9 research outputs found

    0028/2009 - Problemas na Elicitação de Requisitos: Uma visão de pesquisa/literatura

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    A primeira fase na engenharia de requisitos é a elicitação de requisitos, na qual as informações sobre as necessidades do cliente são adquiridas, sendo crucial e crítica e podendo comprometer todas as etapas subseqüentes do desenvolvimento. O presente relatório apresenta um levantamento dos problemas que ocorrem durante a elicitação de requisitos citados na literatura da área

    Probabilistic Graphical Modelling for Software Product Lines: A Frameweork for Modeling and Reasoning under Uncertainty

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    This work provides a holistic investigation into the realm of feature modeling within software product lines. The work presented identifies limitations and challenges within the current feature modeling approaches. Those limitations include, but not limited to, the dearth of satisfactory cognitive presentation, inconveniency in scalable systems, inflexibility in adapting changes, nonexistence of predictability of models behavior, as well as the lack of probabilistic quantification of model’s implications and decision support for reasoning under uncertainty. The work in this thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a series of solutions. The first solution is the construction of a Bayesian Belief Feature Model, which is a novel modeling approach capable of quantifying the uncertainty measures in model parameters by a means of incorporating probabilistic modeling with a conventional modeling approach. The Bayesian Belief feature model presents a new enhanced feature modeling approach in terms of truth quantification and visual expressiveness. The second solution takes into consideration the unclear support for the reasoning under the uncertainty process, and the challenging constraint satisfaction problem in software product lines. This has been done through the development of a mathematical reasoner, which was designed to satisfy the model constraints by considering probability weight for all involved parameters and quantify the actual implications of the problem constraints. The developed Uncertain Constraint Satisfaction Problem approach has been tested and validated through a set of designated experiments. Profoundly stating, the main contributions of this thesis include the following: • Develop a framework for probabilistic graphical modeling to build the purported Bayesian belief feature model. • Extend the model to enhance visual expressiveness throughout the integration of colour degree variation; in which the colour varies with respect to the predefined probabilistic weights. • Enhance the constraints satisfaction problem by the uncertainty measuring of the parameters truth assumption. • Validate the developed approach against different experimental settings to determine its functionality and performance

