3,499 research outputs found

    2-Absorbing Vague Weakly Complete Γ-Ideals in Γ-Rings

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    The aim of this study is to provide a generalization of prime vague Γ-ideals in Γ-rings by introducing non-symmetric 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideals of commutative Γ-rings. A novel algebraic structure of a primary vague Γ-ideal of a commutative Γ-ring is presented by 2-absorbing weakly complete primary ideal theory. The approach of non-symmetric 2-absorbing K-vague Γ-ideals of Γ-rings are examined and the relation between a level subset of 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideals and 2-absorbing Γ-ideals is given. The image and inverse image of a 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideal of a Γ-ring and 2-absorbing K-vague Γ-ideal of a Γ-ring are studied and a 1-1 inclusion-preserving correspondence theorem is given. A vague quotient Γ-ring of R induced by a 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideal of a 2-absorbing Γ-ring is characterized, and a diagram is obtained that shows the relationship between these concepts with a 2-absorbing Γ-ideal

    Fuzzy Join Prime Semi L-Ideals

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    The concept of fuzzy join prime semi L-ideals in fuzzy join subsemilattices is introduced. The properties of fuzzy join prime semi L-ideals are discussed. Keywords: Fuzzy join prime semi L-ideals, f-invariant fuzzy join prime semi L-ideals, fuzzy join prime semi L-ideal homomorphism

    Fuzzy coprimary submodules

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    Let RR be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and let MM be a non-zero unitary RR-module. The concept of fuzzy coprimary submodule as a dual notion of fuzzy primary one will be introduced and some of its properties will be studied. Among other things, the behavior of this concept with respect to fuzzy localization formation and fuzzy quotient will be examined

    Some Results of Anti Fuzzy Subrings Over t-Conorms

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    In this paper, we define anti fuzzy subrings by using t-conorm C and study some of their algebraic properties. We consider properties of intersection, direct product and homomorphisms for anti fuzzy subbrings with respect to t-conorm C. Thereafter, we define anti fuzzy quotient subrings over t-conorm C

    Zariski topology on the spectrum of fuzzy classical primary submodules

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    [EN] Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M a unitary R-module. The fuzzy classical primary spectrum F cp.spec(M) is the collection of all fuzzy classical primary submodules A of M, the recent generalization of fuzzy primary ideals and fuzzy classical prime submodules. In this paper, we topologize FM(M) with a topology having the fuzzy primary Zariski topology on the fuzzy classical primary spectrum F cp.spec(M) as a subspace topology, and investigate the properties of this topological space.This work (Grant No. RGNS 64-189) was financially supported by Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation.Panpho, P.; Yiarayong, P. (2022). Zariski topology on the spectrum of fuzzy classical primary submodules. Applied General Topology. 23(2):333-343. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2022.1742733334323


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    In this paper, we introduce and study (restricted cancellation, weakly restricted cancellation) fuzzy modules as generalization of notions restricted cancellation (weakly restricted cancellation) modules. We give many basic properties about both concepts
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