13 research outputs found

    Use of a generic protocol in documentation of prescription errors in Estonia, Norway and Sweden

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    Beskriver en studie hvor hensikten var 氓 evaluere egnethet av et generisk instrument for 氓 dokumentere forskrivningsproblemer som krever kontakt med lege f酶r utlevering.Pharmacists have an important role in detecting, preventing, and solving prescription problems, which if left unresolved, may pose a risk of harming the patient. Objective: the objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility of a generic study instrument for documentation of prescription problems requiring contact with prescriber before dispensing. The study was organized: 1) by countries: Estonia, Norway and Sweden; 2) by type of prescriptions: handwritten prescriptions, printouts of prescriptions in the electronic medical record and electronically transmitted prescriptions to pharmacies; and 3) by recording method - self-completion by pharmacists and independent observers. Methods: observational study with independent observers at community pharmacies in Estonia (n=4) and Sweden (n=7) and self-completed protocols in Norway (n=9). Results: pharmacists' in Estonia contacted the prescriber for 1.47% of the prescriptions, about 3 times as often as in Norway (0.45%) and Sweden (0.38%). Handwritten prescriptions dominated among the problem prescriptions in Estonia (73.2%), printouts of prescriptions in the electronic medical record (89.1%) in Norway and electronically transmitted prescriptions to pharmacies (55.9%) in Sweden. More administrative errors were identified on handwritten prescriptions and printouts of prescriptions in the electronic medical record in Estonia and in Norway compared with electronically transmitted prescriptions to pharmacies in Sweden (p<0.05 for prescription types and p<0.01 for countries). However, clinically important errors and delivery problems appeared equally often on the different types of prescriptions. In all three countries, only few cases of drug interactions and adverse drug reactions were identified. Conclusion: despite the different patterns of prescription problems in three countries, the instrument was feasible and can be regarded appropriate to document and classify prescription problems necessitating contact with prescriber before dispensing, irrespective of the type of prescription or recording method

    Medication errors in the Middle East countries: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: Medication errors are a significant global concern and can cause serious medical consequences for patients. Little is known about medication errors in Middle Eastern countries. The objectives of this systematic review were to review studies of the incidence and types of medication errors in Middle Eastern countries and to identify the main contributory factors involved. Methods: A systematic review of the literature related to medication errors in Middle Eastern countries was conducted in October 2011 using the following databases: Embase, Medline, Pubmed, the British Nursing Index and the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. The search strategy included all ages and languages. Inclusion criteria were that the studies assessed or discussed the incidence of medication errors and contributory factors to medication errors during the medication treatment process in adults or in children. Results: Forty-five studies from 10 of the 15 Middle Eastern countries met the inclusion criteria. Nine (20%) studies focused on medication errors in paediatric patients. Twenty-one focused on prescribing errors, 11 measured administration errors, 12 were interventional studies and one assessed transcribing errors. Dispensing and documentation errors were inadequately evaluated. Error rates varied from 7.1% to 90.5% for prescribing and from 9.4% to 80% for administration. The most common types of prescribing errors reported were incorrect dose (with an incidence rate from 0.15% to 34.8% of prescriptions), wrong frequency and wrong strength. Computerised physician rder entry and clinical pharmacist input were the main interventions evaluated. Poor knowledge of medicines was identified as a contributory factor for errors by both doctors (prescribers) and nurses (when administering drugs). Most studies did not assess the clinical severity of the medication errors. Conclusion: Studies related to medication errors in the Middle Eastern countries were relatively few in number and of poor quality. Educational programmes on drug therapy for doctors and nurses are urgently needed

    La prescripci贸n electr贸nica asistida: instrumento clave para la disminuci贸n de los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos en el hospital

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la implantaci贸n de la prescripci贸n electr贸nica asistida (PEA) en una unidad cl铆nica sobre los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos (PRM) y sobre el grado de aceptaci贸n de las intervenciones farmac茅uticas. M茅todos: Estudio prospectivo, casi experimental. Se revisaron las prescripciones farmacol贸gicas de un servicio de medicina interna durante dos periodos secuenciales de 3,5 meses cada uno (antes y despu茅s de la implantaci贸n de la PEA). Se registraron todos los PRM detectados en ambas fases. Se analiz贸 tambi茅n la aceptaci贸n de la intervenci贸n farmac茅utica ante cada error. Resultados: Durante los 7 meses del estudio se detectaron un total de 4.023 PRM, 3.785 en la fase de prescripci贸n manual (PM) y 238 en la fase de PEA; la tasa de PRM por paciente ingresado era de 16,9 en PM y de 1,07 en PEA, lo que supone una reducci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa del 93,67%. Si omitimos los PRM de identificaci贸n de la orden m茅dica, se obtiene una reducci贸n del 43,21%. Con la introducci贸n de la PEA, desaparecieron los PRM de identificaci贸n de la orden m茅dica y de transcripci贸n en farmacia, disminuyeron los de dosis no adecuada, duraci贸n no adecuada e interacciones, y aumentaron los de error en la identificaci贸n del medicamento. Conclusiones: La implantaci贸n de la PEA ha disminuido de forma significativa la tasa total de PRM y la de PRM de importancia mayor. La proporci贸n de intervenciones farmac茅uticas no contestadas por el m茅dico ha disminuido significativamente

    La prescripci贸n electr贸nica asistida: instrumento clave para la disminuci贸n de los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos en el hospital