    An i*-based Reengineering Framework for Requirements Engineering

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    Avui en dia, els sistemes d'informació són un actiu clau en les organitzacions i sovint els proporcionen un avantatges competitiu. Per a que això segueixi així, han de ser mantinguts i evolucionats d'acord amb els objectius estratègics de la organització. Aquesta evolució inclou els requeriments del sistema d'informació, la tecnologia emprada i els processos suportats. L'impacte dels canvis pot anar des de petites modificacions al desenvolupament d'un nou sistema d'informació i, per aquest motiu, l'evolució dels sistemes d'informació s'analitza durant la fase de requeriments, on es possible avaluar-ne la magnitud utilitzant menys recursos. Des d'aquest punt de vista, els mètodes de l'enginyeria de requeriments i els de la reenginyeria de processos sovint comparteixen els mateixos objectius i es pot considerar que la reenginyeria de processos es adequada tant per al desenvolupament com per al manteniment dels sistemes d'informació. El llenguatge i* està orientat a objectius i permet modelar els sistemes d'informació en termes d'actors i dependencies entre ells. El llenguatge i* s'utilitza en l'enginyeria de requeriments i en la reenginyeria de processos de negoci, però no existeixen gaires propostes comunes a ambdues disciplines. Amb l'objectiu d'utilitzar el llenguatge i* en la reenginyeria de processos, s'ha definit PRiM, un mètode basat en i* per a la reenginyeria de processos (Proces Reenginieering i*-based Method). PRiM assumeix que ja existeix un procés que s'utilitzarà com a punt de partida per l'especificació o l'evolució del nou sistema d'informació. El mètode PRiM consta de sis fases: 1) l'anàlisi dels processos i dels sistemes d'informació actuals, 2) la construcció del model i*, 3) la reenginyeria dels processos actuals, 4) la generació de models i* representant les diferents alternatives, 5) l'avaluació de les alternatives utilitzant mètriques estructurals i 6) l'especificació del nou sistema d'informació a partir del model i* escollit. En les sis fases de PRiM, s'utilitzen diferents mètodes i tècniques algunes creades expressament pel mètode i d'altres provinents de l'enginyeria de requeriments i la reenginyeria de processos. Tot i això, hi ha altres mètodes i tècniques que poden ser utilitzades enlloc d'aquestes i que poden ser mes convenients quan les condicions d'aplicació del mètode canvien. Per tal de permetre la selecció i inclusió d'altres tècniques, es proposa l'aplicació de l'enginyeria de mètodes (Method Engineering). Aquesta disciplina permet construir nous mètodes a partir de parts de mètodes ja existents, i s'ha utilitzat per definir un mètode marc per a la reenginyeria anomenat ReeF (Reengineering Framework). A ReeF, les sis fases de PRiM es presenten de forma genèrica per tal de permetre la selecció de la tècnica més apropiada per cada una de les fases, a partir de l'experiència de l'usuari com dels seus coneixements de l'aplicació. Com a exemple d'aplicació de ReeF, s'ha definit el mètode SARiM.Les contribucions principals de la tesis son dues. En primer lloc, els dos mètodes basats en i* definits (PRiM per a la reenginyeria de processos, i SARiM, per a la reenginyeria d'arquitectures software). En segon lloc, les diferents tècniques i* definides en PRiM i que poden ser utilitzades per construir models i*, generar alternatives i avaluar-les amb mètriques estructurals. Aquestes tècniques i mètodes s'han obtingut a partir de l'estudi de l'estat de l'art i s'han validat en diferents casos d'estudi formatius i en un cas d'estudi industrial. Com a suport, s'han desenvolupat dues eines: 1) REDEPEND-REACT, que permet la modelització gràfica de models i*, la generació d'alternatives i la definició de mètriques estructurals, i 2) J-PRiM, que dóna suport a les fases de PRiM mitjançant el tractament textual dels models i*.Information Systems are a crucial asset of the organizations and can provide competitive advantages to them. However, once the Information System is built, it has to be maintained and evolved, which includes changes on the requirements, the technology used, or the business processes supported. All these changes are diverse in nature and may require different treatments according to their impact, ranging from small improvements to the deployment of a new Information System. In both situations, changes are addressed at the requirements level, where decisions are analysed involving less resources. Because Requirements Engineering and Business Process Reengineering methods share common activities, and the design of the Information System with the business strategy has to be maintained during its evolution, a Business Process Reengineering approach is adequate for addressing Information Systems Development when there is an existing Information System to be used as starting point. The i* framework is a well-consolidated goal-oriented approach that allows to model Information Systems in a graphical way, in terms of actors and dependencies among them. The i* framework addresses Requirements Engineering and Business Process Reengineering but none of the i*-based existing approaches provides a complete framework for reengineering. In order to explore the applicability of i* for a reengineering framework, we have defined PRiM: a Process Reengineering i* Method, which assumes that there is an existing process that is the basis for the specification of the new Information System. PRiM is a six-phase method that combines techniques from the fields of Business Process Reengineering and Requirements Engineering and defines new techniques when needed. As a result PRiM addresses: 1) the analysis of the current process using socio-technical analysis techniques; 2) the construction of the i* model by differentiating the operationalization of the process form the strategic intentionality behind it; 3) the reengineering of the current process based on its analysis for improvements using goal acquisition techniques; 4) the generation of alternatives based on heuristics and patterns; 5) the evaluation of alternatives by defining structural metrics; and, 6) the specification of the new Information System from the selected i* model.There are several techniques from the Requirements Engineering and Business Process Reengineering fields, that can be used instead the ones selected in PRiM. Therefore, in order to not enforce the application of a certain technique we propose a more generic framework where to use and combine them. Method Engineering is the discipline that constructs new methods from parts of existing ones and, so, it is the approach adopted to define ReeF: a Reengineering Framework. In ReeF the six phases of PRiM are abstracted and generalized in order to allow selecting the most appropriate techniques for each of the phases, depending on the user expertise and the domain of application. As an example of the applicability of ReeF, the new method SARiM is defined. The main contributions of this work are twofold. On the one hand, two i*-based methods are defined: the PRiM method, which addresses process reengineering, and SARiM, which addresses software architecture reengineering. On the other hand, we provide several i*-based techniques to be used for constructing i* models, generating alternatives, and evaluating them using Structural Metrics. These methods and techniques are based on exhaustive review of existing work and their validation is done by means of several formative case studies and an industrial case study. Tool support has been developed for the approach: REDEPEND-REACT supporting the graphical modelling of i*, the generation of alternatives and the definition of Structural Metrics; and J-PRiM supporting all the phases of the PRiM method using a textual visualization of the i* models

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links.Postprint (published version

