229 research outputs found

    Self-configuring Cost-Sensitive Hierarchical Clustering with Recourse

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    Ansotegui C, Sellmann M, Tierney K. Self-configuring Cost-Sensitive Hierarchical Clustering with Recourse. In: Hooker J, ed. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. 24th International Conference, CP 2018, Lille, France, August 27-31, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 11008. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018: 524-534

    Incremental Maximum Satisfiability

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    MaxSAT-Based Bi-Objective Boolean Optimization

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    Unit propagation with stable watches

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    Unit propagation is the hottest path in CDCL SAT solvers, therefore the related data-structures, algorithms and implementation details are well studied and highly optimized. State-of-the-art implementations are based on reduced occurrence tracking with two watched literals per clause and one blocking literal per watcher in order to further reduce the number of clause accesses. In this paper, we show that using runtime statistics for watched literal selection can improve the performance of state-of-the-art SAT solvers. We present a method for efficiently keeping track of spans during which literals are satisfied and using this statistic to improve watcher selection. An implementation of our method in the SAT solver CaDiCaL can solve more instances of the SAT Competition 2019 and 2020 benchmark sets and is specifically strong on satisfiable cryptographic instances

    Investigating Constraint Programming and Hybrid Methods for Real World Industrial Test Laboratory Scheduling

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    In this paper we deal with a complex real world scheduling problem closely related to the well-known Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP). The problem concerns industrial test laboratories in which a large number of tests has to be performed by qualified personnel using specialised equipment, while respecting deadlines and other constraints. We present different constraint programming models and search strategies for this problem. Furthermore, we propose a Very Large Neighborhood Search approach based on our CP methods. Our models are evaluated using CP solvers and a MIP solver both on real-world test laboratory data and on a set of generated instances of different sizes based on the real-world data. Further, we compare the exact approaches with VLNS and a Simulated Annealing heuristic. We could find feasible solutions for all instances and several optimal solutions and we show that using VLNS we can improve upon the results of the other approaches

    Enabling Incrementality in the Implicit Hitting Set Approach to MaxSAT Under Changing Weights

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    Recent advances in solvers for the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based optimization paradigm of maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) have turned MaxSAT into a viable approach to finding provably optimal solutions for various types of hard optimization problems. In various types of real-world problem settings, a sequence of related optimization problems need to solved. This calls for studying ways of enabling incremental computations in MaxSAT, with the hope of speeding up the overall computation times. However, current state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers offer no or limited forms of incrementality. In this work, we study ways of enabling incremental computations in the context of the implicit hitting set (IHS) approach to MaxSAT solving, as both one of the key MaxSAT solving approaches today and a relatively well-suited candidate for extending to incremental computations. In particular, motivated by several recent applications of MaxSAT in the context of interpretability in machine learning calling for this type of incrementality, we focus on enabling incrementality in IHS under changes to the objective function coefficients (i.e., to the weights of soft clauses). To this end, we explain to what extent different search techniques applied in IHS-based MaxSAT solving can and cannot be adapted to this incremental setting. As practical result, we develop an incremental version of an IHS MaxSAT solver, and show it provides significant runtime improvements in recent application settings which can benefit from incrementality but in which MaxSAT solvers have so-far been applied only non-incrementally, i.e., by calling a MaxSAT solver from scratch after each change to the problem instance at hand

    Certifying Solvers for Clique and Maximum Common (Connected) Subgraph Problems

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    An algorithm is said to be certifying if it outputs, together with a solution to the problem it solves, a proof that this solution is correct. We explain how state of the art maximum clique, maximum weighted clique, maximal clique enumeration and maximum common (connected) induced subgraph algorithms can be turned into certifying solvers by using pseudo-Boolean models and cutting planes proofs, and demonstrate that this approach can also handle reductions between problems. The generality of our results suggests that this method is ready for widespread adoption in solvers for combinatorial graph problems

    Certifying Correctness for Combinatorial Algorithms : by Using Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning

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    Over the last decades, dramatic improvements in combinatorialoptimisation algorithms have significantly impacted artificialintelligence, operations research, and other areas. These advances,however, are achieved through highly sophisticated algorithms that aredifficult to verify and prone to implementation errors that can causeincorrect results. A promising approach to detect wrong results is touse certifying algorithms that produce not only the desired output butalso a certificate or proof of correctness of the output. An externaltool can then verify the proof to determine that the given answer isvalid. In the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) community, this concept iswell established in the form of proof logging, which has become thestandard solution for generating trustworthy outputs. The problem isthat there are still some SAT solving techniques for which prooflogging is challenging and not yet used in practice. Additionally,there are many formalisms more expressive than SAT, such as constraintprogramming, various graph problems and maximum satisfiability(MaxSAT), for which efficient proof logging is out of reach forstate-of-the-art techniques.This work develops a new proof system building on the cutting planesproof system and operating on pseudo-Boolean constraints (0-1 linearinequalities). We explain how such machine-verifiable proofs can becreated for various problems, including parity reasoning, symmetry anddominance breaking, constraint programming, subgraph isomorphism andmaximum common subgraph problems, and pseudo-Boolean problems. Weimplement and evaluate the resulting algorithms and a verifier for theproof format, demonstrating that the approach is practical for a widerange of problems. We are optimistic that the proposed proof system issuitable for designing certifying variants of algorithms inpseudo-Boolean optimisation, MaxSAT and beyond

    A Maximum Satisfiability Based Approach to Bi-Objective Boolean Optimization

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    Many real-world problem settings give rise to NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. This results in a need for non-trivial algorithmic approaches for finding optimal solutions to such problems. Many such approaches—ranging from probabilistic and meta-heuristic algorithms to declarative programming—have been presented for optimization problems with a single objective. Less work has been done on approaches for optimization problems with multiple objectives. We present BiOptSat, an exact declarative approach for finding so-called Pareto-optimal solutions to bi-objective optimization problems. A bi-objective optimization problem arises for example when learning interpretable classifiers and the size, as well as the classification error of the classifier should be taken into account as objectives. Using propositional logic as a declarative programming language, we seek to extend the progress and success in maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) solving to two objectives. BiOptSat can be viewed as an instantiation of the lexicographic method and makes use of a single SAT solver that is preserved throughout the entire search procedure. It allows for solving three tasks for bi-objective optimization: finding a single Pareto-optimal solution, finding one representative solution for each Pareto point, and enumerating all Pareto-optimal solutions. We provide an open-source implementation of five variants of BiOptSat, building on different algorithms proposed for MaxSAT. Additionally, we empirically evaluate these five variants, comparing their runtime performance to that of three key competing algorithmic approaches. The empirical comparison in the contexts of learning interpretable decision rules and bi-objective set covering shows practical benefits of our approach. Furthermore, for the best-performing variant of BiOptSat, we study the effects of proposed refinements to determine their effectiveness
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