5,523 research outputs found

    Collaborative and adaptive supply chain planning

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    Dans le contexte industriel d'aujourd'hui, la compétitivité est fortement liée à la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. En d'autres termes, il est essentiel que les unités d'affaires de la chaîne collaborent pour coordonner efficacement leurs activités de production, de façon a produire et livrer les produits à temps, à un coût raisonnable. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous croyons qu'il est nécessaire que les entreprises adaptent leurs stratégies de planification, que nous appelons comportements, aux différentes situations auxquelles elles font face. En ayant une connaissance de l'impact de leurs comportements de planification sur la performance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, les entreprises peuvent alors adapter leur comportement plutôt que d'utiliser toujours le même. Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur l'adaptation des comportements de planification des membres d'une même chaîne d'approvisionnement. Chaque membre pouvant choisir un comportement différent et toutes les combinaisons de ces comportements ayant potentiellement un impact sur la performance globale, il est difficile de connaître à l'avance l'ensemble des comportements à adopter pour améliorer cette performance. Il devient alors intéressant de simuler les différentes combinaisons de comportements dans différentes situations et d'évaluer les performances de chacun. Pour permettre l'utilisation de plusieurs comportements dans différentes situations, en utilisant la technologie à base d'agents, nous avons conçu un modèle d'agent à comportements multiples qui a la capacité d'adapter son comportement de planification selon la situation. Les agents planificateurs ont alors la possibilité de se coordonner de façon collaborative pour améliorer leur performance collective. En modélisant les unités d'affaires par des agents, nous avons simulé avec la plateforme de planification à base d'agents de FORAC des agents utilisant différents comportements de planification dits de réaction et de négociation. Cette plateforme, développée par le consortium de recherche FORAC de l'Université Laval, permet de simuler des décisions de planification et de planifier les opérations de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Ces comportements de planification sont des métaheurisciques organisationnelles qui permettent aux agents de générer des plans de production différents. La simulation est basée sur un cas illustrant la chaîne d'approvisionnement de l'industrie du bois d'œuvre. Les résultats obtenus par l'utilisation de multiples comportements de réaction et de négociation montrent que les systèmes de planification avancée peuvent tirer avantage de disposer de plusieurs comportements de planification, en raIson du contexte dynamique des chaînes d'approvisionnement. La pertinence des résultats de cette thèse dépend de la prémisse que les entreprises qui adapteront leurs comportements de planification aux autres et à leur environnement auront un avantage concurrentiel important sur leurs adversaires

    Proceedings of RSEEM 2006 : 13th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets

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    Electronic markets have been a prominent topic of research for the past decade. Moreover, we have seen the rise but also the disappearance of many electronic marketplaces in practice. Today, electronic markets are a firm component of inter-organisational exchanges and can be observed in many branches. The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets is an annual conference bringing together researchers working on various topics concerning electronic markets in research and practice. The focus theme of the13th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2006) was ?Evolution in Electronic Markets?. Looking back at more than 10 years of research activities in electronic markets, the evolution can be well observed. While electronic commerce activities were based largely on catalogue-based shopping, there are now many examples that go beyond pure catalogues. For example, dynamic and flexible electronic transactions such as electronic negotiations and electronic auctions are enabled. Negotiations and auctions are the basis for inter-organisational trade exchanges about services as well as products. Mass customisation opens up new opportunities for electronic markets. Multichannel electronic commerce represents today?s various requirements posed on information and communication technology as well as on organisational structures. In recent years, service-oriented architectures of electronic markets have enabled ICT infrastructures for supporting flexible e-commerce and e-market solutions. RSEEM 2006 was held at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany in September 2006. The proceedings show a variety of approaches and include the selected 8 research papers. The contributions cover the focus theme through conceptual models and systems design, application scenarios as well as evaluation research approaches

    Efficient Communication in Agent-based Autonomous Logistic Processes

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    Transportation of goods plays a vital role for the success of a logistics network. The ability to transport goods quickly and cost effectively is one of the major requirements of the customers. Dynamics involved in the logistics process like change or cancellation of orders or uncertain information about the orders add to the complexity of the logistic network and can even reduce the efficiency of the entire logistics process. This brings about a need of integrating technology and making the system more autonomous to handle these dynamics and to reduce the complexity. Therefore, the distributed logistics routing protocol (DLRP) was developed at the University of Bremen. In this thesis, DLRP is extended with the concept of clustering of transport goods, two novel routing decision schemes and a negotiation process between the cluster of goods and the vehicle. DLRP provides the individual logistic entities the ability to perform routing tasks autonomously e.g., discovering the best route to the destination at the given time. Even though DLRP seems to solve the routing problem in real-time, the amount of message flooding involved in the route discovery process is enormous. This motivated the author to introduce a cluster-based routing approach using software agents. The DLRP along with the clustering algorithm is termed as the cluster-based DLRP. In the latter, the goods are first clustered into groups based on criteria such as the common destination. The routing is now handled by the cluster head rather than the individual transport goods which results in a reduced communication volume in the route discovery. The latter is proven by evaluating the performance of the cluster-based DLRP approach compared to the legacy DLRP. After the routing process is completed by the cluster heads, the next step is to improve the transport performance in the logistics network by identifying the best means to transport the clustered goods. For example, to have better utilization of the transport capacity, clusters can be transported together on a stretch of overlapping route. In order to make optimal transport decisions, the vehicle calculates the correlation metric of the routes selected by the various clusters. The correlation metric aids in identifying the clusters which can be transported together and thereby can result in better utilization of the transport resources. In turn, the transportation cost that has to be paid to the vehicle can be shared between the different clusters. The transportation cost for a stretch of route is calculated by the vehicle and offered to the cluster. The latter can decide based upon the transportation cost or the selected route whether to accept the transport offer from the vehicle or not. In this regard, different strategies are developed and investigated. Thereby a performance evaluation of the capacity utilization of the vehicle and the transportation cost incurred by the cluster is presented. Finally, the thesis introduces the concept of negotiation in the cluster based routing methods. The negotiation process enhances the transport decisions by giving the clusters and the vehicles the flexibility to negotiate the transportation cost. Thus, the focus of this part of the thesis is to analyse the negotiation strategies used by the logistics entities and their role in saving negotiation time while achieving a favorable transportation cost. In this regard, a performance evaluation of the different proposed strategies is presented, which in turn gives the logistics practitioners an overview of the best strategy to be deployed in various scenarios. Clustering of goods aid in the negotiation process as on the one hand, a group of transport goods have a stronger basis for negotiation to achieve a favorable transportation price from the vehicle. On the other hand it makes it easier for the vehicle to select the packages for transport and helps the vehicle to operate close to its capacity. In addition, clustering enables the negotiation process to be less complex and voluminous. From the analytical considerations and obtained results in the three parts of this thesis, it can be concluded that efficient transport decisions, though very complex in a logistics network, can be simplified to a certain extent utilizing the available information of the goods and vehicles in the network

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Social Welfare

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    "Social Welfare" offers, for the first time, a wide-ranging, internationally-focused selection of cutting-edge work from leading academics. Its interdisciplinary approach and comparative perspective promote examination of the most pressing social welfare issues of the day. The book aims to clarify some of the ambiguity around the term, discuss the pros and cons of privatization, present a range of social welfare paradoxes and innovations, and establish a clear set of economic frameworks with which to understand the conditions under which the change in social welfare can be obtained

    A Transaction-oriented architecture for enterprise systems

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    Many enterprises risk business transactions based on information systems that are incomplete or misleading, given that 80-85% of all corporate information remains outside of their processing scope. It highlights that the bulk of information is too unstructured for these systems to process, but must be taken into account if those systems are to provide effective support. Computer technology nonetheless continues to become more and more predominant, illustrated by SAP A.G. recognising that 65-70% of the world's transactions are run using their technology. Using SAP as an illustrative case study, and by bringing in the benefits of technologies such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EA) and Conceptual Structures, a practical roadmap is identified to a Transaction-Oriented Architecture (TOA) that is predicated on the Transaction Concept. This concept builds upon the Resources-Events-Agents (REA) modelling pattern that is close to business reality. Enterprise systems can thus better incorporate that missing 80-85% of hitherto too-unstructured information thereby allowing enterprise systems vendors such as SAP, their competitors, customers, suppliers and partners to do an ever better job with the world's transactions

    Revitalizing Multilateral Governance at the World Trade Organization Report of the High-Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance. Bertelsmann Policy Brief 2018

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    If international trade is not governed by rules, mere might dictates what is right. The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as a place where trade policy issues are addressed, disputes arbitrated, legal frameworks derived and enforced. Through these functions, the WTO ensures that the rules of trade policy are inspired by fairness and reciprocity rather than national interest. It is more important than ever to vitalize the global public good that it rep-resents against various threats that have been undermining it. Therefore, the Global Economic Dynamics project of the Bertelsmann Stiftung has called into life a High-Level Board of Experts on the Future of Global Trade Governance. Composed of eminent experts and seasoned trade diplomats, it elaborated a series of feasible policy recommendations that will increase the effectiveness and sali-ence of the WTO. We hope that this Report provides helpful suggestions in a time marked by increasing trade disputes and protectionism and instead contributes to stronger multilateral institutions and fora.1 The Bertelsmann Stiftung owes a debt of gratitude to Prof Bernard Hoekman, the Chairman of the Expert Board and author of this report. His invaluable expertise and experience, guidance and ability to bridge controversial opinions have been crucial in defining the work of the Board. We would also like to express our sincere thanks to all our Board Members, who generously contributed their expertise, time and networks. Without their dedication, this Report would not have been possible. Finally, we would like to thank Robert Koopman and Aik Hoe Lim of the WTO for their support throughout the whole process and Christian Bluth of Bertelsmann Stiftung for managing this common endeavour

    Diplomacy as Pedagogy, Pedagogy as Diplomacy: Diplomatic Simulations, Constructivism, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda

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    Diplomatic simulations, or simulations of international or regional organizations (i.e. Model United Nations), present great opportunities that extend beyond the pedagogical value suggested by limited literature. Operationalizing constructivism as both a pedagogical and international relations theory illuminates the implications of diplomatic simulations on participants, diplomacy, and multidisciplinary research. To accomplish this, this exploratory study first performs a thorough literature review to synthesize relevant works. An exploratory content analysis is then employed on documents in a Model United Nations simulation to investigate its utility in accomplishing the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, particularly Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education. Findings suggest that while diplomatic simulations develop skills and knowledge of international relations, they also impact actual diplomacy by disrupting ethnocentrism, exporting political agents, and norm diffusion. Diplomatic simulations can also be used as nontraditional data sources and research methods, providing a unique solution to resource-constrained research endeavors
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