22,110 research outputs found

    The user in focus: an inclusive approach to the presentations of digital collections of GLAM institutions

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    This paper describes the experience gained at the University of Padova Library System on modelling, creation, management and preservation of digital collections with Phaidra, the Digital Asset Management tool created and developed by the University of Vienna, for GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums). There is also an examination of the motivations and strategies for creating a model for the presentation of the collections aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage of libraries, archives and museums of the University and local partners (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Università Iuav di Venezia) and intended for use by a specialised audience as well as by the general public. Future challenges include the repository certification and the enrichment of the search functionality

    The user in focus: an inclusive approach to the presentations of digital collections of GLAM institutions

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    This paper describes the experience gained at the University of Padova Library System on modelling, creation, management and preservation of digital collections with Phaidra, the Digital Asset Management tool created and developed by the University of Vienna, for GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums). There is also an examination of the motivations and strategies for creating a model for the presentation of the collections aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage of libraries, archives and museums of the University and local partners (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Università Iuav di Venezia) and intended for use by a specialised audience as well as by the general public. Future challenges include the repository certification and the enrichment of the search functionality

    The user in focus: an inclusive approach to the presentation of digital collections of GLAM institutions

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     This paper describes the experience gained at the University of Padova Library System on modelling, creation, management and preservation of digital collections with Phaidra, the Digital Asset Management tool created and developed by the University of Vienna, for GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums. There is also an examination of the motivations and strategies for creating a model for the presentation of the collections aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage of libraries, archives and museums of the University and local partners (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Università Iuav di Venezia) and intended for use by a specialised audience as well as by the general public. Future challenges include the repository certification and the enrichment of the search functionality

    Libraries and Museums in the Flat World: Are They Becoming Virtual Destinations?

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    In his recent book, “TheWorld is Flat”, Thomas L. Friedman reviews the impact of networks on globalization. The emergence of the Internet, web browsers, computer applications talking to each other through the Internet, and the open source software, among others, made the world flatter and created an opportunity for individuals to collaborate and compete globally. Friedman predicts that “connecting all the knowledge centers on the planet together into a single global network…could usher in an amazing era of prosperity and innovation”. Networking also is changing the ways by which libraries and museums provide access to information sources and services. In the flat world, libraries and museums are no longer a physical “place” only: they are becoming “virtual destinations”. This paper discusses the implications of this transformation for the digitization and preservation of, and access to, cultural heritage resources

    Indigenous human rights and knowledge in archives, museums, and libraries: Some international perspectives with specific reference to New Zealand and Canada

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    This article highlights the extent to which international law has changed rapidly in recent years in relation to the rights of Indigenous peoples generally and in particular how this impacts upon the legal status of traditional knowledge and culture. It reviews the recognition of the unique legal status of Māori in Aotearoa and Aboriginal peoples in Canada in relation to self-determination and how their changing place within these nations are affecting the operations of museums, libraries, and archives as case studies, illustrating some of the key legal and practical challenges that now impinge upon the work of archivists and related professionals in many countries

    Preservation strategies for mixed music : the long tail and the short tail

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    I have recently argued (Boutard 201 9)that preservation of digital technologyin mixed music should build upon thework done for the past ten years indigital preservation in relation tocultural heritage institutions, namelylibraries, archives and museums(LAMs). From this premise, I havediscussed several hypotheticaldirections based on a broad and wide-ly discussed distinction between threelevels of preservation: bit-level preser-vation; logical-level preservation; andconceptual-level preservation. Thegoal of such a paper was to emphasizethe similarities in the management ofdigital objects among various culturalheritage institutions at each one ofthese levels, whether these institu-tions manage complex objects (e.g.museums), research data (e.g. aca-demic libraries), or more generic dig-ital artefacts (e.g. archives).The promotion of Findability, Acces-sibility, Interoperability, and Reusabil-ity (FAIR) as well as Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainabil-ity and Technology (TRUST) is now afairly widespread theme in researchdata management and digital archiv-ing (Wilkinson et al. 201 6; Lin et al.2020). These notions provide an over-arching frame for best practices ineach domain.Discussing these notions may entailshifting the discussion from similar-ities to differences between thepreservation of mixed music and thepreservation of digital collections,archives and new media art pieces. Inthis paper, I would like to point atthese differences and to continue thediscussion about the conceptual levelof preservation in relation to docu-mentation methods

