658 research outputs found

    Tropical Discriminants

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    Tropical geometry is used to develop a new approach to the theory of discriminants and resultants in the sense of Gel'fand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. The tropical A-discriminant, which is the tropicalization of the dual variety of the projective toric variety given by an integer matrix A, is shown to coincide with the Minkowski sum of the row space of A and of the tropicalization of the kernel of A. This leads to an explicit positive formula for the extreme monomials of any A-discriminant, without any smoothness assumption.Comment: Major revisions, including several improvements and the correction of Section 5. To appear: Journal of the American Mathematical Societ

    The supersingular locus of the Shimura variety for GU(1,n-1) over a ramified prime

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    We analyze the geometry of the supersingular locus of the reduction modulo p of a Shimura variety associated to a unitary similitude group GU(1,n-1) over Q, in the case that p is ramified. We define a stratification of this locus and show that its incidence complex is closely related to a certain Bruhat-Tits simplicial complex. Each stratum is isomorphic to a Deligne-Lusztig variety associated to some symplectic group over F_p and some Coxeter element. The closure of each stratum is a normal projective variety with at most isolated singularities. The results are analogous to those of Vollaard/Wedhorn in the case when p is inert.Comment: A few more corrections, to appear in Math. Zeitschrif

    Modular forms and elliptic curves over the cubic field of discriminant -23

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    Let F be the cubic field of discriminant -23 and let O be its ring of integers. By explicitly computing cohomology of congruence subgroups of GL(2,O), we computationally investigate modularity of elliptic curves over F.Comment: Incorporated referee's comment

    Semi-inverted linear spaces and an analogue of the broken circuit complex

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    The image of a linear space under inversion of some coordinates is an affine variety whose structure is governed by an underlying hyperplane arrangement. In this paper, we generalize work by Proudfoot and Speyer to show that circuit polynomials form a universal Groebner basis for the ideal of polynomials vanishing on this variety. The proof relies on degenerations to the Stanley-Reisner ideal of a simplicial complex determined by the underlying matroid. If the linear space is real, then the semi-inverted linear space is also an example of a hyperbolic variety, meaning that all of its intersection points with a large family of linear spaces are real.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, minor revisions and added connections to the external activity complex of a matroi
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