67,577 research outputs found


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    Javanese languages are a part of Indigenous languages. They are one of culture’s heritages which Javanese people should preserve and protect them in this globalization era. Javanese languages are considered as the cornerstone of culture and the ultimate expression which Javanese people should know that by using them, culture can be shared and transmitted to further generations to express their identities. However, in the real fact, many indigenous languages in this world are almost extinct, and even, Javanese languages almost disappear at this time in some areas and places. It is crystal clear that there is no special caution from other Javanese people, especially government, in trying to preserve them. Not only government, but also the parents and the elders should take part in this case. Javanese languages should be passed on from generation to the other. Even, it is not strange when the parental generation speaks the Javanese language, they do not often pass it on to their children. Therefore, in an increasing number of cases, Javanese languages are used only by elders. Actually, the loss of some Javanese languages can be caused by some factors, such as irresistible social, political, and economic pressures. In this matter, the relationship and the cooperation between a language planning, language policy, language rights and language education are needed to prevent this phenomena. They are used as vehicles for promoting and perpetuating the vitality, versatility, and stability of Javanese languages. Creating and arranging a better language planning and a better language policy are important to do in Indonesia right now to protect Indonesian language and Indigenous languages, especially Javanese languages. It is, of course, also supported by developing and paying attention to the language rights. Moreover, focusing on language in education for children and young people is a best way to start preserving Javanese languages. Including Javanese children and youth in this discussion on language and education is befitting and appropriate. It needs to know that education in classroom and school areas have also the potential of saving and reviving Javanese languages which are at the brink of extinction. The non-recognition and the prohibition of the use of Javanese languages in the education and work place has impacted the lives of many Javanese people, it has affected them from childhood to adulthood, in the creation of their identity and development of their communities. Education world, in classroom and school areas, which was used as an instrument of assimilation of some languages in Indonesia, especially in Central Java, has impacted in the Javanese languages. Therefore, applying code switching and code mixing in teaching English in classroom should be offered to Javanese people, but also to all students who stay in Java island, as a means of combating prejudices and discrimination and promoting inclusive and respectful societies, is better step to do. However, in order to make it real, the cooperation and the seriousness of government, Javanese people, parents, elders, teachers, and even lecturers must be created in Indonesia, especially in Central Java. It is better for government to make a decision explicitly in keeping and preserving Javanese languages from the extinction through teaching activities in classroom and school areas as the basic formal activity. Keywords : Code mixing, code switching, indigenous languages, Javanes


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    Constructivism approach is the newest way to teach Language as foreign language. Mostly, many Vocational high schools in Indonesia use behaviorist approach which the students have to say what the teacher says and what the book says. The problems are; is the method appropriate? Is it works effectively or not? Does it give some benefits for the students or will become the parts of his life? These questions must be considered to achieve success in language acquisition not only as something that is accomplished in the classroom during the particular course, but also as a life-long activity, considering the graduates of Vocational high school students are prepared for the business world . This paper attempts to give a scratch of constructivism approach in teaching English as foreign language which might be a great necessity for the teacher of vocational high school. The content also involves Curriculum in order to be accuracy with the materials. Several points should be taken into consideration to apply the best method in classroom teaching


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    As the computer is rapidly finding its way into classrooms around the world at all levels of education,teachers are trying to find effective ways to integrate this technology into their curriculum. While the effectiveness of using word processing in the teaching of writing is acknowledged, there is still no general consensus on how to use, or even whether to use, asynchronous electronic mail, leaving a number of questions unanswered. For example, when given comparable academic tasks, do students produce similar texts in the two media or do they write differently according to the medium used? In order to determine whether the medium has an effect on the language that the students produce, a discourse analysis of comparable word processed and e-mail writing assignments was carried out, focusing on twelve cohesive features and on text length. The students involved in the study were enrolled in a higher-intermediate English as a Foreign Language course at a university in the United States. The results indicate that two of the cohesive features, as well as text length, differentiated e-mail and word-processed writing. It was also found that, while they tended to write shorter texts in both media, Arab students tended to use more of some of the cohesive features than Asian students


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    In language shifts, ancestral tongues are abandoned by their speakers and replaced, in one way or another, by dominant languages. Such changes in language use will ultimately lead to the irreversible suppression of the world's language diversity. Language maintenance attempts to counter these processes. Linguists may assist ethno linguistic minorities in safeguarding their threatened languages in many different ways, including establishing orthography when necessary, but speakers decide to abandon their heritage languages within a broad socio-political and economic context. Communities uphold or give up languages, so only the speakers of endangered languages themselves can opt for and execute language maintenance activities. Linguists might have to accept that some communities may no longer care for their heritage languages


