805 research outputs found

    Lung Cancer Detection from X-ray images by combined Backpropagation Neural Network and PCA

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    The lungs are portion of a complex unit, enlarging and relaxing numerus times every day to supply oxygen and exude CO2. Lung disease might occur from troubles in any part of it. Carcinoma often called Cancer is the generally rising and it is the most harmful disease happened in humankind. Carcinoma occurs because of uncontrolled growth of malignant cells inside the tissues of the lungs. Earlier diagnosis of cancer can help save large numbers of lives, while any delay or fail in detection may cause additional serious problems leading to sudden fatal death. The objective of this study is to design an automated system with an ability to improve the detection process in order to perform advanced recognition of the disease. The diagnosis techniques include: X-rays, MRI, CT images etc. X-ray is the common and low-cost technique that is widely used and it is relatively available for everyone. Rather than new techniques like CT and MRI, X-ray is human dependable, meaning it needs a Doctor and X-ray specialist in order to determine lung cases, so developing a system which can enhance and aid in diagnosis, can help specialist to determine cases in easily

    Breast cancer diagnosis using a hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection based on mutual information

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    Feature Selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features (i.e. predictors) for use in the construction of predictive models. This paper proposes a hybrid feature selection approach to breast cancer diagnosis which combines a Genetic Algorithm (GA) with Mutual Information (MI) for selecting the best combination of cancer predictors, with maximal discriminative capability. The selected features are then input into a classifier to predict whether a patient has breast cancer. Using a publicly available breast cancer dataset, experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of the Genetic Algorithm based on the Mutual Information approach with two different machine learning classifiers, namely the k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support vector machine (SVM), each tuned using different distance measures and kernel functions, respectively. The results revealed that the proposed hybrid approach is highly accurate for predicting breast cancer, and it is very promising for predicting other cancers using clinical data

    Massive training artificial immune recognition system for lung nodules detection

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    In the early detection and diagnosis of lung nodule, computer aided detection (CAD) has become crucial to assist radiologists in interpreting medical images and decision making. However, some limitations have been found in the existing CAD algorithms for detecting lung nodules, such as imprecision classification due to inaccurate segmentation and lengthy computation time. In this research, Massive Training Artificial Immune Recognition System (MTAIRS) is proposed to detect lung nodules on Computed Tomography (CT) scans. MTAIRS is developed based on the pixel machine learning and artificial immune-based system-Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS). Two versions of proposed algorithms have been investigated in the study: MTAIRS 1 and MTAIRS 2. Since segmentation and feature calculation are not implemented in the pixel-based machine learning, the loss of information can be avoided during the data training in MTAIRS 1 and MTAIRS 2. The experiment and analysis find that MTAIRS 1 and MTAIRS 2 have successfully reduced the computation time and accomplished good accuracy in the detection of lung nodules on CT scans compared to other well-known pixel-based classification algorithms. Furthermore, MTAIRS 1 and MTAIRS 2 are investigated to improve their performance in eliminating the false positives. A weighted non-linear affinity function is employed in the training of MTAIRS 1 and MTAIRS 2 to replace Euclidean distance in affinity measurement. The enhanced algorithms named, E-MTAIRS 1 and E-MTAIRS 2 are capable to reduce the false positives in the non-nodule classification while maintaining the accuracy in nodule detection. In order to further provide comparative analysis of pixel-based classification algorithms in lung nodules detection, a pixel-based evaluation method of Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence is proposed in this study. Based on the pixel-based quantitative analysis, MTAIRS 1 performs better in the elimination of false positives, while MTAIRS 2 in lung nodules detection. The average detection accuracy for both MTAIRS algorithms is 95%

    Computer-Aided Assessment of Tuberculosis with Radiological Imaging: From rule-based methods to Deep Learning

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    MenciĂłn Internacional en el tĂ­tulo de doctorTuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb.) that produces pulmonary damage due to its airborne nature. This fact facilitates the disease fast-spreading, which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2021 caused 1.2 million deaths and 9.9 million new cases. Traditionally, TB has been considered a binary disease (latent/active) due to the limited specificity of the traditional diagnostic tests. Such a simple model causes difficulties in the longitudinal assessment of pulmonary affectation needed for the development of novel drugs and to control the spread of the disease. Fortunately, X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) images enable capturing specific manifestations of TB that are undetectable using regular diagnostic tests, which suffer from limited specificity. In conventional workflows, expert radiologists inspect the CT images. However, this procedure is unfeasible to process the thousands of volume images belonging to the different TB animal models and humans required for a suitable (pre-)clinical trial. To achieve suitable results, automatization of different image analysis processes is a must to quantify TB. It is also advisable to measure the uncertainty associated with this process and model causal relationships between the specific mechanisms that characterize each animal model and its level of damage. Thus, in this thesis, we introduce a set of novel methods based on the state of the art Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV). Initially, we present an algorithm to assess Pathological Lung Segmentation (PLS) employing an unsupervised rule-based model which was traditionally considered a needed step before biomarker extraction. This procedure allows robust segmentation in a Mtb. infection model (Dice Similarity Coefficient, DSC, 94%±4%, Hausdorff Distance, HD, 8.64mm±7.36mm) of damaged lungs with lesions attached to the parenchyma and affected by respiratory movement artefacts. Next, a Gaussian Mixture Model ruled by an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is employed to automatically quantify the burden of Mtb.using biomarkers extracted from the segmented CT images. This approach achieves a strong correlation (R2 ≈ 0.8) between our automatic method and manual extraction. Consequently, Chapter 3 introduces a model to automate the identification of TB lesions and the characterization of disease progression. To this aim, the method employs the Statistical Region Merging algorithm to detect lesions subsequently characterized by texture features that feed a Random Forest (RF) estimator. The proposed procedure enables a selection of a simple but powerful model able to classify abnormal tissue. The latest works base their methodology on Deep Learning (DL). Chapter 4 extends the classification of TB lesions. Namely, we introduce a computational model to infer TB manifestations present in each lung lobe of CT scans by employing the associated radiologist reports as ground truth. We do so instead of using the classical manually delimited segmentation masks. The model adjusts the three-dimensional architecture, V-Net, to a multitask classification context in which loss function is weighted by homoscedastic uncertainty. Besides, the method employs Self-Normalizing Neural Networks (SNNs) for regularization. Our results are promising with a Root Mean Square Error of 1.14 in the number of nodules and F1-scores above 0.85 for the most prevalent TB lesions (i.e., conglomerations, cavitations, consolidations, trees in bud) when considering the whole lung. In Chapter 5, we present a DL model capable of extracting disentangled information from images of different animal models, as well as information of the mechanisms that generate the CT volumes. The method provides the segmentation mask of axial slices from three animal models of different species employing a single trained architecture. It also infers the level of TB damage and generates counterfactual images. So, with this methodology, we offer an alternative to promote generalization and explainable AI models. To sum up, the thesis presents a collection of valuable tools to automate the quantification of pathological lungs and moreover extend the methodology to provide more explainable results which are vital for drug development purposes. Chapter 6 elaborates on these conclusions.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidenta: MarĂ­a JesĂșs Ledesma Carbayo.- Secretario: David ExpĂłsito Singh.- Vocal: Clarisa SĂĄnchez GutiĂ©rre

