29 research outputs found

    A Trust Based Fuzzy Algorithm for Congestion Control in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (TFCC)

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    Network congestion has become a critical issue for resource constrained Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), especially for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs)where large volume of multimedia data is transmitted through the network. If the traffic load is greater than the available capacity of the sensor network, congestion occurs and it causes buffer overflow, packet drop, deterioration of network throughput and quality of service (QoS). Again, the faulty nodes of the network also aggravate congestion by diffusing useless packets or retransmitting the same packet several times. This results in the wastage of energy and decrease in network lifetime. To address this challenge, a new congestion control algorithm is proposed in which the faulty nodes are identified and blocked from data communication by using the concept of trust. The trust metric of all the nodes in the WMSN is derived by using a two-stage Fuzzy inferencing scheme. The traffic flow from source to sink is optimized by implementing the Link State Routing Protocol. The congestion of the sensor nodes is controlled by regulating the rate of traffic flow on the basis of the priority of the traffic. Finally we compare our protocol with other existing congestion control protocols to show the merit of the work.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, conference pape

    QoS Framework for a Multi-stack based Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor nodes consist of a collection of sensor nodes with constrained resources in terms of processing power and battery energy. Wireless sensors networks are used increasingly in many industrial and consumer applications. Sensors detect events and send via multi hop routing to the sink node for processing the event. The routing path is established through proactive or reactive routing protocols. To improve the performance of the Wireless Sensor Networks, multi stack architecture is addressed. But the multi stack architecture has many problems with respect to life time, routing loop and QOS. In this work we propose a solution to address all these three problems of life time, routing loop and QOS in case of multi stack architecture

    Comprehensive Survey Congestion Control Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks:Comprehensive Survey

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) occupies the top rank of the widely used networks for gathering different type of information from different averments. WSN has nodes with limited resources so congestion can cause a critical damage to such network where it limited resources can be exhausted. Many approaches has been proposed to deal with this problem. In this paper, different proposed algorithm for congestion detection, notification, mitigation and avoidance has been listed and discussed. These algorithms has been investigated by presenting its advantages and disadvantages. This paper provides a robust background for readers and researches for wireless sensor networks congestion control approaches. Keywords: WSN, Congestion Control, congestion mitigation, congestion detection, sink channel load, buffer load

    Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges Ahead

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the different Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) transport protocols byidentifying various experimental parameters in order to undertake a comparative evaluation. To build the groundwork, we first discuss the generic design for a transport protocol based on three key concepts; congestion control, reliability support and priority support. The basis of this design was developed by assessing several aspects of numerous transport protocols. However they all using different set of parameters and settings and hence it is difficult to benchmark one against the other. In this paper, we discuss the simulation settings like packet size, number of exploited sensors and their distribution in the field, buffer size, coverage area and power levels

    Priority based Congestion Control Mechanism in Multipath Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network composed of distributed autonomous devices using sensors. Sensor nodes send their collected data to a determined node called Sink. The sink processes data and performs appropriate actions. Nodes using routing protocol determine a path for sending data to sink. Congestion occurs when too many sources are sending too much of data for network to handle. Congestion in a wireless sensor network can cause missing packets, long delay, overall channel quality to degrade, leads to buffer drops. Congestion control mechanism has three phases, namely congestion detection, congestion notification and congestion control. In this paper is propose two bit binary notification flag to notify the congested network status for implicit congestion detection. For congested network status, we propose a priority based rate adjustment technique for controlling congestion in link level. Congested packet will be distributed equally to the child node to avoid packet loss and transition delays based on technique. Furthermore, this technique allocates the priority of many applications simultaneously running on the sensor nodes, which route is own data as well as the data generated from other sensor nodes. The results show that the proposed technique achieves better normalized throughput and total scheduling rate with the avoiding packet loss and delay

    Improvement of Quality of Service Parameters in Dynamic and Heterogeneous WBAN

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    With growth in population and diseases, there is a need for monitoring and curing of patients with low cost for various health issues. Due to life threatening conditions, loss-free and timely sending of data is an essential factor for healthcare WBAN. Health data needs to transmit through reliable connection and with minimum delay, but designing a reliable, and congestion and delay free transport protocol is a challenging area in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs). Generally, transport layer is responsible for congestion control and reliable packet delivery. Congestion is a critical issue in the healthcare system. It not only increases loss and delay ratio but also raise a number of retransmissions and packet drop rates, which hampers Quality of Service (QoS). Thus, to meet the QoS requirements of healthcare WBANs, a reliable and fair transport protocol is mandatory. This motivates us to design a new protocol, which provides loss, delay and congestion free transmission of heterogeneous data. In this paper, we present a Dynamic priority based Quality of Service management protocol which not only controls the congestion in the network but also provides a reliable transmission with timely delivery of the packet

    Wireless Sensor Network Transport Protocol - A State of the Art

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    In this article, we present a survey of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) existing Transport Protocols. Wehave evaluated the design concepts of different protocols based on congestion control, reliability support and source traffic priority support. Then we draw the concluding remarks, while highlighting up-and-coming research challenges for WSN transport protocols, which should be addressed further in prospective designs

    Study on Different Topology Manipulation Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to screen physical or environmental conditions and to agreeably go their information through the network to a principle area. One of the critical necessities of a WSN is the efficiency of vitality, which expands the life time of the network. At the same time there are some different variables like Load Balancing, congestion control, coverage, Energy Efficiency, mobility and so on. A few methods have been proposed via scientists to accomplish these objectives that can help in giving a decent topology control. In the piece, a few systems which are accessible by utilizing improvement and transformative strategies that give a multi target arrangement are examined. In this paper, we compare different algorithms' execution in view of a few parameters intended for every target and the outcomes are analyzed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15029

    Predictive Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Available congestion control schemes, for example transport control protocol (TCP), when applied to wireless networks, result in a large number of packet drops, unfair scenarios and low throughputs with a significant amount of wasted energy due to retransmissions. To fully utilize the hop by hop feedback information, this paper presents a novel, decentralized, predictive congestion control (DPCC) for wireless sensor networks (WSN). The DPCC consists of an adaptive flow and adaptive back-off interval selection schemes that work in concert with energy efficient, distributed power control (DPC). The DPCC detects the onset of congestion using queue utilization and the embedded channel estimator algorithm in DPC that predicts the channel quality. Then, an adaptive flow control scheme selects suitable rate which is enforced by the newly proposed adaptive backoff interval selection scheme. An optional adaptive scheduling scheme updates weights associated with each packet to guarantee the weighted fairness during congestion. Closed-loop stability of the proposed hop-by-hop congestion control is demonstrated by using the Lyapunov-based approach. Simulation results show that the DPCC reduces congestion and improves performance over congestion detection and avoidance (CODA) [3] and IEEE 802.11 protocols