235 research outputs found

    Privacy Preserving Cryptographic Protocols for Secure Heterogeneous Networks

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    DisertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ kryptografickĂœmi protokoly poskytujĂ­cĂ­ ochranu soukromĂ­, kterĂ© jsou určeny pro zabezpečenĂ­ komunikačnĂ­ch a informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ tvoƙícĂ­ch heterogennĂ­ sĂ­tě. PrĂĄce se zaměƙuje pƙedevĆĄĂ­m na moĆŸnosti vyuĆŸitĂ­ nekonvenčnĂ­ch kryptografickĂœch prostƙedkĆŻ, kterĂ© poskytujĂ­ rozơíƙenĂ© bezpečnostnĂ­ poĆŸadavky, jako je napƙíklad ochrana soukromĂ­ uĆŸivatelĆŻ komunikačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu. V prĂĄci je stanovena vĂœpočetnĂ­ nĂĄročnost kryptografickĂœch a matematickĂœch primitiv na rĆŻznĂœch zaƙízenĂ­ch, kterĂ© se podĂ­lĂ­ na zabezpečenĂ­ heterogennĂ­ sĂ­tě. HlavnĂ­ cĂ­le prĂĄce se zaměƙujĂ­ na nĂĄvrh pokročilĂœch kryptografickĂœch protokolĆŻ poskytujĂ­cĂ­ch ochranu soukromĂ­. V prĂĄci jsou navrĆŸeny celkově tƙi protokoly, kterĂ© vyuĆŸĂ­vajĂ­ skupinovĂœch podpisĆŻ zaloĆŸenĂœch na bilineĂĄrnĂ­m pĂĄrovĂĄnĂ­ pro zajiĆĄtěnĂ­ ochrany soukromĂ­ uĆŸivatelĆŻ. Tyto navrĆŸenĂ© protokoly zajiĆĄĆ„ujĂ­ ochranu soukromĂ­ a nepopiratelnost po celou dobu datovĂ© komunikace spolu s autentizacĂ­ a integritou pƙenĂĄĆĄenĂœch zprĂĄv. Pro navĂœĆĄenĂ­ vĂœkonnosti navrĆŸenĂœch protokolĆŻ je vyuĆŸito optimalizačnĂ­ch technik, napƙ. dĂĄvkovĂ©ho ověƙovĂĄnĂ­, tak aby protokoly byly praktickĂ© i pro heterogennĂ­ sĂ­tě.The dissertation thesis deals with privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols for secure communication and information systems forming heterogeneous networks. The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using non-conventional cryptographic primitives that provide enhanced security features, such as the protection of user privacy in communication systems. In the dissertation, the performance of cryptographic and mathematic primitives on various devices that participate in the security of heterogeneous networks is evaluated. The main objectives of the thesis focus on the design of advanced privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. There are three designed protocols which use pairing-based group signatures to ensure user privacy. These proposals ensure the protection of user privacy together with the authentication, integrity and non-repudiation of transmitted messages during communication. The protocols employ the optimization techniques such as batch verification to increase their performance and become more practical in heterogeneous networks.

    Homomorphic Proximity Computation in Geosocial Networks

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    With the growing popularity of mobile devices that have sophisticated localization capability, it becomes more convenient and tempting to give away location data in exchange for recognition and status in the social networks. Geosocial networks, as an example, offer the ability to notify a user or trigger a service when a friend is within geographical proximity. In this paper, we present two methods to support secure distance computation on encrypted location data; that is, computing distance functions without knowing the actual coordinates of users. The underlying security is ensured by the homomorphic encryption scheme which supports computation on encrypted data. We demonstrate feasibility of the proposed approaches by conducting various performance evaluations on platforms with different specifications. We argue that the novelty of this work enables a new breed of pervasive and mobile computing concepts, which was previously not possible due to the lack of feasible mechanisms that support computation on encrypted location data

