16,990 research outputs found


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    Technology-related training in the healthcare sector is crucial. Based on the high job responsibility and the variety of healthcare professionals with regards to different job roles, tasks etc., the assurance of positive learning outcomes can be a challenge. Prior research shows that motivation to learn is a predictor for positive learning outcomes. Therefore, a literature review is done to show the current state of the art. In the next step and to identify the healthcare professionals’ predictors for motivation to learn, an exploratory study is done. 18 French healthcare professionals are interviewed by using semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, several propositions are concluded which suggest that self-efficacy, personal and professional development and learner characteristics are predictors for motivation to learn as well as the environment for learning and working environment conditions

    Impact of EHR Technology Implementation on Physicians\u27 Job Satisfaction

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    The concept of an electronic health record (EHR) has been the solicitous subject of researchers’ discussion in recent times. The impact that a successful implementation of EHRs can have on physicians cannot be overstated. Factors which are critical to successful implementation of EHR systems are commonly known as crucial technology implementation factors (CTIFs). The present study investigates the CTIFs of EHR systems and also their impact on physicians’ job satisfaction and characteristics in North Indian multispecialty hospitals. The questionnaire has been distributed to physicians of 12 hospitals that have been using EHR technology. It has been concluded that five CTIFs—organizational support, training, software attributes, acceptance to change, and computer knowledge—play a more important role than that played by other factors. The factors have not been considered separately on the basis of preimplementation scenario and postimplementation phase. The study attempts to analyze the impact of EHR systems on job operational performance of physicians

    The Impact of Leadership Styles on Intention to Report Errors in the Healthcare Sector

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    The healthcare sector has a complex context consisting of a variety of professions with different designations who work collaboratively to provide safe patient care. The reporting of medical errors is an important indicator of quality improvement, which can promote patient safety. Underreporting is a significant issue in healthcare sectors worldwide, and the failure to report errors contributes to bad and adverse patient outcomes, increased hospital stays, decreased efficiency and increased patient mortality. The interaction between nurses and their leaders plays an important role in nurses’ errorreporting behaviours. While effective leadership promotes and strengthens quality in health care, which leads to assurance of positive outcomes, ineffective leadership leads to patient harm. Although many studies show the importance of leadership in health care, few have studied the link between leadership styles and the effect of these styles on patients and any quality. Studies have shown that different leadership styles affect both staff’s overall performance and error-reporting behaviours, but no studies have examined the direct effect of different leadership styles on nurses’ intention to report errors, which is one of the important indicators for patient safety. To promote and enhance the intention to report errors, the important factors and predictors need to be identified. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB), a well-validated and well-established theory, can predict the intention to report errors through three predictors: attitude, subjective norms (SNs) and perceived behavioural control (PBC)

    From Faculty Development to the Classroom: A Qualitative Study of How Nurse Educators Turn Faculty Development into Action

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand the transfer of learning by uncovering how various factors supported the integration of knowledge and skills gleaned from the Faculty Development: Integrated Technology into Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (ITNEP) programs into nursing education curricula. Through interviews with 20 participants from four ITNEP programs, this study confirmed the importance of learner characteristics, program design elements, and factors in the work environment for supporting successful transfer of learning and supports a variety of other transfer of learning research findings. New or seldom discussed supportive individual characteristics were found, including: leadership abilities, lifelong learning, ability to recognize limitations, persistence, creativity, and risk-taking. Study findings suggest that proactive personality may support transfer of learning. Participants maintained motivation from pre-training through post-training at a high enough level to successfully transfer learning. The importance of networking opportunities, a diversity of perspectives, post conference support, and teams in programs designs were found to positively influence transfer and were discussed in relation to social influence. The variety of supportive factors in the participants' work environments, including strategic alignment, strengthens the assertions that transfer may be individually context dependent. Barriers to transfer efforts in the work environment were also addressed. Additionally, while patterns of specific characteristics emerged, interacting findings were found threaded throughout

    Dynamic Capability Building through partnering: An Australian Mobile handset case Study

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    Dynamic capabilities are increasingly seen as an organisational characteristic for innovation and are regarded as a source of competitive advantage. In a quest for sustainability, service organisations are partnering with their stakeholders, and subsequently are aptly bringing innovation in services to market. Most of existing empirical research regarding dynamic capabilities seeks to define and identify specific dynamic capabilities, as well as their organizational antecedents or effects. Yet, the extent to which the antecedents of success in particular dynamic capabilities, contribute to innovation in service organisations remains less researched. This study advances the understanding of such dynamic capability building process through effective collaboration, and highlights the detailed mechanisms and processes of capability building within a service value network framework to deliver innovation in services. Deploying a case study methodology, transcribing interviews with managers and staff from an Australian telco and its partnering organisations, results show that collaboration, collaborative organisational learning, collaborative innovative capacity, entrepreneurial alertness and collaborative agility are all core to fostering innovation in services. Practical implications of this research are significant, and that the impacts of collaboration and the dynamic capabilities mentioned above are discussed in the context of a mobile handset case study

