57 research outputs found

    Pricing Early-Exercise and Discrete Barrier Options by Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions

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    We present a pricing method based on Fourier-cosine expansions for early-exercise and discretely-monitored barrier options. The method works well for exponential Levy asset price models. The error convergence is exponential for processes characterized by very smooth transitional probability density functions. The computational complexity is O((Māˆ’1)Nlogā”N)O((M-1) N \log{N}) with NN a (small) number of terms from the series expansion, and MM, the number of early-exercise/monitoring dates.

    Pricing Early-Exercise and Discrete Barrier Options by Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions

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    We present a pricing method based on Fourier-cosine expansions for early-exercise and discretely-monitored barrier options. The method works well for exponential Levy asset price models. The error convergence is exponential for processes characterized by very smooth transitional probability density functions. The computational complexity is O((Māˆ’1)Nlogā”N)O((M-1) N \log{N}) with NN a (small) number of terms from the series expansion, and MM, the number of early-exercise/monitoring dates

    Greeks' pitfalls for the COS method in the Laplace model

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    The Greeks Delta, Gamma and Speed are the first, second and third derivatives of a European option with respect to the current price of the underlying asset. The Fourier cosine series expansion method (COS method) is a numerical method for approximating the price and the Greeks of European options. We develop a closed-form expression of Speed for various European options in the Laplace model and we provide sufficient conditions for the COS method to approximate Speed. We show empirically that the COS method may produce numerically nonsensical results if theses sufficient conditions are not met

    Bermudan option valuation under state-dependent models

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    We consider a defaultable asset whose risk-neutral pricing dynamics are described by an exponential LĆ©vy-type martingale. This class of models allows for a local volatility, local default intensity and a locally dependent LĆ©vy measure. We present a pricing method for Bermudan options based on an analytical approximation of the characteristic function combined with the COS method. Due to a special form of the obtained characteristic function the price can be computed using a fast Fourier transform-based algorithm resulting in a fast and accurate calculation

    The Ī²-Meixner model

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    We propose to approximate the Meixner model by a member of the B-family introduced in [Kuz10a]. The advantage of such approximations are the semi-explicit formulas for the running extrema under the B-family processes which enables us to produce more efficient algorithms for certain path dependent options

    Uncertainty quantification and Heston model

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    In this paper, we study the impact of the parameters involved in Heston model by means of Uncertainty Quantification. The Stochastic Collocation Method already used for example in computational fluid dynamics, has been applied throughout this work in order to compute the propagation of the uncertainty from the parameters of the model to the output. The well-known Heston model is considered and involved parameters in the Feller condition are taken as uncertain due to their important influence on the output. Numerical results where the Feller condition is satisfied or not are shown as well as a numerical example with real market data

    The Evaluation Of Barrier Option Prices Under Stochastic Volatility

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    This paperc onsiders the problem o fnumerically evaluating barrier option prices when the dynamics of the underlying are driven by stochastic volatility following the square root process of Heston (1993). We develop a method of lines approach to evaluate the price as well as the delta and gamma of the option. The method is able to effciently handle bothc ontinuously monitored and discretely monitored barrier options and can also handle barrier options with early exercise features. In the latter case, we can calculate the early exercise boundary of an American barrier option in both the continuously and discretely monitored cases.barrier option; stochastic volatility; continuously monitored; discretely monitored; free boundary problem; method of lines; Monte Carlo simulation
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