43,544 research outputs found

    Next challenges for adaptive learning systems

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    Learning from evolving streaming data has become a 'hot' research topic in the last decade and many adaptive learning algorithms have been developed. This research was stimulated by rapidly growing amounts of industrial, transactional, sensor and other business data that arrives in real time and needs to be mined in real time. Under such circumstances, constant manual adjustment of models is in-efficient and with increasing amounts of data is becoming infeasible. Nevertheless, adaptive learning models are still rarely employed in business applications in practice. In the light of rapidly growing structurally rich 'big data', new generation of parallel computing solutions and cloud computing services as well as recent advances in portable computing devices, this article aims to identify the current key research directions to be taken to bring the adaptive learning closer to application needs. We identify six forthcoming challenges in designing and building adaptive learning (pre-diction) systems: making adaptive systems scalable, dealing with realistic data, improving usability and trust, integrat-ing expert knowledge, taking into account various application needs, and moving from adaptive algorithms towards adaptive tools. Those challenges are critical for the evolving stream settings, as the process of model building needs to be fully automated and continuous.</jats:p

    Evaluation of recommender systems in streaming environments

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    Evaluation of recommender systems is typically done with finite datasets. This means that conventional evaluation methodologies are only applicable in offline experiments, where data and models are stationary. However, in real world systems, user feedback is continuously generated, at unpredictable rates. Given this setting, one important issue is how to evaluate algorithms in such a streaming data environment. In this paper we propose a prequential evaluation protocol for recommender systems, suitable for streaming data environments, but also applicable in stationary settings. Using this protocol we are able to monitor the evolution of algorithms' accuracy over time. Furthermore, we are able to perform reliable comparative assessments of algorithms by computing significance tests over a sliding window. We argue that besides being suitable for streaming data, prequential evaluation allows the detection of phenomena that would otherwise remain unnoticed in the evaluation of both offline and online recommender systems.Comment: Workshop on 'Recommender Systems Evaluation: Dimensions and Design' (REDD 2014), held in conjunction with RecSys 2014. October 10, 2014, Silicon Valley, United State

    Sketch of Big Data Real-Time Analytics Model

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    Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information sciences, decision makers in governments and enterprises. However, there is a lot of potential and highly useful value hidden in the huge volume of data. Data is the new oil, but unlike oil data can be refined further to create even more value. Therefore, a new scientific paradigm is born as data-intensive scientific discovery, also known as Big Data. The growth volume of real-time data requires new techniques and technologies to discover insight value. In this paper we introduce the Big Data real-time analytics model as a new technique. We discuss and compare several Big Data technologies for real-time processing along with various challenges and issues in adapting Big Data. Real-time Big Data analysis based on cloud computing approach is our future research direction

    Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes

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    Modern information systems that support complex business processes generally maintain significant amounts of process execution data, particularly records of events corresponding to the execution of activities (event logs). In this paper, we present an approach to analyze such event logs in order to predictively monitor business goals during business process execution. At any point during an execution of a process, the user can define business goals in the form of linear temporal logic rules. When an activity is being executed, the framework identifies input data values that are more (or less) likely to lead to the achievement of each business goal. Unlike reactive compliance monitoring approaches that detect violations only after they have occurred, our predictive monitoring approach provides early advice so that users can steer ongoing process executions towards the achievement of business goals. In other words, violations are predicted (and potentially prevented) rather than merely detected. The approach has been implemented in the ProM process mining toolset and validated on a real-life log pertaining to the treatment of cancer patients in a large hospital

    Explanation plug-in for stream-based collaborative filtering

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    Collaborative filtering is a widely used recommendation technique, which often relies on rating information shared by users, i.e., crowdsourced data. These filters rely on predictive algorithms, such as, memory or model based predictors, to build direct or latent user and item profiles from crowdsourced data. To predict unknown ratings, memory-based approaches rely on the similarity between users or items, whereas model-based mechanisms explore user and item latent profiles. However, many of these filters are opaque by design, leaving users with unexplained recommendations. To overcome this drawback, this paper introduces Explug, a local model-agnostic plug-in that works alongside stream-based collaborative filters to reorder and explain recommendations. The explanations are based on incremental user Trust & Reputation profiling and co-rater relationships. Experiments performed with crowdsourced data from TripAdvisor show that Explug explains and improves the quality of stream-based collaborative filter recommendations.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021-118Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50014/202

    PCM telemetry data compression study, phase II Quarterly report, 25 Nov. 1965 - 25 Feb. 1966

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    Model analyses and computer simulations used in data compression study for improved pulse code modulation telemetry link

    Probabilistic movement modeling for intention inference in human-robot interaction.

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    Intention inference can be an essential step toward efficient humanrobot interaction. For this purpose, we propose the Intention-Driven Dynamics Model (IDDM) to probabilistically model the generative process of movements that are directed by the intention. The IDDM allows to infer the intention from observed movements using Bayes ’ theorem. The IDDM simultaneously finds a latent state representation of noisy and highdimensional observations, and models the intention-driven dynamics in the latent states. As most robotics applications are subject to real-time constraints, we develop an efficient online algorithm that allows for real-time intention inference. Two human-robot interaction scenarios, i.e., target prediction for robot table tennis and action recognition for interactive humanoid robots, are used to evaluate the performance of our inference algorithm. In both intention inference tasks, the proposed algorithm achieves substantial improvements over support vector machines and Gaussian processes.

    RLFC: Random Access Light Field Compression using Key Views and Bounded Integer Encoding

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    We present a new hierarchical compression scheme for encoding light field images (LFI) that is suitable for interactive rendering. Our method (RLFC) exploits redundancies in the light field images by constructing a tree structure. The top level (root) of the tree captures the common high-level details across the LFI, and other levels (children) of the tree capture specific low-level details of the LFI. Our decompressing algorithm corresponds to tree traversal operations and gathers the values stored at different levels of the tree. Furthermore, we use bounded integer sequence encoding which provides random access and fast hardware decoding for compressing the blocks of children of the tree. We have evaluated our method for 4D two-plane parameterized light fields. The compression rates vary from 0.08 - 2.5 bits per pixel (bpp), resulting in compression ratios of around 200:1 to 20:1 for a PSNR quality of 40 to 50 dB. The decompression times for decoding the blocks of LFI are 1 - 3 microseconds per channel on an NVIDIA GTX-960 and we can render new views with a resolution of 512X512 at 200 fps. Our overall scheme is simple to implement and involves only bit manipulations and integer arithmetic operations.Comment: Accepted for publication at Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '19