2,204 research outputs found

    A Passivity-based Nonlinear Admittance Control with Application to Powered Upper-limb Control under Unknown Environmental Interactions

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    This paper presents an admittance controller based on the passivity theory for a powered upper-limb exoskeleton robot which is governed by the nonlinear equation of motion. Passivity allows us to include a human operator and environmental interaction in the control loop. The robot interacts with the human operator via F/T sensor and interacts with the environment mainly via end-effectors. Although the environmental interaction cannot be detected by any sensors (hence unknown), passivity allows us to have natural interaction. An analysis shows that the behavior of the actual system mimics that of a nominal model as the control gain goes to infinity, which implies that the proposed approach is an admittance controller. However, because the control gain cannot grow infinitely in practice, the performance limitation according to the achievable control gain is also analyzed. The result of this analysis indicates that the performance in the sense of infinite norm increases linearly with the control gain. In the experiments, the proposed properties were verified using 1 degree-of-freedom testbench, and an actual powered upper-limb exoskeleton was used to lift and maneuver the unknown payload.Comment: Accepted in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH

    High Fidelity Dynamic Modeling and Nonlinear Control of Fluidic Artificial Muscles

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    A fluidic artificial muscle is a type of soft actuator. Soft actuators transmit power with elastic or hyper-elastic bladders that are deformed with a pressurized fluid. In a fluidic artificial muscle a rubber tube is encompassed by a helical fiber braid with caps on both ends. One of the end caps has an orifice, allowing the control of fluid flow in and out of the device. As the actuator is pressurized, the rubber tube expands radially and is constrained by the helical fiber braid. This constraint results in a contractile motion similar to that of biological muscles. Although artificial muscles have been extensively studied, physics-based models do not exist that predict theirmotion.This dissertation presents a new comprehensive lumped-parameter dynamic model for both pneumatic and hydraulic artificial muscles. It includes a tube stiffness model derived from the theory of large deformations, thin wall pressure vessel theory, and a classical artificial muscle force model. Furthermore, it incorporates models for the kinetic friction and braid deformation. The new comprehensive dynamic model is able to accurately predict the displacement of artificial muscles as a function of pressure. On average, the model can predict the quasi-static position of the artificial muscles within 5% error and the dynamic displacement within 10% error with respect to the maximum stroke. Results show the potential utility of the model in mechanical system design and control design. Applications include wearable robots, mobile robots, and systems requiring compact, powerful actuation.The new model was used to derive sliding mode position and impedance control laws. The accuracy of the controllers ranged from ± 6 µm to ± 50 µm, with respect to a 32 mm and 24 mm stroke artificial muscles, respectively. Tracking errors were reduced by 59% or more when using the high-fidelity model sliding mode controller compared to classical methods. The newmodel redefines the state-of-the-art in controller performance for fluidic artificial muscles

    High speed, precision motion strategies for lightweight structures

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    Research on space telerobotics is summarized. Adaptive control experiments on the Robotic Arm, Large and Flexible (RALF) were preformed and are documented, along with a joint controller design for the Small Articulated Manipulator (SAM), which is mounted on the RALF. A control algorithm is described as a robust decentralized adaptive control based on a bounded uncertainty approach. Dynamic interactions between SAM and RALF are examined. Unstability of the manipulator is studied from the perspective that the inertial forces generated could actually be used to more rapidly damp out the flexible manipulator's vibration. Currently being studied is the modeling of the constrained dynamics of flexible arms

    Structural dynamics branch research and accomplishments to FY 1992

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    This publication contains a collection of fiscal year 1992 research highlights from the Structural Dynamics Branch at NASA LeRC. Highlights from the branch's major work areas--Aeroelasticity, Vibration Control, Dynamic Systems, and Computational Structural Methods are included in the report as well as a listing of the fiscal year 1992 branch publications

    Experimental study of trajectory planning and control of a high precision robot manipulator

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    The kinematic and trajectory planning is presented for a 6 DOF end-effector whose design was based on the Stewart Platform mechanism. The end-effector was used as a testbed for studying robotic assembly of NASA hardware with passive compliance. Vector analysis was employed to derive a closed-form solution for the end-effector inverse kinematic transformation. A computationally efficient numerical solution was obtained for the end-effector forward kinematic transformation using Newton-Raphson method. Three trajectory planning schemes, two for fine motion and one for gross motion, were developed for the end-effector. Experiments conducted to evaluate the performance of the trajectory planning schemes showed excellent tracking quality with minimal errors. Current activities focus on implementing the developed trajectory planning schemes on mating and demating space-rated connectors and using the compliant platform to acquire forces/torques applied on the end-effector during the assembly task


