7 research outputs found

    Alcohol Expectancies dan Perilaku Mengonsumsi Alkohol pada Remaja di Surabaya

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    Abstract — This study aims to find the role of alcohol expectancies among adolesecents on their drinking behavior. This study was conducted to 360 adolescents in Surabaya who consumed alcohol at least once in the past year, with age range were 15-24 years old. Data on this study is being collected using online questionnaire. Comprehensive Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (CAEQ) was used to asses alcohol expectancies. Drinking behavior was assessed by Alcohol Use Disoder Identification Test (AUDIT-C). Data analysis was done using non-parametric analysis : Spearman Rank Order Correlation. The results shows that there are significant correlation between alcohol expectancies and drinking behavior (r=0.250; p=0.000). Furthermore, this study finds significant association between alcohol expectancy aspects and drinking behavior. (1) Social assertiveness and positive affect (r=0.281; p=0.000), (2) Tension reduction (r=0.241; p=0.000) and (3) Sexual Enhancement (r=0.238; p=0.000). This findings explain that social influence, belief that alcohol can be used as a coping to individual stressor and can increase sexual arousal are influencing individual drinking behavior.Keywords: Adolescents, Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Expectancies Abstrak— Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol pada remaja. Penelitian dilakukan pada 360 remaja dengan rentang usia 15-24 tahun, pernah mengonsumsi alkohol setidaknya 1x dalam satu tahun terakhir, dan berdomisili di Surabaya. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner online. Variabel Alcohol Expectancy diukur menggunakan skala CAEQ (Comprehensive Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire) dan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol diukur menggunakan skala AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test). Hipotesis penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik nonparametrik yaitu Spearman Rank Order Correlation. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol (r=0.250;p=0.000). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan adanya korelasi antara aspek dalam alcohol expectancy dengan perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol, yaitu aspek 1) Social Assertiveness and Positive Affect (r=0.281;p=0.00), 2) Tension Reduction (r=0.241;p=0.00) dan 3) Sexual Enhancement (r=0.238;p=0.00). Asosiasi ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan sosial, harapan bahwa alkohol dapat menjadi coping terhadap stressor dan alkohol dapat meningkatkan gairah seksual, cenderung memengaruhi perilaku mengonsumsi alkohol.Kata kunci: Ekspetansi alkohol, Konsumsi Alkohol, Remaj


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    IntroducciĂłn: El consumo de alcohol se encuentra dentro de los principales problemas de salud pĂșblica, ya que ejerce una gran influencia sobre el adecuado funcionamiento del individuo , su familia y por ello la sociedad. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al consumo de alcohol en personas de 15 años a mĂĄs segĂșn ENDES 2017 -2021. MetodologĂ­a : Se realizĂł un estudio de tipo observacional, transversal, analĂ­tico y cuantitativo. Se utilizĂł la informaciĂłn contenida en la base de datos pĂșblica del INEI. Se incluyeron 13482 personas de 15 años a mĂĄs. Se calcularon razones de prevalencia y regresiĂłn de Poisson utilizando el programa estadĂ­stico SPSS versiĂłn 26.0 Resultados: El 32.8% de personas de 15 años a mĂĄs presentĂł consumo de alcohol. Los factores asociados al consumo de alcohol fueron: sexo masculino (RPa=1.772; p=0.000), edad de 30 años o menos (RPa=1.325; p=0.000), Ă­ndice de riqueza el nivel muy rico (RPa=0.863; p=0.006), ĂĄrea de residencia rural (RPa=0.902; p=0.021), regiĂłn natural, la selva (RPa=1.144; p=0.000), la sierra (RPa=1.418; p=0.000), el resto de la costa RPa=1.029; p=0.300), estado depresivo, (RPa=1.623; p=0.000) y fumar cigarrillos (RPa=1.348; p=0.000). Conclusiones: Los factores que se asociaron al consumo de alcohol fueron: la variables sexo masculino, edad, nivel de riqueza , siendo el nivel muy rico factor protector, el ĂĄrea de residencia, la regiĂłn natural, presencia de sĂ­ntomas depresivos y fumar cigarrillos

    Factores asociados al consumo de alcohol en personas mayores de 15 años del PerĂș. ENDES, 2019

