2,105 research outputs found

    "Pretty Good Privacy": smuggling in the \u201cInformation Age"

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    This paper addresses the issue of contraband from a legal perspective and focusing on information technology. The topic is introduced through a famous court case involving an encryption system (Pretty Good Privacy) and its creator, (Phil Zimmermann). Clarified at the outset some technical aspects, and after providing few explanations on legal issues, the contribution presents the most relevant theoretical issues that concern trafficking of information, and offers some concluding remarks

    Pretty Good Privacy: An e-mail Security Protocol

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    Security has been an issue in mail from ancient times. Security is still important today.E-mail is as fast and casual as a voice phone call, but can be save and retrieved withinfinitely greater efficiency than paper letters or taped conversations. Security in maildeals first with reliable delivery to the addressee. Security, that is confidential, reliableand known delivery is essential to the success of e-mail. In other words people will notuse a mail system that they cannot trust to deliver their messages. This paper describes the basic approaches for e-mail security and discusses the advanced email security mechanism i.e. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP

    Security Tools 4: Pretty Good Privacy

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    Beim Umgang mit E-Mail (elektronischer Post) mag bei vielen Benutzern das Bild von der Gelben Post im Hinterkopf auftauchen: Man schreibt einen Brief, steckt ihn in einen Umschlag, übergibt ihn dem verantwortlichen System und das sorgt dann dafür, daß er unversehrt beim Empfänger ankommt, der ihn öffnet und liest. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist das Postgeheimnis von der Verfassung garantiert, und darf nur in speziellen Fällen und nach richterlichem Beschluß gebrochen werden. In der Welt der elektronischen Postzustellung sieht es leider etwas anders aus: Eine E-Mail Message ist nicht geheimer als eine Urlaubspostkarte und der eigene Briefkasten nicht sicherer als der eigene Mülleimer. Was man tun kann, um sein Postgeheimnis hier soweit zu sichern, daß nicht einmal der Staatsanwalt herankommt, beschreibt dieser Artikel


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi di era sekarang, semua orang dapat dengan mudah berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan layanan surat menyurat elektronik yang dinamakan email. Email mampu berkomunikasi antar pengguna ke pengguna lainnya melalui internet. Saat berkomunikasi tidak jarang memasukan data yang bersifat rahasia dan dapat dengan mudah diambil oleh orang lain jika tidak memiliki keamanan yang cukup pada email. Maka dibutuhkan proses enkripsi (penyandian pesan) untuk menjaga data saat proses pengirimannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) dengan menggunakan algoritma RSA (asimetris) yaitu sebuah algoritma yang mampu menghasilkan sepasang kunci (public dan private) untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Pada pengujian dengan menggunakan 8 data yang di enkripsi dan dikirim secara acak ke beberapa user, menunjukan hasil informasi data yang telah berubah dari segi size file dan hash yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan MD5. Dari hasil pengujian data yang telah di enkripsi menggunakan algoritma RSA dengan Pretty Good Privacy, dengan format .TXT menunjukan perbedaan size file. Dengan size file data asli 7,402 Bytes dan size file yang di enkripsi menjadi 7,777 Bytes

    Pretty Good Privacy: the Dual Impulse of Samuel Pepyss Diary

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    Samuel Pepys enjoys literary fame because of the diary he kept between 1660 and 1669. Pepys's encrypted diary lay undecoded and unread until the early nineteenth century. Scholars have debated whether the author anticipated future readers, or if he intended the diary for his eyes alone. Pepys's motivation for writing has rhetorical implications for readers that make the question of intention especially important for his diary. Textual and rhetorical evidence supports the idea that Pepys wrote the diary for a future audience to decode and find after his death. Pepys had no specific reader in mind, but he anticipated a humanistic audience similar to what he found in the Royal Society. The diary represents a literary vivisection of Pepys's life, and finding the external audience in Pepys highlights the diary as a seventeenth-century literary innovation that helped define the later course of literature.English Departmen

    Merging and Extending the PGP and PEM Trust Models - the ICE-TEL Trust Model

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    The ICE-TEL project is a pan-European project that is building an Internet X.509 based certification infrastructure throughout Europe, plus several secure applications that will use it. This paper describes the trust model that is being implemented by the project. A trust model specifies the means by which a user may build trust in the assertion that a remote user is really who he purports to be (authentication) and that he does in fact have a right to access the service or information that he is requesting (authorization). The ICE-TEL trust model is based on a merging of and extensions to the existing Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) web of trust and Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) hierarchy of trust models, and is called a web of hierarchies trust model. The web of hierarchies model has significant advantages over both of the previous models, and these are highlighted here. The paper further describes the way that the trust model is enforced through some of the new extensions in the X.509 V3 certificates, and gives examples of its use in different scenarios

    Strong Cryptography: The Global Tide of Change

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    Encryption technology allows people using electronic networks to ensure that the messages they send remain private--secure from hackers, industrial espionage, government wiretap abuses, and spies. Encryption technology will prove vital to the future of electronic commerce. For example, thefts of nuclear secrets from U.S. national laboratories would be much less likely if the labs' commercial software had built-in encryption features that could be used to limit unauthorized access--a type of security product discouraged by export controls. For years the U.S. government has struggled unsuccessfully to control the export of encryption technology from this country. Those ineffectual controls do, however, adversely affect the competitive position of the U.S. software industry and national security. Despite the controls, powerful encryption products are increasingly available around the world. Those products include Pretty Good Privacy, which offers 128-bit encryption, and many others. This paper provides a list of Web sites where such products may be found, thus establishing beyond doubt the futility of controls. Although some of the Web sites may from time to time disappear, others will spring up in their place


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    Aplikasi email merupakan salah satu aplikasi di internet yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan data baik untuk pribadi maupun perusahaan / institusi. Mengirim email dapat menggunakan teknik lampiran file. Keamanan data dalam proses pengiriman e-mail juga dapat diantisipasi atau diterapkan dengan topologi jaringan yang mempunyai sistem keamanan jaringan dengan metode otentikasi pada jaringan, seperti menggunakan fasilitas keamanan login di hotspot kantor atau instansi. Berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara dengan pihak Polres Majalengka ditemukan bahwa pengiriman data menggunakan e-mail masih menggunakan jaringan dengan topologi jaringan star dan akses internet yang digunakan masih bawaan dari ISP seperti menggunakan produk speedy. Untuk keamanan data yang dikirim menggunakan e-mail dengan teknik file attachment belum menggunakan sistem pengamanan data (enkripsi) yang dimiliki oleh aparat maupun aparat kepolisian

    Cryptography, Passwords, Privacy, and the Fifth Amendment

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    Military-grade cryptography has been widely available at no cost for personal and commercial use since the early 1990s. Since the introduction of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), more and more people encrypt files and devices, and we are now at the point where our smartphones are encrypted by default. While this ostensibly provides users with a high degree of privacy, compelling a user to provide a password has been interpreted by some courts as a violation of our Fifth Amendment protections, becoming an often insurmountable hurdle to law enforcement lawfully executing a search warrant. This paper will explore some of the issues around this complex legal and social issue, including the evolution in the use of digital cryptography and the evolving legal interpretations of privacy
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