1,349 research outputs found

    Prioritizing protein complexes implicated in human diseases by network optimization.

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    BACKGROUND: The detection of associations between protein complexes and human inherited diseases is of great importance in understanding mechanisms of diseases. Dysfunctions of a protein complex are usually defined by its member disturbance and consequently result in certain diseases. Although individual disease proteins have been widely predicted, computational methods are still absent for systematically investigating disease-related protein complexes. RESULTS: We propose a method, MAXCOM, for the prioritization of candidate protein complexes. MAXCOM performs a maximum information flow algorithm to optimize relationships between a query disease and candidate protein complexes through a heterogeneous network that is constructed by combining protein-protein interactions and disease phenotypic similarities. Cross-validation experiments on 539 protein complexes show that MAXCOM can rank 382 (70.87%) protein complexes at the top against protein complexes constructed at random. Permutation experiments further confirm that MAXCOM is robust to the network structure and parameters involved. We further analyze protein complexes ranked among top ten for breast cancer and demonstrate that the SWI/SNF complex is potentially associated with breast cancer. CONCLUSIONS: MAXCOM is an effective method for the discovery of disease-related protein complexes based on network optimization. The high performance and robustness of this approach can facilitate not only pathologic studies of diseases, but also the design of drugs targeting on multiple proteins

    Methods for protein complex prediction and their contributions towards understanding the organization, function and dynamics of complexes

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    Complexes of physically interacting proteins constitute fundamental functional units responsible for driving biological processes within cells. A faithful reconstruction of the entire set of complexes is therefore essential to understand the functional organization of cells. In this review, we discuss the key contributions of computational methods developed till date (approximately between 2003 and 2015) for identifying complexes from the network of interacting proteins (PPI network). We evaluate in depth the performance of these methods on PPI datasets from yeast, and highlight challenges faced by these methods, in particular detection of sparse and small or sub- complexes and discerning of overlapping complexes. We describe methods for integrating diverse information including expression profiles and 3D structures of proteins with PPI networks to understand the dynamics of complex formation, for instance, of time-based assembly of complex subunits and formation of fuzzy complexes from intrinsically disordered proteins. Finally, we discuss methods for identifying dysfunctional complexes in human diseases, an application that is proving invaluable to understand disease mechanisms and to discover novel therapeutic targets. We hope this review aptly commemorates a decade of research on computational prediction of complexes and constitutes a valuable reference for further advancements in this exciting area.Comment: 1 Tabl

    Uncover disease genes by maximizing information flow in the phenome-interactome network.

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    MOTIVATION: Pinpointing genes that underlie human inherited diseases among candidate genes in susceptibility genetic regions is the primary step towards the understanding of pathogenesis of diseases. Although several probabilistic models have been proposed to prioritize candidate genes using phenotype similarities and protein-protein interactions, no combinatorial approaches have been proposed in the literature. RESULTS: We propose the first combinatorial approach for prioritizing candidate genes. We first construct a phenome-interactome network by integrating the given phenotype similarity profile, protein-protein interaction network and associations between diseases and genes. Then, we introduce a computational method called MAXIF to maximize the information flow in this network for uncovering genes that underlie diseases. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in prioritizing candidate genes through a series of cross-validation experiments, and we show the possibility of using this method to identify diseases with which a query gene may be associated. We demonstrate the competitive performance of our method through a comparison with two existing state-of-the-art methods, and we analyze the robustness of our method with respect to the parameters involved. As an example application, we apply our method to predict driver genes in 50 copy number aberration regions of melanoma. Our method is not only able to identify several driver genes that have been reported in the literature, it also shed some new biological insights on the understanding of the modular property and transcriptional regulation scheme of these driver genes

    Role of network topology based methods in discovering novel gene-phenotype associations