    Effective Nurse Recruitment Methods for Long-Term Care Facilities

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    Nurse recruitment is a challenge for long-term care (LTC) leaders. Some owners of LTC businesses lack knowledge of how to attract, market, and hire qualified nurses to help ensure success. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the methods and strategies LTC leaders used to recruit nurses. The target population consisted of leaders of 3 LTC facilities who were responsible for recruiting nurses. This selection was based on findings that organization leaders experienced a downsizing of more than 20% of their personnel. The conceptual framework was the motivation-hygiene theory. Working conditions were influenced by Herzberg\u27s 2-factor principles of job dissatisfaction. I focused on analyzing the participant data, public documents, and performance outcomes that demonstrated the effectiveness of participant recruitment strategies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews. I compared the motivational hygiene theory factors that influenced employee job satisfaction and dissatisfaction identified with the conceptual framework and any new studies published since beginning my study. Results of data coding and analysis revealed 3 major themes: communicating job descriptions to new LTC recruits, hiring for nurseâposition fit to address turnover, and making the position attractive by offering competitive wages and benefits. Successful recruiting strategies included ensuring nurse position fit, contacting qualified candidates, and work conditions designed to meet candidates\u27 needs, expectations, and requirements. Results of this study might contribute to social change by providing recruitment strategies to ensure quality nursing services in LTC and strategies necessary to sustain business operations

    Estrategias para la prevención del tecnoestrés en profesorado universitario: una revisión sistemática

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    El presente proyecto de investigación se centra en revisar las estrategias de prevención del tecnoestrés reportadas en la literatura científica entre los años 2014 a 2021 aplicables al profesorado universitario en general, ya que la sobrecarga del uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) generan tecnoestrés que afecta su área biológica, psicológica y social. Este se plantea a través de una revisión sistemática mediante la recopilación de 60 artículos científicos utilizando bases de datos como: Scopus, Pubmed, Frontiers in Psychology y Dialnet. El análisis de los textos anteriores se elaboró mediante una matriz bibliográfica, con el fin de determinar las estrategias de prevención del tecnoestrés aplicadas en la actualidad, fundamentada en los docentes universitarios; de los cuales se seleccionaron 15 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados encontrados en estos artículos corresponden a estrategias dirigidas a la prevención y la intervención, donde se hallan algunas enfocadas a nivel individual y organizacional como: habilidades de afrontamiento, autoeficacia, capacitaciones y adaptación al uso de las TIC, control emocional y bienestar psicosocial en profesores universitarios. Posteriormente, se realizaron una serie de conclusiones orientadas a la recomendación de desarrollar futuras investigaciones experimentales con la aplicación de programas de prevención, teniendo en cuenta factores individuales y organizacionales que estén enfocadas en los tecnoestresores, para la contribución de esta condición tanto para profesores universitarios como demás personas cuyo trabajo requiere constantemente el uso de las TIC.This research project focuses on reviewing the technostress prevention strategies reported in the scientific literature between 2014 and 2021 applicable to university teachers in general, who due to the overload of technology use present technostress affecting their biological, psychological and social. This is proposed from the qualitative approach with a descriptive scope, through a systematic review by compiling 60 scientific articles using scientific databases such as: Scopus, Pubmed, Frontiers in Psychology and Dialnet. For the analysis of the previous texts, a matrix was elaborated in order to determine the technostress prevention strategies currently applied, based on university teachers; of which 15 articles that met inclusion criteria were selected. The results found in these articles correspond to strategies aimed at prevention and intervention, where some are focused at the individual and organizational level, such as: coping skills, self-efficacy, training and adaptation to the use of TIC, emotional control and psychosocial well-being in University teachers. Subsequently, some conclusions are generated that focus on the recommendation yo carry out future experimental investigations wit the application of prevention programs taking into account individual, organizational factors and that are focused on each type of technostress, for the contribution of this condition both for university professors and for people work with the constant use of TIC.Dedicatoria. -- Resumen. -- Abstract. -- Introducción. -- Planteamiento del Problema. -- Pregunta de Investigación. -- Objetivos. -- Objetivo General. -- Objetivos específicos. -- Justificación. -- Antecedentes. -- Marco Teórico. -- Metodología. -- Diagrama de flujo 1. -- Resultados. -- Gráfico 1. -- Gráfico 2. -- Tabla 1 estrategias de prevención. -- Categoría organizacional. -- Categoría individual. -- Categoría mixta. -- Discusión. -- Anexo. -- Matriz bibliográfica. -- Matriz de hallazgos. -- Aprobación trabajo de grado. -- Referencias.

    Review of factors which contribute to graduate employees' intention to stay in South Africa

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    In the past decade, human resource practitioners have focused their attention on employee retention. They have tried various practices in order to keep their employees in the organisation for longer. The research gap identified is in the graduate employees' intention to stay context. There has been even less research in this field within South Africa. This study aims to examine the extent to which career advancement opportunities and supervisor involvement contribute to graduate employees' intention to stay. In addition, this study focused on four factors namely, career progression, continuous learning, performance management and recognition in analysing the extent to which these four factors have contributed to graduate employees' intention to stay. Job satisfaction and affective commitment were also examined for their mediational effects on the relationship between career advancement opportunities, supervisor involvement and graduate employees' intention to stay. Graduate employees working in South African organisations participated in a self-report, quantitative survey (N = 357). Whilst the exploratory factor analysis of the intention to stay revealed a unidimensional factor, it was interesting to note that career progression and continuous learning loaded onto one distinct factor, labelled as career advancement opportunities. The multiple regression analysis indicated that career advancement opportunities and supervisor involvement were statistically significant predictors of intention to stay. Process mediation was used to test whether job satisfaction and affective commitment were mediators between career advancement opportunities, supervisor involvement and intention to stay. It was found that both job satisfaction and affective commitment were significant partial mediators in the abovementioned relationship. The study discusses suggestions for future research and the implications, both theoretical and practical, associated with the study