1,065 research outputs found

    Recognizing Voice Over IP: A Robust Front-End for Speech Recognition on the World Wide Web

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    The Internet Protocol (IP) environment poses two relevant sources of distortion to the speech recognition problem: lossy speech coding and packet loss. In this paper, we propose a new front-end for speech recognition over IP networks. Specifically, we suggest extracting the recognition feature vectors directly from the encoded speech (i.e., the bit stream) instead of decoding it and subsequently extracting the feature vectors. This approach offers two significant benefits. First, the recognition system is only affected by the quantization distortion of the spectral envelope. Thus, we are avoiding the influence of other sources of distortion due to the encoding-decoding process. Second, when packet loss occurs, our front-end becomes more effective since it is not constrained to the error handling mechanism of the codec. We have considered the ITU G.723.1 standard codec, which is one of the most preponderant coding algorithms in voice over IP (VoIP) and compared the proposed front-end with the conventional approach in two automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks, namely, speaker-independent isolated digit recognition and speaker-independent continuous speech recognition. In general, our approach outperforms the conventional procedure, for a variety of simulated packet loss rates. Furthermore, the improvement is higher as network conditions worsen.Publicad

    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Text-Independent, Open-Set Speaker Recognition

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    Speaker recognition, like other biometric personal identification techniques, depends upon a person\u27s intrinsic characteristics. A realistically viable system must be capable of dealing with the open-set task. This effort attacks the open-set task, identifying the best features to use, and proposes the use of a fuzzy classifier followed by hypothesis testing as a model for text-independent, open-set speaker recognition. Using the TIMIT corpus and Rome Laboratory\u27s GREENFLAG tactical communications corpus, this thesis demonstrates that the proposed system succeeded in open-set speaker recognition. Considering the fact that extremely short utterances were used to train the system (compared to other closed-set speaker identification work), this system attained reasonable open-set classification error rates as low as 23% for TIMIT and 26% for GREENFLAG. Feature analysis identified the filtered linear prediction cepstral coefficients with or without the normalized log energy or pitch appended as a robust feature set (based on the 17 feature sets considered), well suited for clean speech and speech degraded by tactical communications channels

    Speaker Recognition Systems: A Tutorial

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    Abstract This paper gives an overview of speaker recognition systems. Speaker recognition is the task of automatically recognizing who is speaking by identifying an unknown speaker among several reference speakers using speaker-specific information included in speech waves. The different classification of speaker recognition and speech processing techniques required for performing the recognition task are discussed. The basic modules of a speaker recognition system are outlined and discussed. Some of the techniques required to implement each module of the system were discussed and others are mentioned. The methods were also compared with one another. Finally, this paper concludes by giving a few research trends in speaker recognition for some year to come

    Robust speaker identification using artificial neural networks

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    This research mainly focuses on recognizing the speakers through their speech samples. Numerous Text-Dependent or Text-Independent algorithms have been developed by people so far, to recognize the speaker from his/her speech. In this thesis, we concentrate on the recognition of the speaker from the fixed text i.e. Text-Dependent . Possibility of extending this method to variable text i.e. Text-Independent is also analyzed. Different feature extraction algorithms are employed and their performance with Artificial Neural Networks as a Data Classifier on a fixed training set is analyzed. We find a way to combine all these individual feature extraction algorithms by incorporating their interdependence. The efficiency of these algorithms is determined after the input speech is classified using Back Propagation Algorithm of Artificial Neural Networks. A special case of Back Propagation Algorithm which improves the efficiency of the classification is also discussed

    Speaker independent isolated word recognition

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    The work presented in this thesis concerns the recognition of isolated words using a pattern matching approach. In such a system, an unknown speech utterance, which is to be identified, is transformed into a pattern of characteristic features. These features are then compared with a set of pre-stored reference patterns that were generated from the vocabulary words. The unknown word is identified as that vocabulary word for which the reference pattern gives the best match. One of the major difficul ties in the pattern comparison process is that speech patterns, obtained from the same word, exhibit non-linear temporal fluctuations and thus a high degree of redundancy. The initial part of this thesis considers various dynamic time warping techniques used for normalizing the temporal differences between speech patterns. Redundancy removal methods are also considered, and their effect on the recognition accuracy is assessed. Although the use of dynamic time warping algorithms provide considerable improvement in the accuracy of isolated word recognition schemes, the performance is ultimately limited by their poor ability to discriminate between acoustically similar words. Methods for enhancing the identification rate among acoustically similar words, by using common pattern features for similar sounding regions, are investigated. Pattern matching based, speaker independent systems, can only operate with a high recognition rate, by using multiple reference patterns for each of the words included in the vocabulary. These patterns are obtained from the utterances of a group of speakers. The use of multiple reference patterns, not only leads to a large increase in the memory requirements of the recognizer, but also an increase in the computational load. A recognition system is proposed in this thesis, which overcomes these difficulties by (i) employing vector quantization techniques to reduce the storage of reference patterns, and (ii) eliminating the need for dynamic time warping which reduces the computational complexity of the system. Finally, a method of identifying the acoustic structure of an utterance in terms of voiced, unvoiced, and silence segments by using fuzzy set theory is proposed. The acoustic structure is then employed to enhance the recognition accuracy of a conventional isolated word recognizer