    Suffering in Babylon: Ludlul bēl nēmeqi and the scholars, ancient and modern

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    Suffering in Babylon comprises a series of studies on Ludlul bēl nēmeqi. Part One examines the modern scholarship surrounding the poem’s textual reconstruction and translation. Ludlul exists today as a composite text, pieced together over the last 180 years from dozens of cuneiform tablets and fragments from various archaeological sites. With these disparate sources, Assyriologists have reconstructed three quarters of the poem’s original text, which is here translated anew with extensive epigraphic and philological notes. Part Two explores the historical contexts of the poem and its reception among first-millennium scribes. Whether the poem’s protagonist is the historical Šubši-mešrê-Šakkan or not, his experiences as described in the poem provide insight into the worldview and concerns of the ancient scholars among whom the poem’s author was counted, likely from the ranks of the exorcists. The protagonist’s experience with divine revelation sheds light on those scholars’ divinatory worldview. The anatomical and pathological vocabulary used to describe his suffering compares well to the vocabulary in exorcism texts. The ritual failures he experiences reflect the poem’s institutional agenda. And the structure and language of his first person account shows intertextual connections with incantation prayers, a genre distinctive to exorcism. The poem’s subsequent incorporation into various scribal curricula and tablet collections demonstrates the poem’s cultural stature among first-millennium scribes, who wrote a commentary on Ludlul and used the text in the creation of others. Part Three offers a comparative study that bridges the ancient and modern scholarly horizons. Drawing on both ancient and modern scholarship, it compares the protagonist’s experience of the alû demon with the clinical condition known today as sleep paralysis. The book’s underlying goal is to illustrate the potential of a multi-perspectival approach to Akkadian literature that acknowledges the contexts of both ancient and modern scholars involved in producing meaningful readings of this ancient literary gem

    The pragmatics of the quotative frame: a comparative study of Homer and Mesopotamian mythological narrative

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    This study looks to consider how the narrator uses the boundaries of speech within a narrative to guide and influence their audience. This is done by looking at three specific aspects. Firstly, the quotative frame in Greek and Near-Eastern literature is considered. The Near-Eastern analysis provides a comprehensive documentation of the introductory and capping formulas used for direct speech in a range of Akkadian literature. The Greek analysis looks more specifically at the transitional phrase, which lies between two speeches and allows the narrator to encode information to help the audience understand how to appreciate the speeches. Secondly, this study considers the role of interjections in Homeric narratives and how they are distinguished within the text due to their position at the start of speech. This prominence is utilised by the narrator to further influence the external audience into placing their focus on specific aspects and know where their sympathies are supposed to lie. The second chapter demonstrates that while both Greek and Akkadian languages can use interjections in similar ways, their use to influence audience as exhibited in the Homeric texts is lacking in the Near-Eastern material. Thirdly, this study considers moments of silence in the text, specifically where the contents of a speech are dramatic enough to force characters in the text into silence, and thus shift back to narrative. Using the term siopic hiatus, the third chapter argues that the Homeric narrator creates an artificial threat to the narrative through this silence, which in reality foreshadows a progression of narrative. This contrasts with the Near-Eastern material, where such a feature is lacking. This demonstrates a higher level of performance and interactivity between narrator and audience in Greece than in the Near-East

    Preface to RIGIM 2007

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    Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications [electronic resource] : ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007, Proceedings /