    Ideal Meeting Location According to User privacy

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    Outfitted with cutting edge Smartphone and cell phones, today's exceptionally interconnected urban populace is progressively reliant on these contraptions to sort out and arrangement their everyday lives. These applications frequently depend on current (or favored) areas of individual clients or a gathering of clients to give the sought administration, which imperils their security; clients would prefer essentially not to uncover their current (or preferred) locations to the administration supplier or to other, potentially untrusted, clients. In this paper, we propose protection saving calculations for deciding an ideal meeting area for a gathering of clients. We perform an intensive security assessment by formally measuring protection loss of the proposed methodologies. With a specific end goal to concentrate on the execution of our calculations in a genuine organization, we actualize and test their execution effectiveness. By method for a focused on client study, we endeavor to get an understanding into the protection familiarity with clients in area based administrations and the convenience of the proposed solutions.[1


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    Using geosocial applications, such as FourSquare, millions of people interact with their surroundings through their friends and their recommendations. Without adequate privacy protection, however, these systems can be easily misused, for example, to track users or target them for home invasion. In this paper, we introduce LocX, a novel alternative that provides significantly improvedlocation privacy without adding uncertainty into query results or relying on strong assumptions about server security. Our key insight is to apply secure user-specific, distance-preserving coordinate transformations to all location data shared with the server. The friends of a user share this user’s secrets so they can apply the same transformation. This allows all location queries to be evaluated correctly by the server, but our privacy mechanisms guarantee that servers are unable to see or infer the actual location data from the transformed data or from the data access. We show that LocX provides privacy even against a powerful adversary model, and we use prototype measurements to show that it provides privacy with very little performance overhead, making it suitable for today’s mobile devices

    Platial k-Anonymity: Improving Location Anonymity Through Temporal Popularity Signatures

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    Approach for creating useful, gamified and social map applications utilising privacy-preserving crowdsourcing

