72,603 research outputs found

    Reliability and Condition-Based Maintenance Analysis of Deteriorating Systems Subject to Generalized Mixed Shock Model

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    For successful commercialization of evolving devices (e.g., micro-electro-mechanical systems, and biomedical devices), there must be new research focusing on reliability models and analysis tools that can assist manufacturing and maintenance of these devices. These advanced systems may experience multiple failure processes that compete against each other. Two major failure processes are identified to be deteriorating or degradation processes (e.g., wear, fatigue, erosion, corrosion) and random shocks. When these failure processes are dependent, it is a challenging problem to predict reliability of complex systems. This research aims to develop reliability models by exploring new aspects of dependency between competing risks of degradation-based and shock-based failure considering a generalized mixed shock model, and to develop new and effective condition-based maintenance policies based on the developed reliability models. In this research, different aspects of dependency are explored to accurately estimate the reliability of complex systems. When the degradation rate is accelerated as a result of withstanding a particular shock pattern, we develop reliability models with a changing degradation rate for four different shock patterns. When the hard failure threshold reduces due to changes in degradation, we investigate reliability models considering the dependence of the hard failure threshold on the degradation level for two different scenarios. More generally, when the degradation rate and the hard failure threshold can simultaneously transition multiple times, we propose a rich reliability model for a new generalized mixed shock model that is a combination of extreme shock model, δ-shock model and run shock model. This general assumption reflects complex behaviors associated with modern systems and structures that experience multiple sources of external shocks. Based on the developed reliability models, we introduce new condition-based maintenance strategies by including various maintenance actions (e.g., corrective replacement, preventive replacement, and imperfect repair) to minimize the expected long-run average maintenance cost rate. The decisions for maintenance actions are made based on the health condition of systems that can be observed through periodic inspection. The reliability and maintenance models developed in this research can provide timely and effective tools for decision-makers in manufacturing to economically optimize operational decisions for improving reliability, quality and productivity.Industrial Engineering, Department o

    Selective maintenance optimisation for series-parallel systems alternating missions and scheduled breaks with stochastic durations

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    This paper deals with the selective maintenance problem for a multi-component system performing consecutive missions separated by scheduled breaks. To increase the probability of successfully completing its next mission, the system components are maintained during the break. A list of potential imperfect maintenance actions on each component, ranging from minimal repair to replacement is available. The general hybrid hazard rate approach is used to model the reliability improvement of the system components. Durations of the maintenance actions, the mission and the breaks are stochastic with known probability distributions. The resulting optimisation problem is modelled as a non-linear stochastic programme. Its objective is to determine a cost-optimal subset of maintenance actions to be performed on the components given the limited stochastic duration of the break and the minimum system reliability level required to complete the next mission. The fundamental concepts and relevant parameters of this decision-making problem are developed and discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the added value of solving this selective maintenance problem as a stochastic optimisation programme

    Predictive Maintenance on the Machining Process and Machine Tool

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    This paper presents the process required to implement a data driven Predictive Maintenance (PdM) not only in the machine decision making, but also in data acquisition and processing. A short review of the different approaches and techniques in maintenance is given. The main contribution of this paper is a solution for the predictive maintenance problem in a real machining process. Several steps are needed to reach the solution, which are carefully explained. The obtained results show that the Preventive Maintenance (PM), which was carried out in a real machining process, could be changed into a PdM approach. A decision making application was developed to provide a visual analysis of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the machining tool. This work is a proof of concept of the methodology presented in one process, but replicable for most of the process for serial productions of pieces

    Managing Well Integrity using Reliability Based Models

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    Imperial Users onl

    Report : review of the literature : maintenance and rehabilitation costs for roads (Risk-based Analysis)

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    Realistic estimates of short- and long-term (strategic) budgets for maintenance and rehabilitation of road assessment management should consider the stochastic characteristics of asset conditions of the road networks so that the overall variability of road asset data conditions is taken into account. The probability theory has been used for assessing life-cycle costs for bridge infrastructures by Kong and Frangopol (2003), Zayed et.al. (2002), Kong and Frangopol (2003), Liu and Frangopol (2004), Noortwijk and Frangopol (2004), Novick (1993). Salem 2003 cited the importance of the collection and analysis of existing data on total costs for all life-cycle phases of existing infrastructure, including bridges, road etc., and the use of realistic methods for calculating the probable useful life of these infrastructures (Salem et. al. 2003). Zayed et. al. (2002) reported conflicting results in life-cycle cost analysis using deterministic and stochastic methods. Frangopol et. al. 2001 suggested that additional research was required to develop better life-cycle models and tools to quantify risks, and benefits associated with infrastructures. It is evident from the review of the literature that there is very limited information on the methodology that uses the stochastic characteristics of asset condition data for assessing budgets/costs for road maintenance and rehabilitation (Abaza 2002, Salem et. al. 2003, Zhao, et. al. 2004). Due to this limited information in the research literature, this report will describe and summarise the methodologies presented by each publication and also suggest a methodology for the current research project funded under the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation CRC CI project no 2003-029-C
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