    ARMA lattice modeling for isolated word speech recognition.

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    Speaker Recognition Using Multiple Parametric Self-Organizing Maps

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    Speaker Recognition is the process of automatically recognizing a person who is speaking on the basis of individual parameters included in his/her voice. This technology allows systems to automatically verify identify in applications such as banking by telephone or forensic science. A Speaker Recognition system has the following main modules: Feature Extraction and Classification. For feature extraction the most commonly used techniques are MEL-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) and Linear Predictive Coding (LPC). For classification and verification, technologies such as Vector Quantization (VQ), Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Neural Networks have been used. The contribution of this thesis is a new methodology to achieve high accuracy identification and impostor rejection. The new proposed method, Multiple Parametric Self-Organizing Maps (M-PSOM) is a classification and verification technique. The new method was successfully implemented and tested using the CSLU Speaker Recognition Corpora of the Oregon School of Engineering with excellent results

    Speaker Identification Based On Discriminative Vector Quantization And Data Fusion

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    Speaker Identification (SI) approaches based on discriminative Vector Quantization (VQ) and data fusion techniques are presented in this dissertation. The SI approaches based on Discriminative VQ (DVQ) proposed in this dissertation are the DVQ for SI (DVQSI), the DVQSI with Unique speech feature vector space segmentation for each speaker pair (DVQSI-U), and the Adaptive DVQSI (ADVQSI) methods. The difference of the probability distributions of the speech feature vector sets from various speakers (or speaker groups) is called the interspeaker variation between speakers (or speaker groups). The interspeaker variation is the measure of template differences between speakers (or speaker groups). All DVQ based techniques presented in this contribution take advantage of the interspeaker variation, which are not exploited in the previous proposed techniques by others that employ traditional VQ for SI (VQSI). All DVQ based techniques have two modes, the training mode and the testing mode. In the training mode, the speech feature vector space is first divided into a number of subspaces based on the interspeaker variations. Then, a discriminative weight is calculated for each subspace of each speaker or speaker pair in the SI group based on the interspeaker variation. The subspaces with higher interspeaker variations play more important roles in SI than the ones with lower interspeaker variations by assigning larger discriminative weights. In the testing mode, discriminative weighted average VQ distortions instead of equally weighted average VQ distortions are used to make the SI decision. The DVQ based techniques lead to higher SI accuracies than VQSI. DVQSI and DVQSI-U techniques consider the interspeaker variation for each speaker pair in the SI group. In DVQSI, speech feature vector space segmentations for all the speaker pairs are exactly the same. However, each speaker pair of DVQSI-U is treated individually in the speech feature vector space segmentation. In both DVQSI and DVQSI-U, the discriminative weights for each speaker pair are calculated by trial and error. The SI accuracies of DVQSI-U are higher than those of DVQSI at the price of much higher computational burden. ADVQSI explores the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all speakers in the SI group. In contrast with DVQSI and DVQSI-U, in ADVQSI, the feature vector space segmentation is for each speaker instead of each speaker pair based on the interspeaker variation between each speaker and all the speakers in the SI group. Also, adaptive techniques are used in the discriminative weights computation for each speaker in ADVQSI. The SI accuracies employing ADVQSI and DVQSI-U are comparable. However, the computational complexity of ADVQSI is much less than that of DVQSI-U. Also, a novel algorithm to convert the raw distortion outputs of template-based SI classifiers into compatible probability measures is proposed in this dissertation. After this conversion, data fusion techniques at the measurement level can be applied to SI. In the proposed technique, stochastic models of the distortion outputs are estimated. Then, the posteriori probabilities of the unknown utterance belonging to each speaker are calculated. Compatible probability measures are assigned based on the posteriori probabilities. The proposed technique leads to better SI performance at the measurement level than existing approaches