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    The production and use of geographic information have become easier and more social. The interactivity of maps has fundamentally changed, not only because the touch-based interfaces are easier to use, but also because maps offer possibilities to interact with others. Map applications allow citizens to contribute but also share content to others. This contribution and sharing done by regular people is referred to as crowdsourcing. Map applications that utilise crowdsourcing face specific issues regarding the creation process, the usefulness and the crowdsourcing. These issues, however, have not been studied comprehensively and lack real world examples. This dissertation is the initial step to fill this gap by studying map applications that utilise crowdsourcing. These map applications are described using the design science research approach. Three issues relevant for the map application studied are: 1) the creation process, 2) utility requirements and usability heuristics, and 3) crowdsourcing approach. These issues are studied by using the design science research approach to produce theoretical and empirical knowledge of three map applications utilising crowdsourcing. The aim is to use this knowledge to form a design science research based approach suitable for creating map applications utilising crowdsourcing. The results regarding the creation process indicate that following a specific approach will help in creating crowdsourced map applications. This dissertation provides a customised design science research approach for creating crowdsourced map applications. Furthermore, prescriptive knowledge that provides real world examples crowdsourced map applications is provided. The results concerning the usefulness of map applications utilising crowdsourcing indicate that there are specific utility and usability requirements to be accounted for. This dissertation provides key utility requirements and usability heuristics for crowdsourced map applications. In general, a map interface for exploring and sharing content is needed. The map interface should be simple, citizens should be supported and interaction should be intuitive. The results concerning the crowdsourcing approach of map applications indicate that there is a need for specifying how citizens are involved in the process. This dissertation provides key requirements of the crowdsourcing approach of these types of map applications. The community driven crowdsourcing approach should be supported by official content and an engagement approach based on gamified and social elements to motivate content sharing. Privacy of citizens should be preserved by applying the privacy by design approach throughout the creation process. Privacy-preserving map applications utilising community-driven crowdsourcing, in which citizens can be engaged with gamification and social elements to explore and share content can be created by following the designs science research based approach presented in this dissertation.Geospatiaalisen eli paikkaan liittyvÀn tiedon tuotanto ja kÀyttö on helpottunut ja muuttunut yhÀ yhteisöllisemmÀksi. Myös karttojen vuorovaikutteisuus on perustavanlaatuisesti muuttunut. Karttapohjaiset kÀyttöliittymÀt ovat yhÀ helppokÀyttöisempiÀ ja niiden avulla kansalaiset voivat tuottaa tietoa, mutta myös jakaa sitÀ toisilleen. TÀtÀ tavallisten kansalaisten tekemÀÀ tiedon tuottamista ja jakamista kutsutaan joukkoistamiseksi. Karttasovelluksiin, jotka hyödyntÀvÀt joukkoistettua tiedonkeruuta liittyy kuitenkin erityisiÀ haasteita niiden luomisen, hyödyllisyyden sekÀ joukkoistamisen osalta. NÀitÀ haasteita ei ole vielÀ samanaikaisesti tutkittu kattavasti eikÀ nÀistÀ karttasovelluksista ole tarjolla tarpeeksi kÀytÀnnön esimerkkejÀ ja tietoa. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja on ensimmÀinen askel nÀiden haasteiden ratkaisemiseen, sillÀ tÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa tutkitaan joukkoistamista hyödyntÀviÀ karttasovelluksia. VÀitöskirjassa perehdytÀÀn kolmeen karttasovelluksiin liittyvÀÀn haasteeseen, jotka ovat: 1) luomisprosessin lÀhestymistapa, 2) toiminnalliset vaatimukset ja kÀytettÀvyyden ohjeet ja 3) joukkoistamiseen kÀytetty lÀhestymistapa. NÀitÀ haasteita tutkitaan tuottamalla tietoa kolmesta joukkoistamista hyödyntÀvÀstÀ karttasovelluksesta kÀyttÀen kehitystutkimukseen perustuvaa tutkimusmenetelmÀÀ. TÀtÀ tietoa kÀyttÀen tavoitteena on muokata kehitystutkimukseen perustuvaa lÀhestymistapaa, jotta se soveltuisi joukkoistamista hyödyntÀvien karttasovellusten luomiseen. Luontiprosessin osalta tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ tieteellisen lÀhestymistavan seuraaminen helpottaa joukkoistettujen karttasovelluksien luomisessa. VÀitöskirja ehdottaa muokattua kehitystytkimukseen perustuvaa lÀhestymistapaa joukkoistettujen karttasovellusten luomiseen. LisÀksi vÀitöskirja tarjoaa kuvailevia sekÀ ohjailevia tietoja joukkoistetuista karttasovelluksista kÀytÀnnön esimerkein. Hyödyllisyyden osalta tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ joukkoistetuilla karttasovelluksilla on erityisiÀ toiminnallisia ja kÀytettÀvyyden vaatimuksia. VÀitöskirja kokoaa keskeisiÀ toiminnallisia vaatimuksia sekÀ kÀytettÀvyyden ohjeita. Vaatimuksiin kuuluu helppokÀyttöinen kansalaista tukeva karttakÀyttöliittymÀ sisÀltöjen tutkimiseen sekÀ jakamiseen. Joukkoistamisen osalta tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ on tarve mÀÀritellÀ kuinka kansalaisen osallistuvat prosessiin. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja ehdottaa keskeisiÀ vaatimuksia lÀhestymistavalle joukkoistamiseen. YhteisölÀhtöiseen joukkoistamiseen perustuvaa lÀhestymistapaa tulisi tukea karttasovelluksen sisÀllöillÀ, esimerkiksi kiinnostavalla taustakartalla. LisÀksi pelillisyyteen ja yhteisöllisyyteen perustuvalla sitouttamisella kansalaisia voidaan kannustaa sisÀltöjen jakamiseen. Kansalaisten yksityisyys tulisi turvata seuraamalla sisÀÀnrakennetun tietosuojan lÀhestymistapaa lÀpi koko karttasovelluksen luomisprosessin ajan. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa esitettyÀ kehitystutkimukseen perustuvaa lÀhestymistapaa seuraamalla voidaan luoda yksityisyyden suojaavia ja yhteisölÀhtöistÀ joukkoistamista hyödyntÀviÀ karttasovelluksia, joissa kansalaiset sitoutetaan pelillisyyden ja yhteisöllisyyden keinoin tutkimaan ja jakamaan sisÀltöjÀ
