14 research outputs found

    Leveraging Language to Learn Program Abstractions and Search Heuristics

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    Inductive program synthesis, or inferring programs from examples of desired behavior, offers a general paradigm for building interpretable, robust, and generalizable machine learning systems. Effective program synthesis depends on two key ingredients: a strong library of functions from which to build programs, and an efficient search strategy for finding programs that solve a given task. We introduce LAPS (Language for Abstraction and Program Search), a technique for using natural language annotations to guide joint learning of libraries and neurally-guided search models for synthesis. When integrated into a state-of-the-art library learning system (DreamCoder), LAPS produces higher-quality libraries and improves search efficiency and generalization on three domains -- string editing, image composition, and abstract reasoning about scenes -- even when no natural language hints are available at test time.Comment: appeared in Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021

    Symbolic and Cognitive Theory in Biology

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    In previous work, I have looked in detail at the capacity and the limits of the linguistics model as applied to gene expression. The recent use of a primitive applied linguistic model in Apple's SIRI system allows further analysis. In particular, the failings of this system resemble those of the HGP; the model used also helps point out the shortcomings of the concept of the "gene". This is particularly urgent as we are entering an era of applied biology in the absence of theory, and indeed an era with a near-epidemic of retracted papers. There are a few workarounds proposed. One is to add to the nascent field of biosemiotics a more explicit concern with syntax. At the time of writing, Apple is being sued for false advertising of its iphone 4s, with the associated claim that apple had solved many of the problems of natural language processing by computer (nlpbc). The system was bought by Apple from a company called SIRI, and in turn was based on the notion, trumpeted by the prior art in a company called Dejima, that nlpbc could be done by keywords alone. Yet the hype resembles nothing so much as the misrepresentation of the Human Genome Project (HGP) fed to the media in the glory days at the beginning of this millennium, and it says a lot for the status of scientists in society that they have avoided Apple's fate. In this paper, a short review of several current themes in theoretical and applied biology is first proposed. Then the tensions implicit in the notion that the "gene" is simultaneously to be identified as a unit of inheritance and spatially located over spatially well-defined nucleotides is explored and the notion is found to be incoherent. An expanded notion of inheritance is proposed in the context of a focus on inheritance as necessarily involving species, population and organism over time. While it is premature to talk about a paradigm shift, it is certainly arguable that biology urgently needs a sophisticated theory of how symbols work substantially more sophisticated than that implicit in the HGP; Biosemiotics affords a framework in which this might be tried. Indeed, as this paper concludes, there may yet be room for a "Bionoetics", a perspective in which biological explanation can be extended to include cognition in all its forms. Finally, a working sketch of a modeling environment written in LISP, one that shows promise in reflecting the complexities discussed in the paper, is included

    Gambier Observer, April 19, 1833

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    Gambier Observer, April 5, 1837

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    Gambier Observer, April 05, 1837

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    Understanding and Representing Natural Language Meaning

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryOffice of Naval Research / N00014-75-C-061

    Assessment of the possibilities of writing skills development in English as a foreign language through the application of emoji as conceptual elements

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    Este trabajo valora las posibilidades de aplicación de los emoji disponibles en la aplicación de chat WhatsApp al desarrollo de la competencia escrita en inglés como lengua extranjera entre estudiantes universitarios. El diseño cuasi experimental de la investigación se desarrolló con una muestra de estudiantes (N=22) que conformaban la población censal de una asignatura de la mención en Lengua Extranjera/AICLE del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Cádiz, España. La naturaleza explicativa del estudio propicia un enfoque de tipo mixto, al incorporar datos de tipología cuantitativa y cualitativa, recopilados a partir de tres herramientas de investigación: un cuestionario inicial sobre las preferencias de los estudiantes en relación con la elección y el uso de emoji; una actividad académicamente dirigida que suponía la creación de un texto narrativo a partir de una serie de temáticas cerradas que incorporaba necesariamente emoji; y una entrevista final para indagar sobre la opinión de los estudiantes acerca de la posible aplicación de emoji en el aula de idiomas. Los resultados muestran potenciales beneficios en el uso de emoji como representantes del ámbito conceptual para el desarrollo de la competencia escrita en lengua extranjera. El estudio concluye con una serie de recomendaciones basadas en los principios teóricos y los resultados alcanzados con el objeto de implementar el uso de emoji a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas

    Investigations of the effects of different computer input methods on man–computer interaction

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    The development of interactive man-computer systems is a design process wherein various alternatives must be considered from different points of view. In order to make design decisions, information guidelines are needed. Among the requirements are those for different input methods of computers. This thesis has the objective of providing information and guidelines on how different input methods affect man–computer interaction. The objective is reached through a number of stages: a review of literature; the development of a framework for investigation; deriving and testing experimental hypotheses, and discussing and presenting information for future researchers and designers. [Continues.

    Algebraic analysis of multiple social networks with multiplex

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    \pkg{multiplex} is a computer program that provides algebraic tools for the analysis of multiple network structures within the \proglang{R} environment. Apart from the possibility to create and manipulate multivariate data representing multiplex, signed, and two-mode networks, this package offers a collection of functions that deal with algebraic systems ---such as the partially ordered semigroup, and balance or cluster semirings--- their decomposition, and the enumeration of bundle patterns occurring at different levels of the network. Moreover, through Galois derivations between families of the pairs of subsets in different domains it is possible to analyze affiliation networks with an algebraic approach. Visualization of multigraphs, different forms of bipartite graphs, inclusion lattices, Cayley graphs is supported as well with related packages.Comment: Accepted manuscript at the Journal of Statistical Software with 8 figures in 39 pages. v2 with typo correction

    Application of generic sense classes in word sense disambiguation

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