126,276 research outputs found


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    This special issue contains selected papers from the 18th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-18) which took place in Lyon, France, 1–4 June 2008. ESCAPE-18 was the 667th event of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) under responsibility of its CAPE Working Party. CAPE refers to computer aided methods, algorithms and techniques related to process and product engineering. The ESCAPE series brings the latest innovations and achievements by leading professionals from the industrial and academic communities. It serves as a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers, managers and students from academia and industry to present and discuss progress being made in the area of CAPE

    Disintegrating Democracy at Work

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    [Excerpt] This book is about the role that labor unions can and should play in modern service workplaces. Its central motivating question is whether strong and cooperative industrial relations institutions characteristic of social Europe have the potential to give service workers similar benefits to those achieved in the golden age of postwar manufacturing: productive and stable employment characterized by high job quality and low wage inequality. Past academic and policy debates on the relationship between national institutions, management strategies, and worker outcomes have focused overwhelmingly on large export-oriented sectors such as the global auto industry. Institutions in most service industries look a lot less coherent than those described in these accounts. Union membership and works council presence are much lower in services than in manufacturing. Service workers are also less likely to be covered by a union contract or to have traditional occupational training, and their jobs tend to be lower paid and less secure

    International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries

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    The 'Zero Draft' of the International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries(SSF Guidelines) has been prepared based on the outcomes of the extensive consultation process that has taken place during the last few years. This preliminary draft text draws in particular on the Discussion Document: Towards Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries–prepared as a stock-taking exercise by the FAO SSF Guidelines Secretariat in July 2011 and the contributions to and the outcomes of the FAO Workshop on International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries held on 7-10 February 2012 in FAO, Rome. It has been prepared to stimulate further consultations among all concerned parties. The outcomes of these additional consultations will provide guidance to the FAO Secretariat when preparing the text of the SSF Guidelines that will be submitted as a draft to the formal inter-governmental negotiation process tentatively scheduled for May 2013

    Politics, Poetics and “the Tragedy of Existence”. The Reception of Młyny Boże [the Mills of God] Novel Series by Kazimierz Truchanowski by the Censorship Bureau

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    The article analyzes the censorship board’s reception of Kazimierz Truchanowski’s novel cycle The Mills of the God, published between 1961 and 1967. The analysis gives an insight into the interesting process of the growing tolerance – and indifference – of censorship board towards this kind of hermetic, non-epic prose: far from the official cultural course, but at the same time not coming into open conflict with it. Review of censors’ reception of the subsequent parts of Truchanowski’s novel can be seen as a contribution to the history of the so-called “socparnasizm” as well as to the history of the growing pragmatism of the censorship board (and its de-ideologization)

    Treading the lines between self-interest, cultural relativism and universal principles: ethics in the global marketplace

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    Purpose: This paper introduces this special issue of Management Decision by exploring the themes of the issue and the contribution of each of the articles in the collection. Approach: The paper reviews notions of ethics, justice and responsibility. It then uses the framework developed through this review as the basis for an appreciation of the articles that constitute the issue. Value: This article provides an introduction to, and suggests an overarching framework for, this special issue on questions we ask about ethics in a global marketplace. It is also an important reminder to managers and employees who constitute the entities to which “responsibility” is generally attached, that responsibility, ultimately, is irreducible beyond the individual, who cannot simply “follow orders”

    Introduction to the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming Special Issue

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    This is the preface to the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming Special IssueComment: 6 page

    What Europe Knows and Thinks About Algorithms Results of a Representative Survey. Bertelsmann Stiftung eupinions February 2019

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    We live in an algorithmic world. Day by day, each of us is affected by decisions that algorithms make for and about us – generally without us being aware of or consciously perceiving this. Personalized advertisements in social media, the invitation to a job interview, the assessment of our creditworthiness – in all these cases, algorithms already play a significant role – and their importance is growing, day by day. The algorithmic revolution in our daily lives undoubtedly brings with it great opportunities. Algorithms are masters at handling complexity. They can manage huge amounts of data quickly and efficiently, processing it consistently every time. Where humans reach their cognitive limits, find themselves making decisions influenced by the day’s events or feelings, or let themselves be influenced by existing prejudices, algorithmic systems can be used to benefit society. For example, according to a study by the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration, automotive mechatronic engineers with Turkish names must submit about 50 percent more applications than candidates with German names before being invited to an in-person job interview (Schneider, Yemane and Weinmann 2014). If an algorithm were to make this decision, such discrimination could be prevented. However, automated decisions also carry significant risks: Algorithms can reproduce existing societal discrimination and reinforce social inequality, for example, if computers, using historical data as a basis, identify the male gender as a labor-market success factor, and thus systematically discard job applications from woman, as recently took place at Amazon (Nickel 2018)

    Rehabilitating Statistical Evidence

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    Recently, the practice of deciding legal cases on purely statistical evidence has been widely criticised. Many feel uncomfortable with finding someone guilty on the basis of bare probabilities, even though the chance of error might be stupendously small. This is an important issue: with the rise of DNA profiling, courts are increasingly faced with purely statistical evidence. A prominent line of argument—endorsed by Blome-Tillmann 2017; Smith 2018; and Littlejohn 2018—rejects the use of such evidence by appealing to epistemic norms that apply to individual inquirers. My aim in this paper is to rehabilitate purely statistical evidence by arguing that, given the broader aims of legal systems, there are scenarios in which relying on such evidence is appropriate. Along the way I explain why popular arguments appealing to individual epistemic norms to reject legal reliance on bare statistics are unconvincing, by showing that courts and individuals face different epistemic predicaments (in short, individuals can hedge when confronted with statistical evidence, whilst legal tribunals cannot). I also correct some misconceptions about legal practice that have found their way into the recent literature