    Decision support continuum paradigm for cardiovascular disease: Towards personalized predictive models

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    Clinical decision making is a ubiquitous and frequent task physicians make in their daily clinical practice. Conventionally, physicians adopt a cognitive predictive modelling process (i.e. knowledge and experience learnt from past lecture, research, literature, patients, etc.) for anticipating or ascertaining clinical problems based on clinical risk factors that they deemed to be most salient. However, with the inundation of health data and the confounding characteristics of diseases, more effective clinical prediction approaches are required to address these challenges. Approximately a few century ago, the first major transformation of medical practice took place as science-based approaches emerged with compelling results. Now, in the 21st century, new advances in science will once again transform healthcare. Data science has been postulated as an important component in this healthcare reform and has received escalating interests for its potential for ‘personalizing’ medicine. The key advantages of having personalized medicine include, but not limited to, (1) more effective methods for disease prevention, management and treatment, (2) improved accuracy for clinical diagnosis and prognosis, (3) provide patient-oriented personal health plan, and (4) cost containment. In view of the paramount importance of personalized predictive models, this thesis proposes 2 novel learning algorithms (i.e. an immune-inspired algorithm called the Evolutionary Data-Conscious Artificial Immune Recognition System, and a neural-inspired algorithm called the Artificial Neural Cell System for classification) and 3 continuum-based paradigms (i.e. biological, time and age continuum) for enhancing clinical prediction. Cardiovascular disease has been selected as the disease under investigation as it is an epidemic and major health concern in today’s world. We believe that our work has a meaningful and significant impact to the development of future healthcare system and we look forward to the wide adoption of advanced medical technologies by all care centres in the near future.Open Acces

    Radial Basis Function Artificial Neural Network for the Investigation of Thyroid Cytological Lesions

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    Objective. This study investigates the potential of an artificial intelligence (AI) methodology, the radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural network (ANN), in the evaluation of thyroid lesions. Study Design. The study was performed on 447 patients who had both cytological and histological evaluation in agreement. Cytological specimens were prepared using liquid-based cytology, and the histological result was based on subsequent surgical samples. Each specimen was digitized; on these images, nuclear morphology features were measured by the use of an image analysis system. The extracted measurements (41,324 nuclei) were separated into two sets: the training set that was used to create the RBF ANN and the test set that was used to evaluate the RBF performance. The system aimed to predict the histological status as benign or malignant. Results. The RBF ANN obtained in the training set has sensitivity 82.5%, specificity 94.6%, and overall accuracy 90.3%, while in the test set, these indices were 81.4%, 90.0%, and 86.9%, respectively. Algorithm was used to classify patients on the basis of the RBF ANN, the overall sensitivity was 95.0%, the specificity was 95.5%, and no statistically significant difference was observed. Conclusion. AI techniques and especially ANNs, only in the recent years, have been studied extensively. The proposed approach is promising to avoid misdiagnoses and assists the everyday practice of the cytopathology. The major drawback in this approach is the automation of a procedure to accurately detect and measure cell nuclei from the digitized images

    Advanced Computational Methods for Oncological Image Analysis

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    [Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide and encompasses highly variable clinical and biological scenarios. Some of the current clinical challenges are (i) early diagnosis of the disease and (ii) precision medicine, which allows for treatments targeted to specific clinical cases. The ultimate goal is to optimize the clinical workflow by combining accurate diagnosis with the most suitable therapies. Toward this, large-scale machine learning research can define associations among clinical, imaging, and multi-omics studies, making it possible to provide reliable diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for precision oncology. Such reliable computer-assisted methods (i.e., artificial intelligence) together with clinicians’ unique knowledge can be used to properly handle typical issues in evaluation/quantification procedures (i.e., operator dependence and time-consuming tasks). These technical advances can significantly improve result repeatability in disease diagnosis and guide toward appropriate cancer care. Indeed, the need to apply machine learning and computational intelligence techniques has steadily increased to effectively perform image processing operations—such as segmentation, co-registration, classification, and dimensionality reduction—and multi-omics data integration.
