6 research outputs found

    The knowledge-based software assistant

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    Where the Knowledge Based Software Assistant (KBSA) is now, four years after the initial report, is discussed. Also described is what the Rome Air Development Center expects at the end of the first contract iteration. What the second and third contract iterations will look like are characterized

    An ontology design pattern for representing recurrent situations

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    In this Chapter, we present an Ontology Design Pattern for representing situations that recur at regular periods and share some invariant factors, which unify them conceptually: we refer to this set of recurring situations as recurrent situation series. The proposed pattern appears to be foundational, since it can be generalised for modelling the top-level domain-independent concept of recurrence, which is strictly associated with invariance. The pattern reuses other foundational patterns such as Collection, Description and Situation, Classification, Sequence. Indeed, a recurrent situation series is formalised as both a collection of situations occurring regularly over time and unified according to some properties that are common to all the members, and a situation itself, which provides a relational context to its members that satisfy a reference description. Besides including some exemplifying instances of this pattern, we show how it has been implemented and specialised to model recurrent cultural events and ceremonies in ArCo, the Knowledge Graph of Italian cultural heritage

    Representation of non-convex time intervals and propagation of non-convex relations

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    For representing natural language expressions with temporal repetition the well known time interval calculus of Allen [Allen 83] is not adequat. The fundamental concept of this calculus is that of convex intervals which have no temporal gaps. However, natural language expressions like "every Summer" or "on each Monday" require the possibility of such temporal gaps. Therefore, we have developed a new calculus based on non-convex intervals and have defined a set of corresponding non-convex relations. The non-convex intervals are sets of convex intervals and contain temporal gaps. The non-convex relations are tripels: a first part for specifying the intended manner of the whole relation, a second part for defining relations between subintervals, and a third part for declaring relations of whole, convexified non-convex intervals. In the non-convex calculus the convex intervals and relations of Allen are also integrated as a special case. Additionally, we have elaborated and fully implemented a constraint propagation algorithm for the non-convex relations. In comparison with the convex case we get a more expressive calculus with same time complexity for propagation and only different by a constant factor

    Supporting Temporal Reasoning by Mapping Calendar Expressions to Minimal Periodic Sets

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    In the recent years several research efforts have focused on the concept of time granularity and its applications. A first stream of research investigated the mathematical models behind the notion of granularity and the algorithms to manage temporal data based on those models. A second stream of research investigated symbolic formalisms providing a set of algebraic operators to define granularities in a compact and compositional way. However, only very limited manipulation algorithms have been proposed to operate directly on the algebraic representation making it unsuitable to use the symbolic formalisms in applications that need manipulation of granularities. This paper aims at filling the gap between the results from these two streams of research, by providing an efficient conversion from the algebraic representation to the equivalent low-level representation based on the mathematical models. In addition, the conversion returns a minimal representation in terms of period length. Our results have a major practical impact: users can more easily define arbitrary granularities in terms of algebraic operators, and then access granularity reasoning and other services operating efficiently on the equivalent, minimal low-level representation. As an example, we illustrate the application to temporal constraint reasoning with multiple granularities. From a technical point of view, we propose an hybrid algorithm that interleaves the conversion of calendar subexpressions into periodical sets with the minimization of the period length. The algorithm returns set-based granularity representations having minimal period length, which is the most relevant parameter for the performance of the considered reasoning services. Extensive experimental work supports the techniques used in the algorithm, and shows the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithm

    The Sixth Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR 1992)

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    This document contains papers presented at the Space Operations, Applications, and Research Symposium (SOAR) hosted by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) on 4-6 Aug. 1992 and held at the JSC Gilruth Recreation Center. The symposium was cosponsored by the Air Force Material Command and by NASA/JSC. Key technical areas covered during the symposium were robotic and telepresence, automation and intelligent systems, human factors, life sciences, and space maintenance and servicing. The SOAR differed from most other conferences in that it was concerned with Government-sponsored research and development relevant to aerospace operations. The symposium's proceedings include papers covering various disciplines presented by experts from NASA, the USAF, universities, and industry

    First Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and Robotics (SOAR 87)

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    Several topics relative to automation and robotics technology are discussed. Automation of checkout, ground support, and logistics; automated software development; man-machine interfaces; neural networks; systems engineering and distributed/parallel processing architectures; and artificial intelligence/expert systems are among the topics covered