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    IntroducciĂłn: El consumo de alcohol constituye uno de los principales problemas de salud pĂșblica, debido a las pĂ©rdidas socioeconĂłmicas que ocasiona para las personas en general y para la sociedad. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al consumo de alcohol en personas mayores de 15 años del PerĂș, segĂșn la ENDES, 2019. MetodologĂ­a: observacional, transversal, analĂ­tico con uso de base de datos secundaria. Se incluyeron a 15079 personas de 15 años a mĂĄs, segĂșn ENDES 2019. La tĂ©cnica fue documental. AdemĂĄs, se calcularon razones de prevalencia y la regresiĂłn Poisson. Resultados: el 52.3% de personas mayores de 15 años presentĂł consumo de alcohol. Los factores asociados al consumo de alcohol fueron los grupos etarios de 30-59 años (RPa=1.191; p=0.000), 18-29 años (RPa=1.105; p=0.002), 15-17 años (RPa=1.375; p=0.017); sexo masculino (RPa=1.374; p=0.000); estado civil separado (RPa=1.192; p=0.000), conviviente (RPa=1.054; p=0.002), divorciado (RPa=1.221; p=0.032); Ă­ndices de riqueza pobre (RPa=1.090; p=0.013), medio (RPa=1.259; p=0.000), rico (RPa=1.255; p=0.000), y mĂĄs rico (RPa=1.474; p=0.000); procedencia de Lima metropolitana (RPa=0.937; p=0.020); sĂ­ntomas depresivos (RPa=0.918; p=0.041); haber golpeado a su pareja rara vez con algĂșn objeto (RPa=1232; p=0.000). ConclusiĂłn: Los factores que se asociaron al consumo de alcohol fueron: el grupo de 15-17 años; 18-29, 30-59; sexo masculino; procedencia de Lima metropolitana; estado civil separado; conviviente; divorciado; Ă­ndices de riqueza pobre; medio; medio y mĂĄs rico; sĂ­ntomas depresivos y haber golpeado rara vez (1 - 2 veces) a su pareja con algĂșn objeto

    Epidemiology of harmful use of alcohol in Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, has reported relatively high levels of alcohol misuse, yet limited resources to guide effective population-wide response. There is a need to integrate existing empirical information in order to increase the power and precision of estimating epidemiological evidence necessary for informing policies and developing prevention programs. Objectives: We aimed to estimate nationwide and zonal prevalence of harmful use of alcohol in Nigeria to inform public health policy and planning. Methods: Epidemiologic reports on alcohol use in Nigeria from 1990 through 2018 were systematically searched and abstracted. We employed random-effects meta-analysis and meta-regression model to determine the number of harmful alcohol users. Results: 35 studies (n = 37,576 Nigerians) were identified. Pooled crude prevalence of harmful use of alcohol was 34.3% (95% CI: 28.6–40.1); twice as high among men (43.9%, 31.1–56.8) compared to women (23.9%, 16.4–31.4). Harmful alcohol use was higher in rural settings (40.1%, 24.2–56.1) compared to urban settings (31.2%, 22.9–39.6). The number of harmful alcohol users aged ≄15 years increased from 24 to 34 million from 1995 to 2015. However, actual age-adjusted prevalence of harmful use of alcohol in Nigeria decreased from 38.5% to 32.6% over the twenty-year period. Conclusions: While the prevalence of the total population that drinks harmfully appears to be dropping, absolute number of individuals that would be classified as harmful drinkers is increasing. This finding highlights the complexity of identifying and advocating for substance abuse policies in rapidly changing demographic settings common in Africa, Asia, and other developing countries

    A study to assess the effectiveness of health fostering nursing intervention on behavioural pattern and drug compliance among alcoholic dependence clients attending de-addiction centre at Psychiatric Tertiary Care Centre, Chennai