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    Perkembangan musik di Indonesia saat ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesatdibandingkan dengan era tahun 1960 dan 1970an. Anak Indonesia, saat ini berada dalamkepungan lagu – lagu dewasa. Kosongnya keberadaan lagu anak membawa efek bagiperkembangan anak, baik dari segi psikologis maupun dari aspek berbahasa. Anak tak lagi mendapatkan apa yang sesuai dengan dunia mereka. Bahasa yang notabene belumsemestinya diserap oleh anak, acapkali didendangkan. Tidak ada lagi lagu – lagu bersegmen khusus anak, dengan bahasa anak, dan memuat pendidikan bagi anak. Sudah beberapa saat, anak – anak diberi suguhan lagu dewasa, baik lagu berbahasa asing, laguberbahasa Indonesia, atau bahkan yang menjadi fenomena saat ini adalah: lagu berbahasaJawa dengan memuat kata – kata yang cenderung vulgar. Anak – anak di hampir setiapaktifitasnya mendendangkan lagu yang sebenarnya mengandung bahasa yang tidakselayaknya dikonsumsi. Sungguh sesuatu yang ironis memang, di usia yang seharusnyamenyerap kosakata yang akan mengakar di sepanjang hidup anak, mereka merekam memorikata – kata yang sebenarnya kurang mereka pahami. Dahulu, kita mengenal lagu berbahasaJawa yang didendangkan anak – anak, seperti: Padhang Bulan, Jaranan, Dondong OpoSalak, dan masih banyak lagu anak Jawa lainnya, yang mudah ditangkap dan memuat pesanbudi pekerti. Lagu Dondong Opo Salak, berbeda dengan Lagu Dolanan lain, karena mengetengahkan ragam bahasa Jawa yang berbeda, antara ketika dituturkan kepada orangtua dan kepada yang muda. Pilihan kata di lagu ini mengajarkan kepada anak, berbahasa dan etika

    Jiang Zemin's discourse on intellectuals: the political use of formalised language and the conundrum of stability

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    This article focuses on the specific forms of power that are embodied in the properties and functions of formalised language, as it was used by Jiang Zemin in crucial political documents on the Party’s policy towards intellectuals. This inquiry illuminates various possibilities for the normalisation and inculcation of formalised language in the understudied decade of the 1990s, when the mantra “without stability, nothing can be achieved” became a tautology. The internal constitution of the selected texts is examined with an eye to the dialogic interaction with the production and reception of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s political discourses on intellectuals (Mao 1942; Deng 1978). The analysis of language practices and discursive formations in a comparative per-spective sheds light on the respective socio-political and historical contexts. It also reveals the extreme involution-devolution of formalised language in the Jiang Zemin era, when “preserving stability” was reaffirmed as a crucial concern of the Party leadership with the ultimate aim of preserving its monopoly of power

    On Becoming Human in LingĂ­t AanĂ­: Encountering Levinas through Indigenous Inspirations

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    Calls for taking up wisdom in its place risk re-inscribing coloniality at the level of signification if attempts to resituate intelligibility in the specificity of place are not enacted through a careful translation of experience between victims and perpetrators of colonial violence. At some level, decolonization ought to be conceived as a kind of translation. Emmanuel Levinas' project to "translate" Judaism into Greek is one way of staging such decolonial translation by providing us an internal critique of coloniality while remaining receptive to indigenous inspirations that enrich eco-phenomenological ways of encountering place. In the final instance, however, this paper calls for encountering place through the indigenous languages that make place ethically legible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]Ye


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    The purpose of this case study is going to analyze the process of figure of speech in Sundanese language, being taken from some brief examples of dramas. This study aims to find some forms of figure of speech cases along with the implementation that can be found inside the drama's conversation. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method, which means most of this research has been done at home by the writer and data that are used has been taken from the Sundanese – Indonesian & Indonesian – Sundanese Online Dictionary as one of the main source. Figure of speech can be defined as a style of language or style beautiful language that aims to beautify the words or leave a certain impression and effect to readers both orally and written. Those sentences which have a figure of speech meaning can have the function as well to obtain certain shades of language and to create impressions of more imaginative words.The result of this study is expected to open up new insights about figure of speech in Sundanese language and strongly recommended to be used as reference in future studies as well as a guide in Sundanese language teaching at schools and academies that will enlighten student's mind. The result also explains two main point such as: class division and implementation from figure of speech

    Presupposition, perceptional relativity and translation theory

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    The intertwining of assertions and presuppositions in utterances affects the way a text is perceived in the source language (SL) and the target language (TL). Presuppositions can be thought of as shared assumptions that form the background of the asserted meaning. To translate presuppositions as assertions, or vice versa, can distort the thematic meaning of the SL text and produce a text with a different information structure. Since a good translation is not simply concerned with transferring the propositional content of the SL text, but also its other semantic and pragmatic components, including thematic meaning, a special attention should be accorded to the translation of presupposition. This article examines the intrinsic relation between presupposition and thematic meaning, why the concept is relevant to translation theory, and how presupposition can affect the structure and understanding of discourse. Unshared presuppositions are major obstacles in translation, as cultural concepts may be conveyed through expressions that yield presuppositions. To attain an optimal proximity to the SL text, presupposition needs to be singled out as a distinct aspect of meaning, and distinctions need to be made between definite and indefinite meaning, topic and comment, topic and focus, presupposition and entailment, and presupposition and implicature
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