos externos ao complexo sistema de compras, promovendo transformações que norteiam a percepção que o usuário cria em relação a um produto, serviço ou a uma marca. Assim sendo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender como os canais de compra digitais são percebidos por diferentes perfis de consumidores. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, com a condução de 15 entrevistas em profundidade com consumidores de diferentes perfis sociodemográficos residentes no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Portugal. As entrevistas ocorreram a partir de um roteiro de entrevistas elaborado com questões norteadoras. Vale dizer que as interações foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas a partir de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Em suma, nesse processo observou-se que os consumidores interagem com a internet promovendo múltiplas interações, interessantes trocas e o compartilhamento contínuo de dados e informações. Ademais, destaca-se o uso das redes sociais e os streamings como plataformas dinâmicas e interativas que os consumidores interagem frequentemente e criam elos significativos ao seu processo de compra. Por fim, quanto à percepção de compra dos consumidores, expressa-se a compreensão dos usuários a partir dos estímulos sensoriais que intensificam suas necessidades e interesses, as percepções de preço, promoção, qualidade, conveniência e segurança e confiança representam estruturas de valor para o processo de compra, assim como as análises da percepção dos consumidores no contexto da pandemia do Covid – 19. Em resumo, a principal suposição desse estudo é lançar luz sobre aspectos relacionados à percepção do consumidor sobre os canais de compra online, perspectiva essa tão atual perante a Pandemia do COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) que trouxe novas compreensões do cotidiano para as pessoas.Consumers in the digital era are engaged individuals who, in addition to promoting discussions, stimulate trends and optimize searching processes for the best shopping experiences throughout online channels. In general, each consumer, in addition to having their own characteristics that make them unique in a purchasing decision process, contributes with perspectives that are related to variables and external elements to the complex purchasing system, promoting transformations that guide the user's perception towards a product, service or brand. Therefore, the present study aims to understand how online purchase channels are perceived by different consumer profiles. To this end, an exploratory and qualitative research was conducted with 15 in-depth interviews with consumers from different sociodemographic profiles residing in Brazil, United States and Portugal. The interviews followed a script elaborated with specific guiding questions. It is worth saying that the interactions were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using content analysis techniques. In short, it was observed in this process that consumers interact with the internet promoting interactions, interesting exchanges, and data sharing of information. In addition, what stands out is the use of dynamic and interactive platforms such as social networks and streamings services create significant links to their purchase process. Finally, regarding the consumers' purchase perception which imprints on users' understanding from sensory stimuli that intensify their needs and interests. The perception of price, sales, quality, convenience, security, and trust represent structures of value for the consumer purchasing process, as well as the analyzes of consumer perception within the Covid-19 pandemic context. In summary, the main assumption of this study is to shed light on aspects related to consumer perception of online shopping channels, a perspective that is so current before the COVID-19 Pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) that brought new understandings to everyday life for people