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    Alcoholic dependence is a chronic disease and it affects personal, social and economical impact of an individual, family and society. Drug compliance refers to the degree to which the alcohol dependence client correctly follows medical advice. Non drug compliance diminishes the effectiveness of treatment and prone for relapse. TITLE: A study to assess the effectiveness of health fostering nursing intervention on behavioural pattern and drug compliance among alcoholic dependence clients attending de-addiction centre at Psychiatric Tertiary Care Centre, Chennai. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the pre test level of behavioural pattern and drug compliance among alcoholic dependence clients. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of health fostering nursing intervention and to compare the pre and post test level of behavioural pattern and drug compliance among alcoholic dependence clients. 3. To associate the post test level of behavioural pattern and drug compliance with their selected demographic variables. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This study was conducted with 60 alcoholic dependence clients in quantitative approach, quasi experimental non randomized control design. Behavior pattern was assessed by using self structured behavioural pattern tool and for drug compliance MARS – 10 questionnaire in study and control group. After pre test, health fostering nursing intervention was given to clients in study group. At the end of the fourth weeks, post test was conducted using same tools for both groups. RESULTS: The present study findings in pre test, the mean behavioural score in study group and control group were 45.93 and 46.50. After administration of health fostering nursing intervention the post test mean behavioural score were 35.20 and 46.00 with mean differences of 10.80 and 0.5 in study group and control group. The mean difference in study group was statistically significant t = 7.97; p = 0.001. In pre test, the mean drug compliance score in study group and control group were 5.40 and 5.23. After administration of health fostering nursing intervention the post test mean drug compliance score were 7.20 and 5.57 with mean difference of 1.80 and 0.33 in study group and control group. CONCLUSION: Hence health fostering nursing intervention was found to be cost effective, appropriate and feasible to implement in all settings. It will help the clients to attain desire behaviour pattern and drug compliance levels

    A strategic action plan to improve youths' lifestyles and decrease non-communicable diseases in South-West Nigeria

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    Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years constitute over one-third of Africa’s population. This is the age where lifestyle behaviour patterns, such as healthy eating, moderate alcohol intake and regular physical activity are established, and can last a lifetime. If smoking, harmful alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and unhealthy dietary patterns, which are risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs), continue into adulthood, it is challenging to change these unhealthy behaviours. Addressing the mentioned risk factors among young people through health interventions that support positive health attitudes and discourage negative ones can change the projected impact of NCDs in Africa. The aim of this research was to develop a strategic action plan that can be implemented to inform youths about non-risky lifestyles in an attempt to decrease their levels of exposure to risks and ultimately decrease NCDs in South-West Nigeria. A cross-sectional, sequential, mixed-methods design was employed over three phases to study risky lifestyle practices among youths, and developed a strategic action plan to improve lifestyle and prevent NCDs. Youths of both sexes, aged 15–24 years old, from six different tertiary institutions located within the six states of the south-west region of Nigeria, formed the population for this study. Pretesting of the questionnaire as well validation instrument were conducted. A combination of stratified convenient sampling and convenient sampling techniques were utilised to select 384 youth respondents in Phase 1 (quantitative phase) and 25 Delphi experts in Phase 3 (qualitative phase). A selfcompleted questionnaire was used for data gathering in Phase 1, and an embedded assessment validation tool, using the e-Delphi Delphi technique, in Phase 3. Descriptive statistics with frequency distribution tables were constructed and Chi-square tests were performed to identify possible associations between variables using the IBM SPSS version 22.0, in Phase 1. Data indicated that 50.5% of youths smoked, 54.7% consumed alcohol, 87.5% spent between 5 to 14 hours sitting daily; 71.9% (n=276) did not often consume fruits, while only 20.8% (n=80) regularly ate vegetables. It was identified that 24.2% of youths had already been diagnosed with lung disease, 18% with heart disease, 4.7% with cancer, 20.6% with uncontrollable weight gain, and 24.7% with diabetes. Of the respondents, 34.1% perceived that an unhealthy lifestyle would not cause NCDs; 10.7% had no idea that their lifestyle determined their health status, while 7.8% indicated that lifestyle cannot influence health status either positively or negatively. Of concern was that only 27.3% of youths were willing to quit smoking, 45.0 to stop drinking alcohol, 35.4% thought they could quit eating unhealthy food, while 37.5% thought they could exercise more. Youths’ indecision in quitting unhealthy lifestyle practices was attributed to peer influence, low self-esteem, poor governmental control, parental influence, as well as uncontrolled freedom. Consequently, it was suggested that strict rules and regulations be imposed, youths be introduced to counselling, and health values be instilled in young people to help improve youths’ quality of life and prevent NCDs. The draft strategic action plan, based on the findings of Phase 1 and the literature review in Phase 2, was validated in Phase 3. Consensus was reached after two rounds of e-Delphi, resulting in the final strategic action plan. The strategic action plan needs to be adopted by government in the south-west region in Nigeria, implemented and monitored by all stakeholders, namely academics, healthcare practitioners, government officials from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Information, and officials in the government agencies from the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) and Nigeria Customs Services (NCS), who were involved in the development and validation thereof.Health StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (Public Health