678,908 research outputs found

    Computational aerodynamics and artificial intelligence

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    The general principles of artificial intelligence are reviewed and speculations are made concerning how knowledge based systems can accelerate the process of acquiring new knowledge in aerodynamics, how computational fluid dynamics may use expert systems, and how expert systems may speed the design and development process. In addition, the anatomy of an idealized expert system called AERODYNAMICIST is discussed. Resource requirements for using artificial intelligence in computational fluid dynamics and aerodynamics are examined. Three main conclusions are presented. First, there are two related aspects of computational aerodynamics: reasoning and calculating. Second, a substantial portion of reasoning can be achieved with artificial intelligence. It offers the opportunity of using computers as reasoning machines to set the stage for efficient calculating. Third, expert systems are likely to be new assets of institutions involved in aeronautics for various tasks of computational aerodynamics

    Printing Process Parameters Identification System

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    The paper presents the research aimed at setting up and developing a software system for the printing process parameters identification based on modern computer and software systems, algorithmic principles, principles of expert systems construction and advanced learning. Thus, the possibilities of application of contemporary software tools were investigated, which facilitates the process and forms the program structure of the model that uses programming languages based on the expert systems construction principles and tools for the development of system model based on the principles of modern learning. For complex model development, concepts of process knowledge bases with influential process parameters of printing technique have been developed through modelling and construction based on the logic of expert systems with the presentation, use and involvement of experts knowledge in decision making with the evaluation of the impact of individual parameters. In addition to this approach, a module was developed using modern software tools based on an algorithmic principle and a module for identifying printing process parameters using modern platforms based on advanced learning. Sophisticated software model has been made through the research and developed with databases of process parameter identification systems based on modern software tools. This tool enables a significant expedition of the solution resolving, thus improving the graphical production process and the processes of acquiring and expanding knowledge. The model is based on integrative modules: a printing process parameters identification system based on algorithmic program structure systems, a printing process parameters identification system based on expert system building principles, and a printing process parameter identification system based on modern learning systems

    Анализ функциональных возможностей экспертных систем, используемых для диагностики состояния высоковольтного маслонаполненного оборудования

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    В статье рассмотрены принципы построения и функциональные возможности экспертных систем для диагностики состояния высоковольтного электроэнергетического оборудования. Проанализировано достоинства и недостатки действующих экспертных систем. Предложенные критерии для оценки эффективности разных экспертных систем.In article principles of construction and functionalities of the expert systems used for diagnostics of a condition of the high-voltage electropower equipment are considered. Merits and demerits of working expert systems are analysed. Criteria for an estimation of efficiency of various expert systems are offered

    Forensic science expertise for international criminal proceedings: an old problem, a new context and a pragmatic resolution

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    Expert witness testimony provides an important source of information for international criminal proceedings, and forensic science expertise from mass graves is no exception: findings from exhumations and examinations have featured in the ad hoc tribunals’ trials and judgments. Whilst the issues surrounding the law-science relationship have been explored within the realm of national legal systems, the mixed system adopted by these tribunals presents an established discussion with a new context. Using forensic archaeology as an example, this article explores some theoretical underpinnings and practical realities surrounding the use of forensic science during international criminal investigations into mass graves before looking at how Trial Chambers aim to establish the relevance and credibility of forensic science evidence. As little guidance regarding admissibility of expert evidence is provided, it is through the case-specific legal process of cross-examination and presentation of counter-expertise that methodological issues are resolved. This, together with reliance on normative principles, is the pragmatic approach adopted to discern reliability of expert opinion

    Editorial: The Role of Families

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    Family Preservation is an approach based upon a set of principles and values that are integrated throughout all human systems and services. One of the key principles of Family Preservation is the family as an expert

    The Experience of Development and Application Perspectives of Learning Integrated Expert Systems in the Educational Process

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    The main principles and experience of development of learning integrated expert systems based on the third generation instrumental complex AT-TECHNOLOGY are considered


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    Problems in Finance, particularly those involving risk assessment and management, have been slow to yield to expert systems technology for two reasons. First, expert reasoning in such problems is often based on âfirst principles" instead of âsituation-action" rules that characterize most expert systems. Secondly, the knowledge involved, such as that about financial instruments, is constantly changing. This would make it extremely difficult to keep a rule-base accurate. We have developed a representation in the domain of financial hedging that has the following characteristics. First, it allows for reasoning qualitatively based on first principles using the fundamental quantitative valuation models that characterize each instrument. Secondly, it uses object oriented concepts and inheritance to minimize the effort needed to set up the knowledge base and keep it current. Thirdly, it includes a calculus for derivation of qualitative knowledge of "one-dimensional-order", which allows it to solve problems where optimality constraints are qualitative.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Expert Systems as Applied to Future Space Transportation Syst

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    Future space transportation system programs must utilize cost reduction tools and techniques in order to become viable entities in the prevailing political and economic environments. Expert system and knowledge based technology can provide this opportunity for significant cost savings. Current active programs may achieve some limited cost benefits via piecemeal applications to identifiable worthwhile targets. But, the real value of the technology lies in the inclusion of its principles in the initial requirements definition phase for the target program and application of these principles throughout the program life cycle. Therefore, it is clear that accommodation of this kind of usage which encompasses the application of technology using sound engineering principles requires the development of tools to accommodate implementation. This means that expert system life cycle standards similar to MIL-STD 2167 are required, various expert system architectures must be developed, e.g., distributed and hybrid distributed systems, large and complex expert systems must easily integrate and interface with procedural language systems such as Ada, and tools that automate the process of knowledge base rule generation from domain experts must be developed to simplify the knowledge acquisition process. Development of these tools and capabilities is realizable within the capabilities of existing technologies. In the current environment of intensive development effort in pursuit of these tools and capabilities, it is reasonable to assume expert system technology will be in a condition suitable to support development of the next generation of space transportation system elements

    Knowledge-based and integrated monitoring and diagnosis in autonomous power systems

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    A new technique of knowledge-based and integrated monitoring and diagnosis (KBIMD) to deal with abnormalities and incipient or potential failures in autonomous power systems is presented. The KBIMD conception is discussed as a new function of autonomous power system automation. Available diagnostic modelling, system structure, principles and strategies are suggested. In order to verify the feasibility of the KBIMD, a preliminary prototype expert system is designed to simulate the KBIMD function in a main electric network of the autonomous power system

    Analysis reuse exploiting taxonomical information and belief assignment in industrial problem solving

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    To take into account the experience feedback on solving complex problems in business is deemed as a way to improve the quality of products and processes. Only a few academic works, however, are concerned with the representation and the instrumentation of experience feedback systems. We propose, in this paper, a model of experiences and mechanisms to use these experiences. More specifically, we wish to encourage the reuse of already performed expert analysis to propose a priori analysis in the solving of a new problem. The proposal is based on a representation in the context of the experience of using a conceptual marker and an explicit representation of the analysis incorporating expert opinions and the fusion of these opinions. The experience feedback models and inference mechanisms are integrated in a commercial support tool for problem solving methodologies. The results obtained to this point have already led to the definition of the role of ‘‘Rex Manager’’ with principles of sustainable management for continuous improvement of industrial processes in companies