    Special Collections Preservation Policy

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    Relating to Special Collections held in Oxford Brookes University Library

    HELIN Library Consortium LORI Grant Statewide Digital Repository Project for Rhode Island -- Lyrasis Consulting Proposal

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    Proposal by Lyrasis Phase 1: The consultants will work with HELIN administration and members to gather background information on the project, and hold an initial “Smart Start” project planning meeting onsite in Rhode Island. Following the in-person meeting, the consultants will assist HELIN in development of focus group questions for project research, development of a survey tool, and additional development on stakeholder use case studies. Phase 2: The consultants will work with HELIN administration and members via phone, e-mail and other methods as needed to assist with repository platform selection. Phase 3: The consultants will prepare and deliver a report based on analysis of existing documentation, outcomes of the onsite visit, results of the focus group activity, and survey results. The report will take the form of an action plan, outlining activities needed to implement the Statewide Digital Repository Project for Rhode Island, and recommending potential projects and service providers to assist with next steps. Following the development of the report, the consultants will return to Rhode Island to make a presentation on the final report to HELIN administration and members

    The National Digital Library– collaborating and interoperating

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    The National Digital Library is the Ministry of Education and Culture’s way of creating a unifying structure for contents and services with the purpose of promoting the availability of digital information resources of archives, libraries and museums and developing the long-term preservation of digital cultural heritage materials. It is one of the key electric research and culture infrastructures currently under construction in Finland. The National Digital Library also contributes to the European Union’s objectives concerning the digitisation of cultural materials and scientific information and their digital availability and longterm preservation. Priorities of the project are: - The creation of a joint public interface for the materials and services of libraries, archives and museums - The digitisation of key materials of libraries, archives and museums and making them available trough the public interface - The development of a long-term preservation solution for digital cultural heritage materials - Competence enhancement. Through the public interface, users can perform searches of digital information resources of libraries, archives and museums renew loans, buy pictures, order materials and use a wide variety of other services. A large majority of the 16 million objects digitised during the project – including historical photographs and maps, old newspapers, church records, war diaries, works of art, artists’ sketch books, museum artefacts and herbarium specimens – will be available to all through the public interface. The public interface will be introduced in phases, beginning in 2011. It is maintained and developed centrally at the National Library of Finland in cooperation with participating organisations. The body responsible for maintaining the technical environment is CSC – the IT Center for Science. A centralised longterm preservation solution for the digital materials will solve the longterm preservation needs of several organisations. It will secure transitions between generations of systems, software and equipment, keeping digital information coherent and understandable for future users. Even in the long-term preservation system, the ownership of materials will remain with the organisation who stored them. The system will be designed to allow the preservation of electronic data resources for research in the future. The long-term preservation development project (2008–2010) was led by the National Archives. The organisation responsible for the first implementation phase (1 June 2010–31 December 2013) of the digital long-term storage system is CSC – the IT Center for Science. The aim is to have the long-term preservation system in use in 2016. The National Digital Library is the most extensive cooperation project between libraries, archives and museums so far in Finland. During the project, cooperation both between and within the library, archive and museum sectors has increased and intensified. Competence enhancement has taken place through training events and update meetings that have attracted thousands of participants in total. According to plans, the administration model in the next phase (2011–2013) will be two-layered. The administration layer consists of the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as the management and steering groups of the National Digital Library. The service system layer consists of the public interface, which is being maintained and developed further, and of the long-term preservation solution, which is in the planning and implementation phase