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la implantaci贸n de la prescripci贸n electr贸nica asistida (PEA) en una unidad cl铆nica sobre los problemas relacionados con los medicamentos (PRM) y sobre el grado de aceptaci贸n de las intervenciones farmac茅uticas. M茅todos: Estudio prospectivo, casi experimental. Se revisaron las prescripciones farmacol贸gicas de un servicio de medicina interna durante dos periodos secuenciales de 3,5 meses cada uno (antes y despu茅s de la implantaci贸n de la PEA). Se registraron todos los PRM detectados en ambas fases. Se analiz贸 tambi茅n la aceptaci贸n de la intervenci贸n farmac茅utica ante cada error. Resultados: Durante los 7 meses del estudio se detectaron un total de 4.023 PRM, 3.785 en la fase de prescripci贸n manual (PM) y 238 en la fase de PEA; la tasa de PRM por paciente ingresado era de 16,9 en PM y de 1,07 en PEA, lo que supone una reducci贸n estad铆sticamente significativa del 93,67%. Si omitimos los PRM de identificaci贸n de la orden m茅dica, se obtiene una reducci贸n del 43,21%. Con la introducci贸n de la PEA, desaparecieron los PRM de identificaci贸n de la orden m茅dica y de transcripci贸n en farmacia, disminuyeron los de dosis no adecuada, duraci贸n no adecuada e interacciones, y aumentaron los de error en la identificaci贸n del medicamento. Conclusiones: La implantaci贸n de la PEA ha disminuido de forma significativa la tasa total de PRM y la de PRM de importancia mayor. La proporci贸n de intervenciones farmac茅uticas no contestadas por el m茅dico ha disminuido significativamente

    Master of Science

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    thesisCampylobacteriosis is a foodborne and waterborne zoonotic gastrointestinal illness and the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide. In the United States Campylobacter infections are second only to Salmonella as the most common cause of gastroenteritis, accounting for an estimated 2.4 million symptomatic infections annually. It is estimated that the total cost of foodborne illness in the United States is 152billionofwhich152 billion of which 18.8 billion is attributed to Campylobacter. Diagnosis can be challenging because the organism is difficult to isolate, grow, and identify. Clinical manifestation of Campylobacter is indistinguishable from other enteric pathogens; (Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Clostridium difficile, and E. coli 0157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli) therefore, a presumptive diagnosis cannot be made putting them at risk for untreated infection. There are a growing number of diagnostic methods available for detection and/or isolation of Campylobacter species from stool, but there is currently no national or state public health testing guidelines. Eight assays were evaluated for performance in the detection of Campylobacter species in stool. The assays are comprised of four culture medias (CVA, CSM, Cefex, and mCCDA); three EIA/ELISA kits (ImmunoCard STAT! Campy, Premier Campy and ProSpecT Campy); and one molecular method (FilmArray GI panel). The FilmArray GI panel due to its ability to detect viable and nonviable organism was used as the gold standard. To verify the gold standard was accurate all positive FilmArray samples were analyzed by DNA sequencing. The sensitivity and specificity, respectively, of each assay are as follows: CVA 87.8%, 100%; CSM 87.8%, 100%; Cefex 87.8%, 100%; mCCDA 78.0%, 100%; ImmunoCard STAT! Campy 31.7%, 65.2%; Premier Campy 80.5%, 26.1%; and the ProSpecT Campy 75.6%, 82.6%. In contrast the FilmArray produces a sensitivity and specificity of 100% when compared to culture. Furthermore the FilmArray GI panel takes the least amount of time to produce a result, 1 hour compared to 48-72 hours for culture. In conclusion, the FilmArray GI panel is the most sensitive, specific, rapid, cost effective, and objective method for the detection of Campylobacter species in stool. Molecular assays such as the FilmArray GI panel should replace traditional culture techniques in the microbiology lab

    Propuesta para una gu铆a de prescripci贸n en poblaci贸n geri谩trica en una instituci贸n de r茅gimen especial

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    Los pacientes geri谩tricos representan un gran reto para realizar una adecuada prescripci贸n debido a que poseen importantes cambios en sus esferas vitales que propician fragilidad, m煤ltiples comorbilidades, entre otros. Se desarroll贸 un estudio observacional retrospectivo que permiti贸 cuantificar la frecuencia de prescripciones inadecuadas mediante la revisi贸n de Historias Cl铆nicas en una instituci贸n de r茅gimen especial teniendo en cuenta variables como cantidad de medicamentos, indicaci贸n, pauta de dosificaci贸n, duplicidad terap茅utica, interacciones, contraindicaciones, y se aplic贸 la metodolog铆a STOPP en 300 pacientes geri谩tricos mayores de 65 a帽os y con un consumo de m谩s de 5 medicamentos. Se encontr贸 que la mitad de las prescripciones tienen al menos un criterio de prescripci贸n potencialmente inapropiada siendo el m谩s importante el uso de medicamentos no indicados. Finalmente se propuso una gu铆a para el uso racional de medicamentos en la poblaci贸n geri谩trica con todas las caracter铆sticas espec铆ficas para esta instituci贸n.Abstract. Geriatric patients represent a major challenge for appropriate prescription because they have significant changes in vital areas that encourage their fragility, multiple comorbidities, among others. Developed a retrospective observational study that quantified the frequency of inappropriate prescriptions by medical record review in a special scheme institution considering variables such as number of medications, indication, dosing regimen, therapeutic duplication, interactions, contraindications, and STOPP methodology applied in 300 elderly patients over 65 years and with a consumption of more than 5 medications. Was found in a half of prescriptions have at least one inappropriate potentially prescription criterion being the most important the use of drugs not indicated. Finally, proposed guidelines for the rational use of drugs in the elderly with all the specifics for this institution.Maestr铆

    International nonproprietary name prescribing : beyond national boundaries

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