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    Soft robotics is a widely and rapidly growing field of research today. Soft pneumatic actuators, as a fundamental element in soft robotics, have gained huge popularity and are being employed for the development of soft robots. During the last decade, a variety of hyper-elastic robotic systems have been realized. As the name suggests, such robots are made up of soft materials, and do not have any underlying rigid mechanical structure. These robots are actuated employing various methods like pneumatic, electroactive, jamming etc. Generally, in order to achieve a desired mechanical response to produce required actuation or manipulation, two or more materials having different stiffness are utilized to develop a soft robot. However, this method introduces complications in the fabrication process as well as in further design flexibility and modifications. The current work presents a design scheme of a soft robotic actuator adapting an easier fabrication approach, which is economical and environment friendly as well. The purpose is the realization of a soft pneumatic actuator having functional ability to produce effective actuation, and which is further employable to develop modular and scalable mechanisms. That infers to scrutinize the profile and orientation of the internal actuation cavity and the outer shape of viii the actuator. Utilization of a single material for this actuator has been considered to make this design scheme convenient. A commercial silicone rubber was selected which served for an economical process both in terms of the cost as well as its accommodating fabrication process through molding. In order to obtain the material behavior, \u2018Ansys Workbench 17.1 R \u2019 has been used. Cubic outline for the actuator aided towards the realization of a body shape which can easily be engaged for the development of modular mechanisms employing multiple units. This outer body shape further facilitates to achieve the stability and portability of the actuator. The soft actuator has been named \u2018Soft Cubic Module\u2019 based on its external cubic shape. For the internal actuation cavity design, various shapes, such as spherical, elliptical and cylindrical, were examined considering their different sizes and orientations within the cubic module. These internal cavities were simulated in order to achieve single degree of freedom actuation. That means, only one face of the cube is principally required to produce effective deformation. \u2018Creo Perametric 3.0 M 130\u2019 has been used to design the model and to evaluate the performance of actuation cavities in terms of effective deformation and the resulting von-mises stress. Out of the simulated profiles, cylindrical cavity with desired outcomes has been further considered to design the soft actuator. \u2018Ansys Workbench 17.1 R \u2019 environment was further used to assess the performance of cylindrical actuation cavity. Evaluation in two different simulation environments helped to validate the initially achieved results. The developed soft cubic actuator was then employed to develop different mechanisms in a single unit configuration as well as multi-unit robotic system developments. This design scheme is considered as the first tool to investigate its capacity to perform certain given tasks in various configurations. Alongside its application as a single unit gripper and a two unit bio-mimetic crawling mechanism, this soft actuator has been employed to realize a four degree ix of freedom robotic mechanism. The formation of this primitive soft robotic four axis mechanism is being further considered to develop an equivalent mechanism similar to the well known Stewart platform, with advantages of compactness, simpler kinematics design, easier control, and lesser cost. Overall, the accomplished results indicate that the design scheme of Soft Cubic Module is helpful in realizing a simple and cost-effective soft pneumatic actuator which is modular and scalable. Another favourable point of this scheme is the use of a single material with convenient fabrication and handling

    Development of a Compact Piezoworm Actuator For Mr Guided Medical Procedures

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    In this research, a novel piezoelectric actuator was developed to operate safely inside the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. The actuator based on novel design that generates linear and rotary motion simultaneously for higher needle insertion accuracy. One of the research main objectives is to aid in the selection of suitable materials for actuators used in this challenging environment. Usually only nonmagnetic materials are used in this extremely high magnetic environment. These materials are classified as MRI compatible materials and are selected to avoid hazardous conditions and image quality degradation. But unfortunately many inert materials to the magnetic field do not possess desirable mechanical properties in terms of hardness, stiffness and strength and much of the available data for MRI compatible materials are scattered throughout the literature and often too device specific . Furthermore, the fact that significant heating is experienced by some of these devices due to the scanner’s variable magnetic fields makes it difficult to draw general conclusions to support the choice of suitable material and typically these choices are based on a trial-and-error with extensive time required for prototype development and MRI testing of such devices. This research provides a quantitative comparison of several engineering materials in the MRI environment and comparison to theoretical behavior which should aid designers/engineers to estimate the MRI compatible material performance before the expensive step of construction and testing. This work focuses specifically on the effects in the MRI due to the material susceptibility, namely forces, torques, image artifacts and induced heating