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    The cell is governed by the complex interactions among various types of biomolecules. Coupled with environmental factors, variations in DNA can cause alterations in normal gene function and lead to a disease condition. Often, such disease phenotypes involve coordinated dysregulation of multiple genes that implicate inter-connected pathways. Towards a better understanding and characterization of mechanisms underlying human diseases, here, I present GUILD, a network-based disease-gene prioritization framework. GUILD associates genes with diseases using the global topology of the protein-protein interaction network and an initial set of genes known to be implicated in the disease. Furthermore, I investigate the mechanistic relationships between disease-genes and explain the robustness emerging from these relationships. I also introduce GUILDify, an online and user-friendly tool which prioritizes genes for their association to any user-provided phenotype. Finally, I describe current state-of-the-art systems-biology approaches where network modeling has helped extending our view on diseases such as cancer.La cèl•lula es regeix per interaccions complexes entre diferents tipus de biomolècules. Juntament amb factors ambientals, variacions en el DNA poden causar alteracions en la funció normal dels gens i provocar malalties. Sovint, aquests fenotips de malaltia involucren una desregulació coordinada de múltiples gens implicats en vies interconnectades. Per tal de comprendre i caracteritzar millor els mecanismes subjacents en malalties humanes, en aquesta tesis presento el programa GUILD, una plataforma que prioritza gens relacionats amb una malaltia en concret fent us de la topologia de xarxe. A partir d’un conjunt conegut de gens implicats en una malaltia, GUILD associa altres gens amb la malaltia mitjancant la topologia global de la xarxa d’interaccions de proteïnes. A més a més, analitzo les relacions mecanístiques entre gens associats a malalties i explico la robustesa es desprèn d’aquesta anàlisi. També presento GUILDify, un servidor web de fácil ús per la priorització de gens i la seva associació a un determinat fenotip. Finalment, descric els mètodes més recents en què el model•latge de xarxes ha ajudat extendre el coneixement sobre malalties complexes, com per exemple a càncer

    An integer programming framework for inferring disease complexes from network data

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    MOTIVATION: Unraveling the molecular mechanisms that underlie disease calls for methods that go beyond the identification of single causal genes to inferring larger protein assemblies that take part in the disease process. RESULTS: Here, we develop an exact, integer-programming-based method for associating protein complexes with disease. Our approach scores proteins based on their proximity in a protein-protein interaction network to a prior set that is known to be relevant for the studied disease. These scores are combined with interaction information to infer densely interacting protein complexes that are potentially disease-associated. We show that our method outperforms previous ones and leads to predictions that are well supported by current experimental data and literature knowledge. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The datasets we used, the executables and the results are available at www.cs.tau.ac.il/roded/disease_complexes.zip. CONTACT: [email protected]

    Functional Analysis of Human Long Non-coding RNAs and Their Associations with Diseases

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    Within this study, we sought to leverage knowledge from well-characterized protein coding genes to characterize the lesser known long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes using computational methods to find functional annotations and disease associations. Functional genome annotation is an essential step to a systems-level view of the human genome. With this knowledge, we can gain a deeper understanding of how humans develop and function, and a better understanding of human disease. LncRNAs are transcripts greater than 200 nucleotides, which do not code for proteins. LncRNAs have been found to regulate development, tissue and cell differentiation, and organ formation. Their dysregulation has been linked to several diseases including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and cancer. While a great deal of research has been dedicated to protein-coding genes, the relatively recently discovered lncRNA genes have yet to be characterized. LncRNA function is tied closely to when and where they are expressed. Co-expression network analysis offer a means of functional annotation of uncharacterized genes through a guilt by association approach. We have constructed two co-expression networks using known disease-associated protein-coding genes and lncRNA genes. Through clustering of the networks, gene set enrichment analysis, and centrality measures, we found enrichment for disease association and functions as well as identified high-confidence lncRNA disease gene targets. We present a novel approach to the identification of disease state associations by demonstrating genes that are associated with the same disease states share patterns that can be discerned from transcriptomes of healthy tissues. Using a machine learning algorithm, we built a model to classify ASD versus non-ASD genes using their expression profiles from healthy developing human brain tissues. Feature selection during the model-building process also identified critical temporospatial points for the determination of ASD genes. We constructed a webserver tool for the prioritization of genes for ASD association. The webserver tool has a database containing prioritization and co-expression information for nearly every gene in the human genome
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