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    The 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling in Auckland, New Zealand, hosted six workshops which allowed participants to focus their p- sentations and discussions on advanced topics that cannot easily ?t the general conference scope. Thirteen good quality proposals were received and nine were selected. Due to the similarity of their scope, two pairs were suggested to merge, leading to seven proposals. One workshop attracted fewer submissions than expected, so that its selected papers were integrated into the conference. Finally, six wo- shopswerekept.Interestingly,fourofthem(FP-UML,ONISW,QoIS,SeCoGIS) were a sequel of workshops that were held in the last few years, while two were new (CMLSA, RIGiM), exhibiting both the maturity and the innovation of the workshops. Following the call for papers, we received 114 complete submissions, from which 40 quality papers wereselected, giving an acceptance rate of 35% (a fairly standard score for workshops). The following six workshops were organized: – ConceptualModellingforLifeSciencesApplications (CMLSA2007),chaired by Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen and Sven Hartmann. This workshopaddressed the speci?c challenges posed by the large data volumes, the complexity and the data and software heterogeneity involved by life science applications. – Foundations and Practices of UML (FP-UML 2007), chaired by Juan Trujillo and Je?rey Parsons. The third edition of this workshop gathered researchers and practitioners on topics related to data warehouses, security, model transformation, state diagrams development and model quality.CMLSA 2007 – International Workshop on Conceptual Modelling for Life Sciences Applications -- Preface to CMLSA 2007 -- Knowledge Discovery in Life Sciences -- Pattern Recognition of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Data -- Massive Protein Structural Property Explorations Using New Indexing Mechanism -- Data Integration and Exchange in Health Informatics -- Data Access and Management in ACGT: Tools to Solve Syntactic and Semantic Heterogeneities Between Clinical and Image Databases -- Ontology-Based Data Integration in Data Logistics Workflows -- Model-Driven Development Based Transformation of Stereotyped Class Diagrams to XML Schemas in a Healthcare Context -- Conceptual Modelling for Biological Systems -- An Extendable System for Conceptual Modeling and Simulation of Signal Transduction Pathways -- Toward an Ontological Database for Subcellular Neuroanatomy -- Seed-Based Generation of Personalized Bio-ontologies for Information Extraction -- FP-UML 2007 – International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML -- Preface to FP-UML 2007 -- Improving the Use of UML Diagrams -- Developing State Diagrams Using a State Specialization Technique -- Quality Dependencies Among Use Case Models and Sequence Diagrams Developed by Novice Systems Analysts -- M-BPSec: A Method for Security Requirement Elicitation from a UML 2.0 Business Process Specification -- Model Transformations and Extensions -- Applying Model Transformation By-Example on Business Process Modeling Languages -- Extending OCL to Ensure Model Transformations -- A UML Profile for Modeling Data Warehouse Usage -- ONISW 2007 – InternationalWorkshop on Ontologies and Information Systems for the Semantic Web -- Preface to ONISW 2007 -- A Method for Semi-automatic Creation of Ontologies Based on Texts -- Enriching OWL with Instance Recognition Semantics for Automated Semantic Annotation -- Making Web Users’ Domain Models Explicit by Applying Ontologies -- Provability-Based Semantic Interoperability Via Translation Graphs -- QoIS 2007 – International Workshop on Quality of Information Systems -- Preface to QoIS 2007 -- PQM vs. BPQM: Studying the Tailoring of a General Quality Model to a Specific Domain -- An Ontological Approach for the Quality Assessment of Computer Science Conferences -- Using Practitioners for Assessing the Understandability of UML Statechart Diagrams with Composite States -- RIGiM 2007 – International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modelling -- Preface to RIGiM 2007 -- Keynote -- An Ontology for Requirements -- Requirements and Goals – Methods -- GOORE : Goal-Oriented and Ontology Driven Requirements Elicitation Method -- Early Prioritisation of Goals -- Goal-Aligned Requirements Generation -- A Model-Driven Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering Approach for Data Warehouses -- Visually Effective Goal Models Using KAOS -- Agent Based Executable Conceptual Models Using i* and CASO -- Requirements and Goals – Concepts -- Achieving, Satisficing, and Excelling -- On the Adequacy of i* Models for Representing and Analyzing Software Architectures -- Extending Argumentation to Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering -- SeCoGIS 2007 – International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems -- Preface to SeCoGIS 2007 -- Moving Objects -- Modeling Historical and Future Spatio-temporal Relationships of Moving Objects in Databases -- Towards a Semantic Spatial Model for Pedestrian Indoor Navigation -- Modeling Collaborative Semantics with a Geographic Recommender -- Dynamically Traveling Web Service Clustering Based on Spatial and Temporal Aspects -- Advances in Conceptual Modelling for GIS -- A Graph-Oriented Model and Query Language for Events -- PLR Partitions: A Conceptual Model of Maps -- A Conceptual Framework to Support Semantic Interoperability of Geospatial Datacubes -- Integrity Constraints and Approximate Reasoning -- On Languages for the Specification of Integrity Constraints in Spatial Conceptual Models -- Approximate Queries by Relaxing Structural Constraints in GIS -- Ensuring the Semantic Correctness of Complex Regions.The 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling in Auckland, New Zealand, hosted six workshops which allowed participants to focus their p- sentations and discussions on advanced topics that cannot easily ?t the general conference scope. Thirteen good quality proposals were received and nine were selected. Due to the similarity of their scope, two pairs were suggested to merge, leading to seven proposals. One workshop attracted fewer submissions than expected, so that its selected papers were integrated into the conference. Finally, six wo- shopswerekept.Interestingly,fourofthem(FP-UML,ONISW,QoIS,SeCoGIS) were a sequel of workshops that were held in the last few years, while two were new (CMLSA, RIGiM), exhibiting both the maturity and the innovation of the workshops. Following the call for papers, we received 114 complete submissions, from which 40 quality papers wereselected, giving an acceptance rate of 35% (a fairly standard score for workshops). The following six workshops were organized: – ConceptualModellingforLifeSciencesApplications (CMLSA2007),chaired by Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen and Sven Hartmann. This workshopaddressed the speci?c challenges posed by the large data volumes, the complexity and the data and software heterogeneity involved by life science applications. – Foundations and Practices of UML (FP-UML 2007), chaired by Juan Trujillo and Je?rey Parsons. The third edition of this workshop gathered researchers and practitioners on topics related to data warehouses, security, model transformation, state diagrams development and model quality