    Design and control of a loader mechanism for the NMBU agricultural robot

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    Despite the development of new technologies, manual labour still continuous to play a large role within most modern agricultural operations, especially during harvest. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for new machines to reduce labour as a mean to limit costs, while increasing efficiency in a sustainable manner. This thesis concern itself with the design of a mechanism and control system for a robot arm that can substitute workers in logistical operations during strawberry harvest. More specifically, by lifting berry crates onto a robot platform and transporting them from the fields and to the packaging facilities. The robot arm is to be mounted on the platform composing a vehicle- manipulator system. As this thesis is connected to a general research project on agricultural robotics at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the chosen platform is the associated field robot Thorvald II. The thesis is divided into two parts, where Part I concerns the mechanical design of the robot arm, while Part II propose a system for controlling the mechanism. The design development process has involved assessments of available solutions before selecting components on the basis of controllability, mechanical properties and costs. The process of selection in Part II is however, based on finding solutions that are compatible with the robot platform’s network (Controller Area Network) and operating system (Robotic Operating System). Part I: Design and Mechanics The design of the robot arm presented in this thesis begun with a preliminary feasibility study conducted by Bjurbeck in September 2016. Following the assessment of this study, the robot arm is designed to have two degrees of freedom operating in the xz-plane. When mounted on the platform, the arm will be free to operate in a 3-dimensional space, as the platform moves in x and y-direction, and rotates around the z-axis. The arm is assembled from two parallel link pairs made from rectangular aluminium tubes, and a revolute and prismatic joint. Both joints are actuated by LinAk LA36 linear electric actuators. The end effector of the arm is a gripper head designed to grasp the handles of the strawberry crate. The gripper head is self-aligning with the crate’s orientation in order to reduce the precision of control needed to envelop and grasp the crate. The frame of the gripper head is made from aluminium angle profiles and sheet metal. A worm drive DC motor actuate the gripper claws via a double link mechanism. Part II: Modeling and Control The geometry of the design presented in Part I is modelled mathematically and the inverse kinematics solved analytically. The kinematics will be used in future implementation of a position control system. Two RoboteQ SDC2160 dual-channel controllers are chosen to control all four actuator mo- tors. The linear actuators are controlled in closed loop position tracking mode with absolute feedback. The gripper motor is controlled in open loop mode with end stop switches detecting the position of the claws. Experiments was conducted to match the controllers with the actuator motors. The experiments revealed firmware issues with the controller. The experiments also affirmed the controller need a script to operate the actuators efficiently. The thesis provides the foundations to build a prototype and write an operating script to test the mechanical design and control system.Til tross for den stadige utviklingen av ny teknologi spiller manuelt arbeid fortsatt en stor rolle i moderne landbruk, særlig i innhøsting. På grunn av den store arbeidkraften som trengs er det en stadig større etterspørsel etter nye maskiner som kan redusere behovet for manuelt arbeid for å redusere utgifter og effektivisere gårdsbruk på en bærekraftig måte. Denne masteroppgaven omhandler det mekaniske designet og reguleringssystemet til en robotarm laget for å kunne erstatte arbeidere i oppgaver tilknyttet logistikk ved innhøsting av jordbær. Dette gjøres ved at armen løfter kasser med bær opp på en robotplattform som transporterer kassene fra jordet og til et pakkeri. Robotarmen er da montert oppå plattformen. Siden oppgaven er tilknyttet et forskningsprosjekt i landbruksrobotikk ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, var det naturlig å velge den universitetets robot Thorvald II som plattform.submittedVersionM-MP

    Joint Torque Sensory in Robotics

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    Design and Fabrication of Soft 3D Printed Actuators: Expanding Soft Robotics Applications

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    Soft pneumatic actuators are ideal for soft robotic applications due to their innate compliance and high power-weight ratios. Presently, the majority of soft pneumatic actuators are used to create bending motions, with very few able to produce significant linear movements. Fewer can actively produce strains in multiple directions. The further development of these actuators is limited by their fabrication methods, specifically the lack of suitable stretchable materials for 3D printing. In this thesis, a new highly elastic resin for digital light projection 3D printers, designated ElastAMBER, is developed and evaluated, which shows improvements over previously synthesised elastic resins. It is prepared from a di-functional polyether urethane acrylate oligomer and a blend of two different diluent monomers. ElastAMBER exhibits a viscosity of 1000 mPa.s at 40 °C, allowing easy printing at near room temperatures. The 3D-printed components present an elastomeric behaviour with a maximum extension ratio of 4.02 ± 0.06, an ultimate tensile strength of (1.23 ± 0.09) MPa, low hysteresis, and negligible viscoelastic relaxation
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